So when I was pregnant, my nose developed the ability to decipher the molecular makeup of all matter with a mere whiff. I'm not kidding. I could smell the flour in cookies, the trees in paper. Food smells of almost all kinds made me completely ill and/or annoyed, so I pretty much gave up cooking. I just couldn't handle the multitude of smells that clogged the air during meal preparation. And while I maintain that my sense of smell is still heightened, it isn't so bad that I feel like I can taste through my nose. (Try tasting dirty laundry.)
But with the parasite on the outside and my sense of smell somewhat normalized, I've found myself in the kitchen like crazy. Like. Crazy. I'm all about trying new recipes. In particular, I've developed a particular OBSESSION with
this cornbread and honey butter. I make it at least once a week. It's the perfect texture, the perfect moistness, and it doesn't crumble all over the place, which drives me crazy about cornbread.
Now don't get too excited - I don't actually create recipes. I just troll recipe blogs. One of my hobbies is blog stalking (oh come on, it's one of yours too), recipe blogs included, and I've found a few that are here to stay. If you're looking for a yummy, easy (I only do easy) dinner, give one of these a try.
Creamy Pesto Crockpot Chicken (If you love pesto, you may find yourself in a committed relationship with this dish.)
And the photo? Why she's the most delicious thing around. Of course. :)