Monday, April 4, 2016

Rhett at SIX MONTHS! and SIX MONTH Pictures

This is incredibly late, but I had to post something.  At the end of November 2015, Rhett turned six months old!  It makes me so sad that my baby is growing up so quickly.  I am trying to soak up every moment of his babyhood, but it's going faster than any of the others!  Which might explain, at least partially, why this post is over four months past due.  It won't be as detailed as it should be, but at least it is something.

Rhett had his six month well child check on Tuesday, December 1, 2015.  He still hadn't doubled his birth weight, but was growing like a weed so there was no cause for concern.  He did have two ear infections so he got to start a round of antibiotics.  Poor guy. 

Here are his SIX MONTH stats:

Height: 28.5 inches, 95th percentile
Weight: 16 pounds 13 ounces, 36th percentile
Head: 44.7 centimeters, 87th percentile

Milestones since his four month check up:
  • Sunday, October 4, 2015--Started showing interest in grabbing things and chewing on his fingers and fist.  Started trying to get his toes in his mouth.
  • Monday, October 5, 2015--Only got up once during the night! (12:30 A.M.)
  • Tuesday, October 6, 2015--Slept through the night!!! (Bed at 7:30 P.M. Tuesday and up at 6:30 A.M. Wednesday)
  • Sunday, October 18, 2015--Really grabbing things.  Can sometimes get his paci in his mouth on his own!
  • Monday, October 19, 2015--Really rolling and moving around a lot!
  • Thursday, November 5, 2015--Moved his carseat straps to the top spot (infant seat)!
  • Monday, November 16, 2015--First rice cereal!
  • Monday, November 30, 2015--First sweet potatoes!
I don't have as much information about Rhett at six months as I normally do.  It was so long ago (in baby time) that I just can't remember everything.  But here are a few things I do remember.

  • Wears size 2 diapers.
  • Wears size 6-12, 9, and 12 month clothes.  He was really too tall for the 6 month stuff.
  • Never wears shoes, but would probably have been a size 3.
  • Has eyes that I don't know how to classify.  They aren't brown, but they aren't blue either.  They are kind of a light brownish, blue-gray.
  • Has light brown hair with lots of blond in it.  He still has no hint of red in his hair, unlike his siblings.
  • Doesn't sleep through the night yet, but does finally have a bedtime.  Rhett goes to bed around 7:30 and gets up for good anytime between 6:00 and 7:30 A.M.  He gets up to eat between 11:00 and 1:30 and then again between 3:00 and 5:00.  Occasionally he might only get up once, and even more rarely he has slept all night. 
  • Takes one nap during the day, after lunch, for not nearly long enough.  He might sleep for an hour or hour and a half most days.  Occasionally it might be longer.  He needs more sleep, but won't take two naps and still go to bed at night.  If he takes a morning nap it's not until 10:00 or later.  Then he's not tired again until 4:00ish, which doesn't work with bedtime at all.
  • Is super mobile!  Rhett was an early roller and hasn't stopped moving since.  He can roll around and kind of scoot, but will already get up on his hands and knees and rock.
  • Can't sit up on his own.  When you sit him up he just falls over.  His pediatrician said it isn't typical, but he might learn to crawl before he can sit up.  We started working on the sitting after his appointment.
  • Likes to eat baby food.  He still isn't great at it, but he seems to enjoy it and is getting the hang of it.  Audrey, Truman, and Genevieve love to try and feed him.
Rhett, I'm sorry this isn't a more complete picture.  I do want you to know that you were loved and adored at six months of age.  Your whole family loved to hold and cuddle and exclaim over every little thing you did.  We all loved you so much and thought the world of you.  We were so grateful to have you around!

We had Rhett's six month pictures taken at the end of December, so not too long after he turned six months.  Here they are.  I think this little guy is so, so handsome!


Truman at SIX! and SIX YEAR Pictures

Truman turned SIX!  I told him that I was going to keep him six forever and ever.  He didn't really like that, but he did like turning six.  He is getting to be such a big kid that I can hardly believe he was once my little roly poly boy.

