Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Where did March Go?

I guess we stayed busy!  Here is an update on everyone!
Beckam is getting better at feeding himself and loves trying new food.  He REALLY loves avocados!  He'll eat a whole one as a snack :)  I really wish I could give one to him everyday!  We are grateful when they are on sale!

He's also getting more mobile!  He loves his walker.  I only wish he had a larger area to "practice" in.
 Kyler loves to build with the blocks.  He is so creative!  He built this and wanted to let me know it was a giraffe!
 Also this month we gave Rice University our acceptance!  We will be heading to Houston, Texas at the end of the summer for Christian to do his PhD work there.  I will miss the mountains!

 Beckam got his 3rd hair cut!
 He also learned a new trick.
 He loves to flush the toilet if given the chance.  We really try to remember to keep the door closed now!
 On March 10th Jaden and I went on a date!  We used some passes he won at school for awesome reading, and went bowling at Fat Cats.

He was so funny the whole time.  He was really concerned about the older boys on the lane next to us.  I think he wanted to make sure he was looking cool! (And hanging out with you mom apparently is getting un-cool) :(  I thought it was fun though.
 Jaden even got an awesome picture of me bowling! :)
 Not a bad game!  
 We are all LOVING this spring weather!
 We also FINALLY closed on our house this month!  Good-bye house!  We really do miss you a TON...well, moslty the neighborhood, but the house too.
Just being happy!


 Kyler was very proud of his 4 leaf clover craft he made.
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
 Jaden's school had a Career Fair and we got to ride the bus from his school to it!  Kyler thought that was pretty neat to ride such a HUGE bus!
 More new tricks!  Beckam also learned to suck from a straw!
 He's pretty proud of himself!

He's usually such a silly and fun guy to have around!
 On March 27th we were outside playing and I put Beckam down on the driveway.  It took me a second to realize, when he was next to me on the stairs, what must have happened!  He just keeps blowing me away with all he's learning!  He can go up stairs!  Who knew?

He's also recently learned to clap!
But no one can be happy forever! :(  He has his tough times too!  When he does this, he won't even let me just cuddle him, kiss him and make it better!  He screams even more (no seriously) if I hold him while he's throwing a fit!
On the 30th MBASA had an Easter activity.  The boys strung froot loop necklaces.
 For a while there, Kyler only wanted the red ones!  He LOVES the color red!
 Beckam still pretty much hates the grass!
 Jaden and Kyler wouldn't even look at me for a picture.  Silly boys!
 I made some bunny ears for Beckam.  He thought the Easter bunny was pretty weird, but he's my first to not be screaming while by him.
 That night we went to UVU's Soccer field.  They were doing a soccer clinic.  Kyler's out there in "crab position" on the left in a white jersey.

 Jaden wouldn't go play with the 7+ group.  He liked being the best one there in the younger group! :)
 Beckam was worn out from the crazy busy day.
 Jaden is #7 on the right with Kyler in orange right by him.
 They seriously had a blast!  Jaden asked if this was every Friday night now.  He sure loves soccer.
 Kyler is the one in the tunnel at the end trying to jump up for a high 5 instead of just running through :)
 Yay for soccer!!  Jaden's already out...wondering where the treats are!
I think the months just fly by because we stay so busy!  Before we know it, we'll be packing up for Texas!  More adventures, here we come!...

Monday, April 02, 2012

My 9 month old!

WOW!  I'm way behind! This post has been sitting in my posts for a little over a month! Since Beckam is now 10 months, not 9.  Oh well.  At his 9 months appointment he had lost an ounce from his 6-9 month. Dropping him down to the 3% for weight.  (Probably because he hadn't eaten for like 2 weeks because his 2 top teeth were pushing in.)  So they wanted to do a "weigh in" at 10 months to see how he was doing.  They gave me some formula to add to his diet (so I've been just adding a scoop of it to his baby food) and in 1 month he gained 1 lb 2 oz!  So I guess he's doing better.  More videos and pics to come but here are a few that have been here forever!

He loves cups, and anything that can be used to make this sound!

His brothers love to play with him and make him laugh!  Jaden was so nice to share his balloon from the store.

His balance is getting a lot better and one day he decided he wanted to try this walker toy out!

Jaden Jr. Jazz

Each sports season always seems to come and go more quickly than we would like it to!  Jr. Jazz is already over, and I swear it just started!  What a handsome little 6 year old!
Thanks to Brian and Shenna being there for a game we have some decent photos! Thanks Dad!

Kyler always looked forward to half time and being able to slam dunk with daddy!
Jaden has gotten really good at dribbling!
And scoring too! I LOVE this picture!  He made 6 shots at some games, 1 or 2 at others, and LOVED every single one no matter how much or little he scored!  He seriously loves basketball!
Go Kyler!

And we all know why we really play city sports....the TREATS!!! (ask Brian Regan!)

Cyrus' Dad was Jaden's coach.
Go Jr. Jazz!
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers