Saturday, July 31, 2010

Wild Animal Park

A few days after our camping trip the kids and I joined Grandpa, Grammy, Christin, and cousins on a wild adventure.  We drove and drove to the wild animal park.  I can't remember what it's actually called, but it's one of those parks you drive through and feed the animals that come up to your car.

First we stopped for lunch at a park overlooking the ocean.

After we ate we walked down to the beach.

The kids threw stones.

I tried to get Audrey to pose for a picture but that wasn't happening. 

We made it to the park and got up close and personal with a yak.

This is Audrey feeding a yak.  They were pretty friendly.

There were peacocks everywhere!  If you look closely you can see the babies.  So cute!

The bears were enormous!

But the elk (I think it's an elk) were quite impressive.

We finished by seeing some good old American Bison.  Our drive home was fairly uneventful.  Truman was tired of being in the car so he fussed and cried a good amount of the time and we did make a stop at a casino.  So Audrey could use the restroom.  It was a fun trip and I'm so glad we went.  Next time we'll have to bring Pops so he can join in the fun.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Happy Campers

Matt's family invited us to go camping for a week.  Fortunately, Matt had to work and couldn't take off a week.  I suggested that we go for one night.  You see, I am not a camper.  I come from a long line of not campers and I expect that my children will carry on with the tradition.  Although, I sometimes wonder about that because of where they are growing up.  In fact, Audrey has been after Matt to take her camping since last summer. 

I have scant little camping experience.  I completed four years of Stake Girls Camp when I was in Young Women's and felt quite happy that I did it.  My first year we were stuck at some awful lake, in tents, and had to cook all of our own food over a fire.  Keep in mind that this was June and it was Texas.  Multiple girls ended up with heat exhaustion and several had to be hospitalized.  But I was only 12 and was young enough for such things to bother me very little so I went back the next year. 

That year, and every year since, we went to a real camp.  We had cabins with big screened in windows so we could catch a breeze and bunk beds.  The camp had a pool, horses, zip line, pond for fishing, archery, kitchen and dining hall, basketball court with bleachers, bathrooms with showers, and lots of room to hike and camp out overnight.  Lest you think us spoiled please remember that it was still June and still Texas and no amount of amenities makes up for that.  The first year there we had to be diligent about watching for scorpions.  One girl in my ward found "a few" in her bed.  We also had to deal with chiggers (even consistent use of the sulphur sock offered very little protection) and ticks and oppressive heat and humidity and no air conditioning.  Every year we always seemed to have several leaders who were either from or had lived in Utah.  They would always tell us how easy those Utah girls had it.  They got to camp in the nice cool mountains.  It seems that for the adult women the heat was the worst thing we had to face.  But I was young and with my friends and had fun.  When I finished my four years though, I was done. 

And that is the sum total of my camping experience.  Until a couple of weeks ago.  We met the family on Friday night and were pleased to find that we'd be camping in a cute little cabin--it even had air conditioning, which we didn't need or use.

Isn't it cute?  Just perfect for a night of roughing it.

Audrey was so excited to see her cousins and hang out with them in Grammy and Grandpa's RV, or "Grandpa's bus," as she calls it.

Trumey was also happy to be out of the car and getting some attention.

Paige and Truman.

In the morning we dined on Grandpa's pancakes and bacon and then went to the campground's park.  Audrey got to slide down a real slide!  A tall metal one like when I was a kid.  The kind that would give you a second degree burn if you weren't careful.

Mr. T hung out with Aunt Christin and Grammy and Megan.

Matt put him in the swing and he thoroughly enjoyed his first swinging experience.

He smiled and smiled and laughed and laughed.

After the park we drove into Leavenworth.  It is the cutest little Bavarian town and I've been wanting to go for a few years.

Our little family.

After lunch Grammy treated everyone to a carriage ride through the town.

After a little shopping, looking at the art sale in the park, and the buying of lots of sweets, we rested under a tree and listened to some musicians while the kids rolled down the hill.  (Ignore the random little boy on the left.  He just joined in the fun.)