Truman had his well child check on Thursday, November 12, 2015.  All was well and he is doing great.  Here are his SIX YEAR stats.

Height: 48 inches, 89th percentile
Weight: 53 pounds, 83rd percentile

According to TRUMAN, his favorites at SIX:
  • Favorite color is green.
  • Favorite candy is anything chocolate.
  • Favorite books are Geronimo Stilton and Diary of a Wimpy Kid.
  • Favorite thing to do at school is math.
  • Best friend is Everett.
  • Favorite things to do outside are play soccer and go to the park.
  • Favorite food Mom makes is Creamy Chicken and Cheese Casserole.
  • Favorite dessert is chocolate sheet cake.
  • Favorite board game is Sorry.
  • Favorite video game is Minecraft.
  • Favorite toys are Batman toys.
  • Favorite show is Transformers: Rescue Bots.
  • Favorite Primary song is "I Know That My Savior Loves Me."
  • Favorite restaurants are Taco Bell and Red Robin.
  • Does not like spicy foods, tomatoes, and plain zucchini.
According to ME, at SIX, Truman:
  •  Wears mostly size 7 clothes.  He's in 7 for pants because the size 6 is too short.  But he can still wear a size small in shirts, which generally translates to a 6/7.
  • Wears size 1 in shoes.
  • Loves that he is now a kindergartner.  Truman loves riding the bus, recess, his teacher (Mrs. Schuyten), and all his friends.  He is so cute and enthusiastic about school and learning in general.  As expected, he is doing so well this year!  He is definitely a smart little guy!
  • Has several friends from school that he talks about and seems to play with most of the time.  Most often, I hear about Everett, Roger, Cooper, Shae, and Emma.  He also likes to play with Manny and Christopher down the street and Josh C.
  • Is a great eater.  Truman is pretty good about trying new things and even if he doesn't love something, he will often eat it if it's for dinner.  He really loves fruit and eats tons of it.  He also loves biscuits and gravy, spaghetti and meatballs, homemade waffles, and tuna sandwiches. 
  • Has two snacks every day when he gets home from school.  They vary a little, but most of the time he has a container of yogurt and some kind of fruit, usually half an apple or orange or strawberries or grapes.
  • Still loves to talk and still tells me about all the things that happen during the day.  I love this about him!  After Audrey, who is much less likely to tell me anything I don't drag out of her, unless she happens to be in the right mood, it is so much fun to listen to Truman talk.  He tells me about his teacher and all the things they did in class.  He tells me about the students and who was naughty or good or interesting things they say or do.  It is so awesome!
 We had Truman's six year pictures taken a few days after Christmas.  They turned out pretty well. Matt took him to get his hair cut a few days earlier and had the lady just buzz it.  I wasn't thrilled, but I still think he looks so handsome.  It just wasn't the look I was expecting for his pictures.
  • Is in the CTR 5 class at church.  It is a big class with 10 active kids on the roll, most of them girls.  Sister Wilkins is still his teacher and he adores her.  She is amazing with those kids!
  • Still sleeps in a folded over little ball.
  • Sleeps with his shirt off most of the time.  I don't know when or how this started.  I remember going to get him up one morning and finding his shirt on the floor.  Truman explained that he was hot so he took it off.  I thought it was kind of funny, but now he sleeps like that most of the time, even in winter.  He complains that he gets sweaty, which I think is hilarious because we keep our heater on 66 during the day and turn it down to 60 when the kids go to bed!  I don't see how he can be hot, but I'm not going to fight him on this.
  • Kind of turned into a different little boy once he started kindergarten.  In preschool Truman was pretty sweet, helpful, and serious.  Since kindergarten started he has turned into a pesky brother!  You know what I mean.  The brother that purposely does things to bug you and make you yell.  He will torment his sisters and nothing we do or say will stop him.  He is constantly teasing and pestering and is the goofiest kid.  He is always being silly and trying to make people laugh.  His room is a wreck all the time now, where it used to be neat and orderly.  Where he was once particular, he is now sloppy.  Where he used to be eager to help, he now does anything he can to get out of work.  I've wondered what they did to my little boy.  We did not go through anything like this with Audrey, but other moms have said the same thing about boys and kindergarten, so I guess it's normal.  Fortunately, he is still good at school so I think we'll make it.
  • Started biting his fingernails once he started kindergarten!  This makes me crazy because a few months ago he didn't bite his fingernails at all!  I don't know what is happening and he can't explain it.
  • Started playing Minecraft and Lego Star Wars on the Xbox and loves them.  We are still very strict about screen time, so he only gets to play on weekends, but he loves video games and will tell me all about them.  
  • He also loves to watch TV and play on the computer or iPad.  He will spend as much time in front of screens as he possibly can.  He cannot hear or see anything other than the screens when they are on.

