Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Utah Trip, Day 3: Dinner with the Suttons

Jim and his wife Laura invited us to come over to their house for dinner with them and their six kids.  I think it's simple statistics that guaranteed our kids would have a same-age counterpart in their family.  Whenever they come to Washington we always try to get together.  The kids always play and have a great time and this time was no different.  We were able to eat and then the kids played while the adults got to relax and talk. 
 They fed us a really yummy breakfast for dinner.  I love breakfast for dinner so it really hit the spot.  The kids also loved it.
 Audrey and Grace are always fast friends.  They are only a few months apart get along really well.

 Jim and Matt.

 Most of the kids.  There should be nine of them, but some were in bed and some were just MIA.  The picture below is more complete.

 Before we left the kids saw a rainbow.  They were so excited!

Too soon it was time to leave.  Their kids has school the next morning and we needed to get back.  When we got back to the motel they showered and we took a few pictures of them.  They love staying at hotels.
 Audrey wanted me to show her how to put her hair up like I do.  She looked pretty cute!
 Genevieve was supposed to go to sleep, but she's kind of naughty sometimes.  Eventually she passed out.

Utah Trip, Day 3: Tabernacle and Temple Square Grounds

Our last stop was the Tabernacle.  I really love the pretty organ inside.  I still wish I could have attended a session of Conference when it was still held in the Tabernacle.

 Before we left I wanted to get a few pictures with some of the pretty flowers.

Sometimes that is easier said than done.

 This was Genevieve getting mad and storming off and Matt going after her.  He was really much more patient with the kids and their antics than I was this day.

 Matt managed to get some genuine smiles and laughs out of our youngest.

While we were at Temple Square Matt met a Sister missionary who was serving from Finland.  He got to talk to her for awhile and I'm sure it brought back happy memories from his own mission.

We spent the whole day at Temple Square, and when we finished we had a dinner appointment.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Utah Trip, Day 3: SLC Temple, Visitors Center, and Assembly Hall

After lunch we went to Temple Square.  It is so beautiful and so peaceful.  I love the park with the reflecting pool and all of the pretty flowers and landscaping.  I had hoped the kids would feel the Spirit there too, but they continued to be difficult and I didn't handle it as patiently as I should have.  I'm still glad we got to go.
 The Salt Lake Temple is so beautiful!  Because it was Sunday, we were able to take pictures in all the classic spots without having to compete with wedding parties.

 During my years living in Utah, I never really spent too much time in the Visitors Centers.  It was nice to take some time and see them pretty thoroughly.  There is a lot to see.

 We had to take a picture of Truman with another Truman--the architect of the temple!

 I've always thought the Assembly Hall is so pretty.