Thursday, August 21, 2014

Family Pics 2014

I don't even know if I remember how to make a blog post anymore! Sad. Sad. Sad. I guess I will post some pictures from our last family photo session. I was actually surprised that JD agreed to more family pics, especially since the last time we had them done, wasn't 3 years ago. ;)  I just can't believe how fast life is going. I keep telling myself "The days are long, but the years are short." TRUTH. Kindof want to cry right now. Where did/does time go? Without further ado...

Meacham Family Pictures March 2014

Jace 9 yrs.

Avery 7 yrs.

Brody 5 yrs.

Holland 2 yrs.

"But I wanted to play with that stick!! Mom is SO mean!"

Best Buds

My studs

Mr. and Mrs. 32 yrs. Say what??

I got you babe!

My whole world!

My greatest blessings


Friday, January 25, 2013

Hard Lessons

I found this quote and am in love with it! I love being a Mom. I can't think of any greater calling in life. I'm a big softy and push over though, so as you can imagine it's hard for my kids to take my threats seriously sometimes. I always complain to JD that the kids never listen to me unless I am screaming at the top of my lungs and he always says it's because I am inconsistent. It's true. I will call out a threat and then later fold on it. Kids are smart dangit and they know what they can get away with.

So tonight I was getting ready to take the kids to Cold Stone after dinner since their school was having a fundraiser there. I told them to clean up around the house and we could go. I told Avery several times to take her CD player back to her room. She kept lally gagging around the house tinkering on Laurel's cell phone. When we were almost out the door I noticed that the CD player had managed to make it's way onto the couch in the next room and that's as far as it got. When I called for Avery she came out of a different room still playing with the phone! I told her that's it, she is not coming. The second I said that to her, I knew that she would cry and I would fold. I really had no intention on following through with it, just another empty threat to scare her. Well I started thinking, "this is my chance to really make a statement to the kids that I mean business!" So, we left without her. Poor thing was sobbing uncontrollably in the garage as we were pulling out. My heart was racing. I felt HORRIBLE! I  was so close to opening the garage door back up and letting her in the van. I couldn't believe I was actually doing it. I think it was harder for me than for her! Sweet Jace said that he didn't want to go anymore because he felt so bad we were leaving Avery. I told him it's a consequence to her choice. I planned on bringing her an ice cream home anyways, I'm not that MEAN!

We grabbed our ice cream to go and the boys were extremely well behaved. They buckled their seat belts without me harping a million times for them to do it. They knew I was serious! We got home and Avery was still crying. Felt pretty bad about that, but she perked up when we told her we brought her ice cream. I was able to sit with her and talk to her about choices and consequences. It was a good lesson and I have to say, I'm proud of myself. It was HARD. Man, this Mom business is tough stuff sometimes!

Friday, January 18, 2013

My Tom Brady look-a-like!

 It has come to my attention that I'm married to my own personal Tom Brady. Ooo La La! Haha, JD has been getting a lot lately that he looks like him and I think it's too funny not to share. I can't say I disagree. I'm a lucky girl ;)

More family pics

I just wanted to post the rest of our family pictures that were taken back in November. I love them! So fun to get them back and be happy with so many of them. I couldn't pick and choose so I posted a bunch. Hopefully I won't wait another 3 years to do them again! Thank you Ruth! You are the best.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

If you don't believe you don't receive!

Meet "Fred Red." Unless you live under a rock, I'm sure you know about the "Elf on the Shelf." Let me tell you, I have a serious love/hate relationship with this thing. First off, not only do you have to remember to move him every single night, apparently now you have to come up with something fun/cute/creative to do with him. You know, toilet paper your tree, snow angels in the flour, bubble bath with marshmallows, etc etc! This damn elf has more fun than any felt filled with cotton thing should! I am not bagging on the mom's out there who are SUPER DUPER FUN (I'm secretly jealous of your creativity), I'm just saying it's too much work for me to do at the end of a long day. So I just move him around and on occasion I do leave the kids a note and maybe a little treat. (Hey I can't be that totally lame mom.)

 So I have forgotten to move him TWICE! Not too bad considering how many times I ALMOST forgot to move him and jumped out of bed at 2am to do so. Well, last night was one of those nights. Jace says to me this morning that Fred Red didn't move. Now let me tell you about Jace. He is 8 and too smart for his own good. Common sense smart. I have had this feeling for a while that he is just still humoring me with all this "Believe" stuff. I don't quite remember what age I stopped believing but I know it was a gradual thing and I wasn't devastated once I decided once and for all that Santa wasn't real. I think Jace is almost there. It's kindof sad really. It makes me wonder if I haven't made it magical or fun enough for him to hang on and believe. I think JD and I have maybe one more solid year of his belief in Santa unless we do something totally amazing to restore his faith in all this. So anyways, I've totally steered from what I wanted to talk about. The elf. So we are heading to Cali today to meet up with JD who has been working all week, and go to Disneyland for a work conference. I forgot to move the elf and thought I'd be sneaky and take him out of his spot and then just put him in our car and hope that the kids behave on the drive there. Well, I stuffed him in one of my drawers until I could discreetly move him to the van. I told the kids that Fred Red wasn't in his spot anymore and they were all amazed. "Where is he?" I said I don't know, maybe back at the North Pole for a bit. Jace came into me and said, "Mom, I don't think Fred Red is real. I mean c'mon, he's cotton and has a plastic face." Hahaha, I asked him if he believed. He said he doesn't really believe in the elf but he still believes in Santa. Then I said the classic line of, "Well if you don't believe, you don't receive." You know what he said? "Mom Christmas isn't about RECEIVING anyways, it's about GIVING." You are so right buddy. I LOVE HIM! So I shut my bedroom door and let him in on the secret of the elf. He was pretty excited to get let in on the fun. He really wants to be in charge of moving him now. I will gladly let him! We proceeded to talk about Santa a little and what Christmas is really all about. Like I said, we need to come up with something good to keep his belief in Santa alive. So any suggestions are WELCOME!!

The funny part about this story is that after I had the talk with Jace, Avery comes into my room and was apparently looking for a pencil and wouldn't you know that little fart opened the damn drawer I put the elf in!!!! She screams, "Fred Red is in your drawer!" I gasp and look over. Seriously, this would happen to me. I saved it though, and just told her and Brody (who was now in the room) that he must have been so tired and is sleeping. I look over at Jace and he says to me that I totally blew it. I shushed him and shut the drawer. The kids were laughing quietly and thought it was SOOO funny that Fred Red was asleep in there. So at least THEY still believe, right?! Bad Mom. Dumb Elf. End of story.

P.S.  Don't get me wrong, I don't despise our little Fred Red. It HAS been fun for me to hear the kids' excitement each morning as they try and find him.  Oh and you bet I will still put him in our van and use him as leverage for the kids to be good on our road trip. There has to be some benefit to this little felt filled, plastic face, creepy elf!!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Sneak Peak

Family pictures stress me out like no other. Who's going to take them? What are we going to wear? What will our "theme" be? Will the kids behave and smile (will JD behave and smile?) So that's why they don't happen very often for us. Last time we had professional pics of the whole fam was three years ago. It was time to bite the bullet!! I had my friend Ruth do them for us and I think she did an amazing job! We took them yesterday and she posted a few on Facebook that I will share. I can't wait to see the rest! (When the pics are all finished I will post a link to her website, if that's ok Ruth!)

I am absolutely in love with this last one... I have the perfect spot for it in their room!! 

P.S. I have to give mad props to JD... he behaved!! Not one single comment under his breath. Took the whole session like a champ. Thanks babe!