  • Makes his own lunch for school.  Matt and I started the year by making it for him, but he has gradually taken over the responsibility.  Even when we made it for him, every night he would tell us exactly what he wanted in his lunch.  Now he makes it himself and does a great job!
  • Loves to be read to.  Every night we read to the kids, one on one.  Matt has been reading Roald Dahl books and he loves them.  Truman truly loves books that are funny and will laugh and laugh.  His laugh is so loud and so full of joy!  I've been reading him Geronimo Stilton books and he thinks they are great.  
  • Is a good little reader himself.  He is learning to read so well!  I am so amazed at how kids learn to read.  He knows his sight words and has no hesitation about sounding words out.  He is quite a good reader.  It's been interesting, his teacher's method is different from Audrey's kindergarten teacher, but they both learned to read quickly and well.
  • Cannot (refuses?) to entertain himself.  If he is alone and there is no one to play with he will literally sit and do nothing rather than get out some toys and play by himself.  
  • Got a reading lamp for Christmas that clamps to his headboard and loves to read in bed at night now.
  • Is a fast runner and likes to be first.  
  • Likes to play sports, but isn't all that into it when he's on his own.  With a team, he loves it.  But if you ever ask him to go outside and practice he will never want to.
  • Plays soccer and t-ball.

  • Has developed an interest in how the toilet works.  I know this sounds weird, but I will sometimes hear the tank scrape and know that he has the lid off and is looking to see how the mechanism works.  I guess all the STEM stuff at school is rubbing off on him! 
  • Likes to know why things happen and how they work.  I love hearing him explaining the things he has learned, like the frog life cycle or cloud types.  I also love seeing him work out the how and why of things he doesn't understand.  It is so much fun to see how his brain works and hear his explanations.
  • Has a really hard time when things don't go the way he wants or expects.  He will immediately get upset and no amount of logic or reasoning will calm him down.  He's been like this since he was a baby.  Now that he's older we can eventually talk to him enough that he will try and get over things.
  • Picks out his own clothes and dresses himself every day except Sunday.  He's been doing this for several years so it's nothing new, but I felt I should mention it here.  On Sunday morning he won't get dressed until I pick out his clothes.  For some reason he always says he doesn't know what matches and he won't even attempt to pick out his church clothes.  This is frustrating for me because I expect my kids to be pretty independent by six.  On the other hand, it is kind of nice that I still get to pick out his clothes one day a week.
  • Is still a pretty affectionate little guy.  I love that he refuses to go to bed at night until he has given everyone a hug and kiss and gotten one from them too.  He will still snuggle with you if you ask him too.
Truman is a smart, curious, bright little man and we are so fortunate to have him in our family.  I see that little face and those bright blue eyes and that sly little grin and it makes me so happy.  My sweet little smoochy faced baby is growing into a boy.  He is changing so much lately that I sometimes wonder where the little guy has gone.  But he's still in there and it is exciting to see the good person he is becoming.  I feel so lucky to have this special boy as my son.  He is truly amazing.  I am truly fortunate.