Tuesday, May 18, 2010

She's Here!

Many of you know that JD left for Texas a month ago. I'm still here at home just waiting for Jace to get out of school and for Avery's dance recital in June until we can join him. So basically for the last month I've been a single mom. Surprisingly I think I held up pretty good the first few weeks. By week 3 I was in need of a break! Well I endured and now help has arrived! My little sis Laurel is here now and will stay with us for the rest of the summer. I love this little "nanny" situation we got goin'! I'm lucky enough to have so many little sisters that are able to come stay with us over the summers. So here's to Laurel and my solo trips to Wal Mart!! Yeah!

A few pics at the mall today....

Already putting her to use!

Introducing....... MISS THANG!!

Avery had her dance class pics taken last Saturday. She of course LOVED having her hair done and makeup on. I can't even stress how girlie she is! I LOVE LOVE it. She looked so cute and I can't wait for her first dance recital!

This is cute, I was going through Jace's backpack and found this picture. It kindof makes me sad we live away from family....

In case you can't read it it says... "I like to go to Idhow (Idaho) cus my famley is there and I love my famley!" Oh I love that boy!

And this one's for you honey! I know you miss this little guy SO MUCH! He is always calling for you. Especially when he's in trouble or sad he will say, "My Daddy, my Daddy" in the cutest little melt your heart baby voice ever!

Oh yeah, I also wanted to mention that I got a new calling!!! I'm going to be the Mia Maids advisor! I am SOOO excited. I've always wanted to be in YW's and I could not be more thrilled about this... yeah!!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Bows with Becky

My friend Becky came over and showed me how to make these adorable bows. We were seriously bow making machines!! I think she told me she made 75 bows in the last few days. It's so addicting and they turned out so cute! I don't consider myself super crafty but my creative juices must have been flowing, I love these! Now Avery has a bow for every outfit...

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Anyone who knows me knows my love for Daughtry! I was so excited to be able to finally make it to one of their concerts here in the valley. I scored some seriously sweet seats! Took my friend Annie with me and had SO MUCH FUN!!!

I had to get a pic of this couple. Seriously the worst PDA... it wouldn't have been so bad if they weren't 7 feet tall! Making out the whole time and blocking our view.

Best part of the night??? Me getting some skin from Chris himself!! This pic was taken right after... the face says it all!! Woo hoo ;)

Daughtry and Lifehouse duet... so good!

Me and my girl! Thanks for joining me Annie, I had a blast and since JD was gone you were definitely the next best thing!! Muah!

Here's some footage....... ENJOY!!!!!!!!!