I was hoping that the shop (Olive Juice in Onalaska, Wisconsin) would have some brightly colored wool and they did not disappoint. The only problem I had was knowing when to stop. I can now start my Summertime quilt.
I then found some 1/2" inch paper hexagons and a wonderful 2-1/2" pack of Kaffe Fasset fabric squares. Since I tend to get really nervous during my son's events I decided I should baste a few. And I obviously got quite a few finished.
They were actually very easy to baste, even with their small size and the glue pen...
I had to laugh a little as my husband never noticed the size until we were on our way home and I was still working on them. He thinks I'm nuts (but what is new there). He then told me he sure hoped this wasn't going to be bed sized. HA! You never know what can happen once I get started! :) Happy Stitching!!