Thursday, March 26, 2009

Spring Break Week!

It's become a tradition for my sister Lachelle and her husband Mark to come visit us for their Spring Break every year. We had so much fun! The kids love when we have visitors and they especially love their Aunt Chelle and Uncle Mark. Here are some pics from the week... (sorry to those mutual friends of Chelle and I, most of these pics are posted on her blog too!)

Love my sister!

We were able to catch a couple of Spring Training games... we saw Mark's A's and of course JD's Giants later that week!!

A baseball game is the only time a hotdog tastes good!!

We all wore some green and went out for St. Patrick's Day! Had some dinner and then headed over to the dueling piano place....

Yes, JD IS Irish... proud of it too!

LOVE this one.... Mark was so stoked when they played John Denver! Here he is belting out "Country Roads!!!"

Lachelle got treated to her very first pedicure.... sorry Mark I think she might be hooked! I told her to go wild and she did.... choosing the Spring Break "BAM" color!

Friday we loaded up the kiddies and went to one of the Chandler pools. Admission $1.50!! Seriously?!.... Sweet! JD could NOT wait to take Jace down one of the water slides. He was an inch too short but of course JD was able to talk the lifeguard into letting him go down! Jace loved it!

Last night JD and I went to the Suns vs. Jazz game. It was a really good game... they never trailed each other by more than a few points the whole time. The last quarter was making me nervous but the Suns pulled it off! Go Phoenix, make the playoffs!!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Lots of Updates... Lots of Pictures!

Haven't blogged for a few weeks so I guess this will be a catch up post! (it's long!) A lot has been going on, the kids are constantly growing and learning new things and keeping us busy. Let's start with Jace...........

Well he just finished up T Ball last week. He thinks they went undefeated and they have the trophy to prove it! (score was not kept, it's 4 yr. old TBall!) I just got him registered for Kindergarten for next fall. I honestly can't believe that we will have a Kindergartner! No more skipping town whenever and for however long anymore!! Sad day! He's pretty excited about it and I am excited to see how much he is going to learn. I had to take him in to get his immunizations before I could register him and he was so brave. I swear it doesn't matter how old your child is... it still makes you feel so bad when they get their shots. I had to have him sit on my lap and try and hold him down while he was crying "mommy" the whole time. Broke my heart. He is such a sweet boy and seriously keeps me sane. He helps me out with Avery and Brody so much. The best helper boy ever. I LOVE YOU JACE!

Accepting his trophy after their last game

Chillin' at the final 8am T Ball game, hence the jammies!

Jace is constantly drawing pictures. I pic up about 30 papers a day laying around the house with random drawings on them! It's like one day he decided that he actually likes to draw and color. This first one is of the Madagascar characters and the last one is a picture he made just for me! He said it's a pic of me and him holding hands on top of the temple? He is the sweetest!

Ok on to Avery........What can I say.... she is our wild child. Jace did NOT prepare me for her. Lately all she does is draw on walls, our pillows, sheets, and color on all our couches. Seriously there is a wall in our master bedroom that I am going to have to paint over because I have tried scrubbing the pen scribbles and it will not come off. At first I thought all her mischeviousness was cute and I would get pictures of it... well now it just makes me so mad! I hide the crayons and pens but she always seems to find one that Jace left laying around. Like I always say... it's a dang good thing she is cute! We do love her so much and she has such a fun personality and is such a goofball. Her favorite expression right now is.. "what the heck" or "what the heck are you doing?" It's pretty cute...

She gets her way with Daddy!

This is how I found them the other night... awww!

Brody turned 9 months recently! I have decided this is my absolute favorite stage now until he turns one. I am seriously in love with this cutie pie! I guess the lady at the gym kids club is too because when I go to pick him up she doesn't want to hand him over! He sleeps 11 hours through the night and takes an awesome 2-3 hour nap each day! He is so playful and is all smiles. He has just noticed when I leave a room and he crawls after me crying the whole time. Now I have to sneak out and hope he doesn't see me! When I took him in for his Dr. check up he weighed 18.5 pounds and was in the 90th percentile for length. Poor boy is also on his 3rd cold this month...

Don't ya just love his "Brody hawk?!"

These next two pics are so funny! I came home from grocery shopping and JD motions for me to hurry and come inside. Upstairs in our bedroom he apparently was so tired he fell asleep on the floor with his face in the folded laundry. Doesn't look too comfortable!

Lastly, someone has joined our family... Bob the Beta (so original!) JD has wanted to get the kids a pet for awhile and since our backyard is minimal he settled for a pet fish! They love it and can't wait for feeding time. The most exciting thing this fish does is swim up to the top and eat his food! Haha, one day babe you can have your dog!

Wow, sometimes I can be too long winded... that was a long post! Well, tomorrow we have some visitors coming...... my little sis Lachelle and her hubby Mark! Followed next week by JD's parents! I am so excited to see everyone, can't wait!