Wednesday, September 1, 2010

6 month old stats

Although he will be 7 months in 5 days, I thought I should document his six month stats. Keaton is such a fun boy that brings so much joy into our lives. He is such a chill kid, which makes mommy very happy. He has finally started liking solid foods, is sitting up and rolling all over the place. He can be serious at times, but we can really get him giggling a lot too.
Weight: 15 lbs. 6 oz.- 20%
Height: 26 1/2 in. - 50%
Head: 42 cm - 20%
He is healthy and happy and that's all we could ask for. We sure love you Keaton!!

Madi's First Day of Kindergarten!!

Today was Madi's first day of Kindergarten and she was so excited!! She woke up at 7:30 and wanted to go to school right then. She picked out her outfit, and I thought she looked so grown up. When we got to the school I started to get out of the car and she told me that I didn't need to walk her to her class. I told her that I wanted to make sure she got there okay and that I wanted some pictures of her. She's only in Kindergarten and already thinks I'm uncool!!! The principal was walking around with a box of tissues asking all the moms if they needed one, and reminded us all they would only be there for a couple hours!!! I got a little teary eyed when she walked into her class, but she was definitely ready to go and I know she's going to have so much fun!

Madi and her good friend Colby. Her other good friend Payton is in her class, but he wasn't there in time for a picture.