Sunday, May 25, 2014

General Conference

Conference was uplifting and great, as usual.  We kept all of the traditions alive and had cinnamon rolls on Sunday.  We managed to watch all of the sessions and did our best to keep the kids occupied.  These were taken on Sunday, April 6.

I can't remember what the deal was with Genevieve's shirt.  She either wanted it off when we ate and then wouldn't put it back on (sometimes I take off her shirt when we're eating messy dinners and she went through a stage when she thought it should always be off when we ate) or she just managed to get it off and liked running around.

After the final Sunday session we all needed some fresh air.  Luckily, it was a dry day so we took the kids to a park and had a little family time outside before dinner.  It was good for everyone to use up some energy.

Until October!

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Matt's Birthday!

Matt had a birthday too this year.  That morning we made him eat breakfast with us and the kids gave him all of the cards and pictures they made.

That night Matt and I met on the ferry to join our ward for ward temple night.  Going to the temple was a nice way to spend Matt's birthday.
I even let him get sushi for dinner!  (NOT ferry sushi.  He got it to go from a little restaurant he likes.)
I also made his favorite cream cheese and chocolate chip filled cupcakes to share with everyone and we all sang "Happy Birthday."

Matt got his birthday gift the following Monday, March 31, when he took the day off work and went golfing with some friends.

That night when he got home we had a special surprise.

Birthday cake!
The kids helped make and then decorated the whole thing themselves.

We gave Matt one final surprise.  The kids got him a toolbox/organizer thing.

Happy birthday to my favorite guy!

While we were cleaning up Genevieve came into the kitchen sans diaper.  She deposited it on the counter and then proceeded to run around naked.  She's very into taking off her clothes lately and we're not loving it.  I had to take some pictures of this though.  She was cracking us all up.  The kids were completely hysterical, especially when she tried to put her diaper back on.

Friday, May 23, 2014

St. Paddy's, Pink Toes on the Table, and Sunday Best

On St. Patrick's Day, Monday, March 17, the kids awoke to a new box of Lucky Charms, some chocolate gold coins, and some things in the house that had turned green.

Our milk was green and so was the water in all of the toilets.  Silly leprechauns!

That night we had our traditional St. Patrick's Day dinner--corned beef, colcannon, soda bread, and limeade.  For dessert this year, I made chocolate sandwich cookies with green filling, not mint.

Shortly before these pictures were taken on Tuesday, March 25, Genevieve got her first pedicure.  And I vowed never to paint her toes again.  Her little feet looked adorable with pink toes, but she wouldn't sit still while I was trying to paint them.  I think I'll wait a good long while before I try again.
Genevieve almost always sits at the table like this, with her feet propped up.  We're going to have to break her of this habit as she gets older, but so far we've tolerated it.

I took these pictures of my cuties on Sunday, March 30, just because they looked so cute.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

The Bouncy Place!

Friday, March 14, was a holiday for the school kids.  So some other moms and I decided to take all the kids to the bouncy place.  It was a great idea and a perfect day to be there.  We mostly had the place to ourselves and the kids played and played and played until they were hungry and tired.  Then we fed them lunch at the bouncy place and took them home for quiet time and naps.  It was a perfect way to spend a Friday morning!
This was Genevieve's first experience at the bouncy place.  Every time she's gone before this trip she was confined to her stroller.  But this time she was big enough to be let loose!

She was quite the brave girl.

Everyone loves the big slide!

Even Kristen!

Truman's Primary teacher just happened to show up to scope out the place for when her grandkids visit.  She ended up staying and visiting for awhile, which was great.

Genevieve actually spent most of her time in these little cars.  She loves these things and would get upset if someone else was in them.  She clearly thought they belonged to her.

After several hours the kids were tired and starving.  Truman was so worn out he kept bugging me about eating and finally just sat in a chair until it was time for lunch.  I should have packed this boy a snack.  I think his body burn so many calories he just can't make it from meal to meal.

Finally, we fed the monsters.

Then they went back and played for a few more minutes before we left.  I think it's so much fun when a big group of us get together like this.  We need to do something else soon!