Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Anticipated Family Pics!

We got our family pictures done the beginning of December. I thought they turned out great and our photographer was so patient! It was no easy task to do this with 3 little ones. Thanks Tami Webb! I wish we could do them more often but I have a husband who is worse than the 3 kids combined when it comes to professional pics, oh well! I couldn't decide which ones to post so there are quite a few. And Avery in every single picture was doing something different with her hands, she is quite the character. I think these showed her personality perfectly!



Last weekend JD got home from work and I (totally spur of the moment) suggest that we make a trip to IKEA and spend some of our Christmas dough that we got from both sets of parents. I have been eyeing a few things that I wanted to get for our living room. To my surprise he went along with it! Yay!! My husband HATES shopping, and I remember the first and last time a few years ago that we went to IKEA to check it out. We left with nothing and JD vowed to never return again! He is the worst! How could you not LOVE that place, I am in heaven there! I also never knew that they had a babysitter center there for FREE! I think that sealed the deal for JD! So we get there, I enroll the children (minus Brody who didn't meet the height limit or potty training rule, dang!) and we are off to find the bookshelf that I wanted. Then I remember why JD hated that place so bad. He really has no patience for wandering around trying to find what we are looking for and then we have to go and pick up the stuff on our way out too. I am sitting there deciding what I want and I am SO UNDECISIVE it kills him! I actually get anxiety when he goes with me because I am standing there looking at what I want and I am thinking "crap decide Leah, just decide! JD is going to leave you here if you don't hurry and decide!" Ugh! Haha anyways on our way out I am really quite proud at how well JD handled the whole trip, he was actually still in pretty good spirits! But we are at the checkout lane and he is making small talk with the checker and he asks if IKEA is Japanese or Chinese or something. She tells him it's actually Swedish and stands for the founders initials. He then says, "Oh, I just thought it was Japanese for: GIANT MAZE OF CHEAP SHIT!" Hahahahaha, I looked over at him like, Did you seriously just say that?!! Of course he did! Love it or hate it, that's JD! Well we came home with a sweet bookshelf and 8 baskets to go with it. A coffee table, 2 end tables, 4 nice picture frames, and a rug! I LOVE IKEA... and thanks Mom and Dad Meacham and Rasmussen!

The truck all loaded up! Thanks honey I couldn't have done that trip without you, plus it's way more fun with you along! You keep it interesting ;)

I will have to post some pics of our new living room!!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

December '09

Here is our December pics... in my attempt to catch up it's all crammed into one post. And I am kinda blah at the moment so I have nothing really cool to say either....

311 Concert 12/10/09....... yes that's two 311 concerts in less than 6 months. Does that count us as groupies???! Oh well, I love them and it was a total blast!


Jace finished up his fall/winter season of Tball! And went undefeated again!! lol

We are taking a short break from Tball to allow Jace to play soccer or whatever else he wants to sample ;)


Lights at the Mesa Temple

I love this temple. I think it's gorgeous, and can't wait for construction to begin on the Gilbert Temple that will be right down the street from us!

Haha, Brody trying to sneak under the fence to the nativity scene until he got stuck!!


Christmas in AZ....

We decided to celebrate Christmas here before heading to Idaho. Although Santa did find them in Idaho as well!!


Off to Idaho......

Before making it to our destination we stopped off in Utah for a few days and we were able to stay with my sis Lachelle. I was so excited to finally meet our newest little nephew. He is so ADORABLE! It was nice to get to spend some time with her. We were the first guests in their new gorgeous, beautiful, fabulous home. I think we broke it in real good! (sorry)

The kids were obsessed with this little man. They were constantly fighting over who got to hold him next. Brody kept saying "bebe" in his cute little french sounding accent!! It made me wonder if it's maybe time for another???? Mmmm.... maybe not! Although tempting because he is so irresistibly cute!

On December 23rd we celebrated JD's grandparents 75th wedding Anniversary at Memory Grove in Salt Lake City. Can you believe this incredible milestone?!! It's really amazing and his grandparents look unbelievable and their story is really inspiring. I can't believe I forgot my camera. I will try and maybe do a post just on them once I get a hold of some pictures from the event..... but later that evening the Meacham clan went to temple square to see the lights, it was Cold to say the least..... so we just enjoyed the lights from on top of the Joseph Smith Memorial building.

Jace and Brody enjoying the view of the temple. Brody kept saying "wow, wow!"


Christmas '09

Christmas Eve and the kids in their Christmas jammies!

Christmas morning... Brody trying on Jace's cool Bumblebee helmet!

I think it fits Jace better!!

Avery loves her new collection of My little Ponies!

I made JD this sweet Michigan blanket for Christmas... he likes it!

And this is what I got for Christmas!!! Apparently having JD, is all I need ;)

Avery and cousin Abbi playing princess



Aunt Leisha put her extensions in Avery's hair and she was on cloud nine! She kept them in all night and would not walk but skip everywhere. She loved when the curls would bounce on her back! Too funny... I do prefer Avery's little pixie haircut though!

Jace and Avery in the future!!

On our way back home we were able to stop and go to Camden's baby blessing. It was so nice to spend an extra day with family.

Mom and all the sisters (except Laurel, we missed ya.) Oh yeah, and Brody!!

This will probably be the last time I see my bro Layne for 2 years!! He's been called to serve in the Bucharest, Romania mission and reports beginning of February! I am so proud of you Layne and I know you are going to be an awesome missionary.
Well that' all..... I miss all my family already, the time always goes by way too fast. Jace has mentioned several times how much he wants to move to Idaho and live there forever! He's going to have a lot of convincing to do for his Daddy to consider that! Although I'm not complaining, I love the 70 degree weather we've been having ;)
Oh yeah, and how about the Bachelor??!! It's going to be a good season.... my pick is Tenley for sure!!