Saturday, May 7, 2011

Random pics

These are just a few random cute pictures of the kids.
Ellie wanted me to curl her hair one day, I thought she looked pretty cute.

Madi and Ellie love to climb into Keaton's crib in the morning when he wakes up. They read books together or play with toys.

Ellie and Keaton get to play together in the morning while Madi's at school. They have a lot of fun together.

Madi lost her first tooth back in January. It was really loose, but she didn't want me to pull it out. One night I told her I wanted to feel it, so I did and then I pulled it out without her even knowing. She was very surprised at how easy it was. I can't believe she's old enough to be losing teeth!

Keaton loves to pull all the toys out of the toy box then climb in and play in it.

My happy little guy

Keaton loves hats, especially his sisters.

Ellie and Keaton watching TV together.

Ellie loves to dress up and changes her clothes MANY times a day. This is one of her most unique outfits yet.

Another favorite place of Keatons, the drawer under the oven.

My silly Madi

Ellie's Birthday

My sweet Ellie turned 4 on March 28. She was so excited because she got to have a friend party this year. She decided to have a "Tangled" party and it turned out pretty cute. Here she is with her Pascal lizard cupcake.

The whole group enjoying their cupcakes!

I made her a Tangled cake for her party with my family. It looked pretty good until we were driving to my parents house and it got a big crack in the middle of it. The crack just kept getting bigger and bigger. Mike just laughed at me because I get so stressed out about making their cakes, so he told me I can't make them anymore!! Here is the cake crack and all. Of course I didn't take a picture of it pre-crack at my house.

When I would ask Ellie what she wanted for her birthday she would tell me she wanted a Tinkerbell cape. She was very specific and said she wanted a purple one with Tinkerbell on it. Luckily my mom came to the rescue and made one for her since I don't know how to sew. I just thought it was such a random thing, especially since Tinkerbell doesn't even wear a cape!?!

Ellie with all her presents from my family.

Ellie with the cute dress Aunt Kelly gave her.

Aunt Hilary knows Ellie loves make-up. Ellie is definitely my girly girl!

The skirt that goes with the cute PJ's Aunt Betsy gave her.

On Ellie's actual birthday she opened presents at our house from Grandma and Grandpa Leatham and from us. She got the Littlest Pet Shops from Grandma and Grandpa.

Her new big girl Barbie scooter

Her new Barbie bike and Tinkerbell wand.

Ellie has such a soft heart, and is my little sensitive one. She really cares and is concerned about everyone. I will admit though, that since she has turned 4 she has a little bit more sass in her, and she doesn't put up with as much from her sister as she used to!! She is also a little smarty pants and likes to do everything big sister does. We love you Ellie!!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

My baby is 1!!!

I know I always say this, but I can't believe my baby boy is 1. He was lucky enough to have a birthday party with each side of the family.
Keaton wasn't feeling well for his party at Grandma and Grandpa Leatham's house, but he still managed to have some fun!! Keaton opened his presents and then we had ice cream and cupcakes. He got a lot of wonderful gifts and was spoiled by everyone!

On Keaton's actual birthday, my family came over for his party. I decided to do a barnyard theme, and I think it turned out pretty cute. His own cake was the barn, and then everyone else got to eat the animal cupcakes.

Opening his presents. It is so hard to get Keaton to look and smile at the camera, he is a little stinker that way.

I love the look on his face!

Do you think he liked it? I knew Keaton wasn't going to be shy when it came to eating his cake!!

Keaton started walking a week after his birthday and hasn't stopped getting into things since. He is such a little busy body, but we absolutely love him. He has the cutest personality and is just a chill, sweet little guy.

Fun in the snow!!

We certainly had plenty of snow to play in this winter. Madi loves the snow and could play all day without complaining of the cold. Ellie and Keaton on the other hand, are much more like me when it comes to the cold. They didn't last long, but they had fun while they were out there.

Madi's finished product that she and her best friend Colby made.

Christmas Festivities!!

We had a wonderful Christmas last year. There are a lot of pictures because it was just too hard to narrow them down.
I wanted to take the kids to the mall to see Santa, especially since it was Keaton's first Christmas. When we got up to the front of the line they told us how much it was to get your picture taken with Santa, but I wasn't about to pay the outrageous amount. The kids still sat on Santa's lap, but unfortunately I didn't get any pictures. A couple days later my brother called me and told me Santa was coming to the hospital he works at. He said it was free and you can take your own pictures. You better believe I got the kids ready and headed over. Santa was so nice and gave the kids a stuffed animal and a jingle bell. Madi was excited, but as you can see from the pictures, Ellie and Keaton weren't too sure about Santa!!

The kids at the mall

All of us with Santa at my brother's work

Keaton wanted nothing to do with Santa, but I still had to get the classic picture with him!!

On Christmas Eve we went to my cousin's house and had dinner and a special Christmas message with my mom's side of the family. After that, we went to my parent's house and the kids opened new pajamas my mom made them. Here are all the cute grandkids in their new pajamas.

When we got home the kids got to open one more present, they got new slippers!

I absolutely LOVE this picture of Ellie. She was so excited to get her cheerleader Barbie with purple clothes and brown hair like hers.

Madi with her Sea World Barbie

Madi with her lalaloopsy doll she really wanted.

Ellie's lalaloopsy doll

Grandma and Grandpa Leatham got the girls squinkies that they had been asking for.

Madi's loot

Ellie's loot

Keaton didn't really get into opening the presents, but he still liked his toys.

The thing he liked the most, wrapping paper.

Keaton's loot

After we opened presents, we got ready and headed over to my paren'ts house for a delicious brunch and to be spoiled some more.
Keaton got the ball popper from my parents which he absolutely loved.

Ellie and Madi both got Barbie cars, some boots, and a castle tent from Grandma and Grandpa Stocking.

Me and my man, who obviously doesn't like to take serious pictures!!

After my parent's, we headed down to Mike's parent's house to spend time with his family. We had a yummy dinner and hung out with everyone until later that night. Unfortunately I left my camera at my parent's house so I didn't get any pictures.