花見 . 如故 梔子花是Emily自童年而有的香氣記憶。 大學那年在宿舍山坡附近感到一陣如故的香氣,我沿著山徑 追尋花香來源,當見此花,尚未明白......只有百思 不得其解的親切和歡喜。周末帶著花兒回家問媽媽,她說: 小時候的你在山野上常與 "蟬伏花" (=梔子花) 相伴,家鄉的山頭滿植此花......!!!!啊... ...當時了明,我為這失而復得的記憶而彷彿尋回終始所 愛。童年零碎亦殘存的記憶,都因梔子花而修復一點一滴。 其後每一次跟梔子花相遇,總有拈花微笑的相視和默契。 無法言傳。
M.dimension Flowers and leaves, together dancing The vivid green and the richly colorful meet In an eternal moment of Knowing and forgetting, In the moonlight, peonies and gardenia show The old, the faded, the memories Here, M.dimension, A little window to look into the world of flowers The beauty, the present, the knowing The remembering and the forgetting The Flowers, the Beauty.