Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Drumroll please......

We went in Monday and were able to find out the sex of our newest little addition. Remember how the Dr. said probably a BOY? Remember how I was certain it just had to be a GIRL? Well........


Boy, Girl, Boy, Girl.... could not have hand picked it better myself! I love all my kids so much and feel so blessed to be able to raise each and every one of them. So happy that they will all have a brother and a sister. Avery is beyond excited!! She kept holding the ultrasound pictures and would not give them back to me. She has been giving us name suggestions ever since! I'm so so happy and can't wait to meet this little girl and get started on all the girlie things I want to make before she arrives!! SO BLESSED!

P.S..... Placenta is still really low. BOO!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

September 11th through Jace's eyes

Jace brings home a ton of papers he worked on in school that day. As I was going through it, ready to thow it all away I came across this...

At first I was thinking.... "Who's this Ladon kid that apparently he DOES NOT LIKE! Maybe I need a chat with his teacher?" Then I looked at his drawing and it all made sense.

"Just not rite! I Do not like Ladon!"

I wanted to post something on the 10th anniversary of September 11th but just couldn't find any words that could accurately describe my feelings about that horrific day. Sometimes our children's simplest of words says it best. May we never forget the lives that were lost and the bravery and selfless acts of love and kindess that many great people showed on that day. GOD BLESS AMERICA.

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Thursday, September 8, 2011

Ready or Not...

As I previously mentioned, I do have a good excuse for my absense from the blogging world.....









BABY #4!!!!!

Ready or not he/she comes 2-12-2012.... and actually I'm READY!!

I'm 18 weeks and we find out SOON if we are going to be welcoming a girl or boy. I could've bet my life that it's a GIRL but my ultrasound at 14 weeks kinda said otherwise. The Doc actually said it was probably too early to tell so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Honestly I'm happy with whatever but I am kindof hoping Avery gets her sister! We shall see... but in the mean time I'm thinking PINK!

This pregnancy has been a little rough compared to my others. Could it be that I'm not 21 anymore?? Maybe I wasn't made to have babies into my 30's. Yikes, I am in denial that I'm actually turning that dreaded age soon. Morning sickness (such a dumb term since we all know it's basically all day sickness!) had hit me harder this time round. Luckily I'm pretty text book pregnancy and it faded at around 13 weeks. I'm feeling much more like myself these days. I did have a scare however at 9 weeks with heavy bleeding. I thought it was miscarriage for sure. Went to the ER in Oklahoma and when they pulled up on the monitor a heart beat I just started crying. I had prepared myself for the worse and it felt so good to see that tiny preciouse thing on the screen in front of me. I had actually been off and on spotting for a few months and had another scare at 14 weeks with more than normal bleeding. I went in to see the Dr. and he diagnosed me with placenta previa. Basically my placenta lies right near the cervix and any kind of heavy activity can cause the bleeding. He also said I have a 25% chance that the placenta won't move up which will cause me to have a C-section at delivery.... WHAT?!! I'm praying and fingers crossed that this won't be the case. I love my labors and couldn't imagine it any other way. So we will see what happens. I've been taking it easy and haven't had any spotting for almost a month so that's a good sign. Can't wait for the Dr. to clear me to start exercising again... I miss my aerobics class! JD planned on staying in OKC until the end of Sept but he knew I really needed him here. He's been a huge help and we all LOVE having him home again. I missed my better half. I love him.

It has been so much fun to see how excited the kids are for this baby. They are older now and can understand it all. Little Brody is always patting my tummy and asking if he's hurting the baby. And as you can imagine, Avery is more than excited. She asks me DAILY how big the baby is now. I'm positive she will be smothering it every chance she gets! Jace has been such a sweetheart and helping me out so much. I'm just so excited for another addition to the family. JD and I always said we wanted 4 children and I can't believe how fast it all went. To think that our family could be complete after this is crazy. I'm not making it final though. You never know what the future holds....