Wednesday, September 1, 2010

6 month old stats

Although he will be 7 months in 5 days, I thought I should document his six month stats. Keaton is such a fun boy that brings so much joy into our lives. He is such a chill kid, which makes mommy very happy. He has finally started liking solid foods, is sitting up and rolling all over the place. He can be serious at times, but we can really get him giggling a lot too.
Weight: 15 lbs. 6 oz.- 20%
Height: 26 1/2 in. - 50%
Head: 42 cm - 20%
He is healthy and happy and that's all we could ask for. We sure love you Keaton!!

Madi's First Day of Kindergarten!!

Today was Madi's first day of Kindergarten and she was so excited!! She woke up at 7:30 and wanted to go to school right then. She picked out her outfit, and I thought she looked so grown up. When we got to the school I started to get out of the car and she told me that I didn't need to walk her to her class. I told her that I wanted to make sure she got there okay and that I wanted some pictures of her. She's only in Kindergarten and already thinks I'm uncool!!! The principal was walking around with a box of tissues asking all the moms if they needed one, and reminded us all they would only be there for a couple hours!!! I got a little teary eyed when she walked into her class, but she was definitely ready to go and I know she's going to have so much fun!

Madi and her good friend Colby. Her other good friend Payton is in her class, but he wasn't there in time for a picture.

Monday, August 16, 2010

4th of July Fun!!!

We had a fun and busy 4th of July weekend this year. We started out by going to a family campout on Friday with my dad's side of the family. We stayed overnight and had such a good time with everyone, but sadly enough I didn't take one picture!! We got home Saturday night and headed to Riverton park to watch fireworks. My mom always gets the grandkids 4th of July clothes, and here they all are looking cute!!

On Monday, we went to Mike's sister's house for dinner then headed to their neighborhood "sidewalk of fire". They have a kids parade, face painting, dessert potluck, sparklers and end the night with a big fireworks show. It was a fun night and we're glad Mark and Kelly invited us!

Keaton and his cousin Kenadie who is 3 weeks older than him. Aren't they so cute?!

Ellie with her pirate hat on

The kids in the parade. I didn't even realize Ellie stuck her tongue out at me until I looked at the picture!

Daddy and Keaton watching the fireworks

Madi's Birthday Parties

Madi's birthday was in June, and she had so much fun at all her parties. I can't believe my little girl is 5 and will be going to Kindergarten next week. Madi is such a funny girl that gives me a run for my money. She had a friend party this year and the theme was Princess and the frog. It worked out good because she invited boys, so I got them frog stuff and the girls princess stuff. They played pin the lips on the frog, musical lilypads, and a frog bean bag toss. They also colored princess and frog pictures, opened presents and had some cute frog cupcakes I made.

The whole gang!!

Everyone eating their cupcakes

Madi playing the bean bag toss game

All the kids dancing to the music during the musical lilypad game

We had a party with the Leatham side and she got so many fun presents.

Madi with her presents from mom and dad

Her Princess Tiana cake

She also celebrated her birthday with the Stocking side and loved all her presents from them as well.

Madi with all her loot

Happy Birthday Madi we love you!!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Madi's graduation!!!

Madi had her preschool graduation a couple weeks ago, and they had such a cute program. Madi has absolutely loved school and being with her friends. She learned so much thanks to her wonderful teacher Miss Katie. She is so good with the kids, and they all think the world of her.

As they each came out, they brought a rose over to their mom's. I thought it was so cute and thoughtful.

Telling everyone what her favorite thing about preschool was. She said, "Learning and playing with her friends."

Our official graduate!!

Madi with her diploma

They had someone come and take their pictures the week before school got out. Doesn't she look so cute in her little cap and gown.

After the program, we watched a video that Miss Katie put together of all the field trips and special days they had at school. It was such a special day and we are so proud of Madi and all her hard work. She did so well in preschool and is already reading. She is definitely ready for Kindergarten, but I'm not sure if I am!!

Easter Happenings...very late!!!

Yes I know that Easter was over 2 months ago, but I'm a little slow these days!! We had a wonderful Easter at our house. We were able to spend time with family and do a lot of fun things.

The girls in their Easter dresses.

All 3 of them. I don't have one of Keaton alone because he got really fussy, so I was going to take one later in his outfit but forgot.

The night before Easter we decided to dye some Easter eggs. The girls had a lot of fun dying the eggs, especially Ellie. I left the room for just a minute and told the girls not to touch anything. I got back and Ellie had poured some of the colors together and had her hands in one of the cups playing in it. Luckily it didn't get too much messier than that!!

Keaton really enjoyed dying the Easter eggs!!

Madi trying out the Easter eggs!

Ellie thought they were pretty yummy too!

See they do like each other sometimes!!!

The girls got up bright and early Easter morning to see if the Easter Bunny had been there. Don't mind their messy morning hair or the toothpaste on Ellie's face!

Ellie excited to start looking for her basket and other surprises.

Madi really like her princess flip flops.

Ellie liked her Tinkerbell flip flops too.

Keaton with his loot. Doesn't he look thrilled?! He was kind of fussy that day and wanted nothing to do with getting his picture taken, so this was the best I could get.

We were getting ready to go eat at Grandma and Grandpa Leatham's and I went into my room and found the 3 of them asleep like this on my bed.

After dinner, we went to Grandma and Grandpa Stocking's house for an Easter egg hunt. We had to have it inside because of the weather, but the kids still had so much fun.