Wednesday, September 1

Building Blocks

The kids were so funny about our schedule while Grandma and Grandpa were visiting. Every morning we ate breakfast, they played blocks, and then to play outside. In that order. Every morning. That was how it was the first time they visited us in Valdez and the kids haven't forgotten!

Mineral Creek waterfall

Flying Kites

10-Year High School Reunion

Some of my bestest friends. Please ignore my goofy smile...pretty sure we were laughing at something while the photo was being taken.

It was fun to catch up with the few that made it back for the reunion.

Memorial Day camping trip.

Our annual camping trip to Squirrel Creek was amazing this year. Nearly eighty degrees every day. The kids lived in the lake. We had a blast relaxing, playing, 4-wheeling, and hiking.


May was BEAUTIFUL this year! When my kids asked to play in the water one eveing I didn't have the heart to say no even though it wasn't all that warm any more so I let them stay in their clothes...they thought I was a bit crazy but they didn't ask twice!

28th Birthday

I started my birthday the same way I started nearly every other day this year summer with an hour long walk. Since it was a Saturday (I walk early so Dave's home with the kids while they're still sleeping) I was able to wait until Kali was up and she rode her bike and came with me. It was a beautiful day. It was community clean-up day so we then spent a few hours cleaning up the property and then prepared for my birthday picnic at the beach. There we met several families of friends and my parents. Everyone BBQed, we played water balloon volleyball, regular volleyball, and had cake. It was probably one of my favorite birthdays so far.

Working hard.

While Dave was building our shed earlier this summer Corey stayed busy "building" as well. He could hammer away at those pieces of scrap wood all day! I'm sure our tenants loved it!