Friday, November 7, 2008

HaPpY HalLoWeEn!! (A LiTtLe LaTe)

We had a very fun Halloween this year!! First we went to Aunt Cali's work and went trick or treating around the office. We then headed back to Grandma's house for some yummy soup. After dinner we went trick or treating around my parent's neighborhood and then headed home after a long day.

Ellie as a cute ladybug. She absolutely hated having her costume on, especially the hood. She kept saying, "Bug off, bug off!!" We did get her to smile for some pictures by letting her sit in the tree, she thought that was pretty great.

Madi was a scary witch, and boy was she SCARY. No one even recognized her with all her green make-up on. She loved her costume and made a very good witch.

All my neices and nephew in their cute costumes.

Ellie enjoying a sucker at aunt Cali's work!!

Aunt Cali with all the kids!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

A Fun-filled Day!!

So I know this is a little late, but our internet is really slow here. I guess it's better late than never. The day before Halloween, I went to Gardner Village with some family and friends. I thought the girls would like to see all the funny witches, but I guess I was wrong. They wanted nothing to do with them. They did enjoy the petting zoo, and Madi was actually brave enough this year to go on a pony ride. We were so proud of her!! Later than night we went to Mike's sisters house and carved pumpkin with all of Mike's family. We all had a really good time, and I think it should be a new tradition.

The girls checking out the witch wondering what the heck is going on. This is the best picture I could get, the others they were screaming!!

Madi on the pony, and loving it!! Last year we tried to get her on one, and she refused. She's really come a long way in a year!(We'll see how she handles Santa Claus at the mall!!) Ellie wanted nothing to do with the pony ride. She was content watching with Grandma.

Ellie checking out the animals.

Madi playing on the rock

Ellie getting brave and petting the goat!

Madi and Dallin decided to take their shirts off to carve pumpkins.

Ellie just played by the table and ate fruit snacks the entire night. As you can see she was pretty content with that.

Our final products. Madi chose the spider web, and Mike chose the skull. Thankfully, Uncle Mark took over for me and finished carving Madi's pumpkin. Thanks Mark!!

The kids and their pumpkins. Yes my kid still doesn't have her shirt on. I didn't even realize it until I was looking at the pictures. Oh well, she didn't seem to mind.