Finally, we had to pack up and head home.  It was a fun little camping experience.  I told Matt that I'd be willing to camp for a week in a cute little cabin if it had a kitchen and bathroom.  I'd also like to go back to Leavenworth without the kids and do a little more shopping at the cute stores.  It was a great weekend!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Big Kid Car Seats!

My poor back is taking a beating these days. My kids are getting big. It's exciting to see all of the things they are accomplishing but it's also a little sad. It's a little sad for our bank account too. A few weeks ago Audrey had her three year check-up and weighed 38 pounds--just two shy of the 40 pound limit on her convertible carseat. When Truman had his six month appointment he weighed almost 19 pounds--just three shy of the 22 pount limit on his infant seat. We waited as long as we could but the time had come to buy a new seat for the car.

After doing an extensive amount of research and talking to our pediatrician I finally decided that it would be best to buy a booster seat with a harness. Audrey's still kind of young and I didn't feel all that great about putting her in a regular belt-positioning booster (the kind with a high back). So after even more research I narrowed it down to either a Graco Nautilus or a Britax Frontier. Safety wise, it was pretty much a wash.  Both seats were highly rated and both convert into a high back booster and backless booster.  Since the Graco is about 100 bucks cheaper we were swayed towards buying that one. But I wanted to be sure so I read about 150 parent reviews and then packed the kids up and headed to Babies R Us for a side-by-side comparison.
Once I put Audrey in the two seats it immediately became clear which one we needed to buy. My kids (so far) are bigger than average and the Britax has more room. It's wider and deeper and has a lot more room to grow. So we sprang for the more expensive model. Of course. It figures. But lucky for us the day we were going to order it there was a problem with Amazon's site so I had to wait. An hour later a coupon came in the mail for 20% off at Babies R Us! So we trekked back to the store and only had to pay a little more than the Graco.

Audrey loves her new big girl seat and Trumey is doing great in his new seat. On the downside I now have to hold him everywhere we go, which gets a bit tiring since he is a big boy. Which leads me to my back problem.

Having TWO kids to strap into and get out of the car has given me a real appreciation of all of my friends with twins. I don't know how you do it! It is exhausting! Running errands takes even longer than it did when I could just snap Truman into the car seat base, and all the leaning into the car and adjusting straps is killing me. Last Wednesday I literally strapped them in and got them out 34 times! No exaggeration! It was a fairly typical day, so to document it for my progeny, it went like this:

Wake up and get ready. Get the kids ready. Eat breakfast.
Put both kids in the car. CLICK, CLICK
Drive to preschool.
Get both kids out of the car. CLICK, CLICK
Drop off Audrey.
Put T in the car. CLICK
Drive home.
Get T out of the car. CLICK
Feed T. Put him down for a nap.
Put T back in the car. CLICK
Drive back to preschool.
Get T out of the car. CLICK
Hold T while A plays for 20 minutes. Drag her away from preschool.
Put both kids back in the car. CLICK, CLICK
Drive to Target.
Get both kids out of the car. CLICK, CLICK
Put both kids in the car. CLICK, CLICK
Drive home.
Get kids out of the car. CLICK, CLICK
Feed kids lunch and put them down for a nap.
Put kids in the car. CLICK, CLICK
Drive to the bread store.
Get kids out of car. CLICK, CLICK
Buy bread.
Put kids in the car. CLICK, CLICK
Drive to Fred Meyer.
Get kids out of the car. CLICK, CLICK
Go grocery shopping.
Put kids back in car. CLICK, CLICK
Drive home. Unload groceries.
Get A out of the car. CLICK
Change A into her swimsuit in garage.
Put A back into car. CLICK
Drive to swimming lessons.
Get kids out of car. CLICK, CLICK
Get stroller out of car.
Put T in stroller.
Have swimming lessons.
Put kids back in car. CLICK, CLICK
Drive home.
Get kids out of car. CLICK, CLICK
Give kids baths. Feed them dinner. Put them to bed.

Count the clicks. Thirty-four. If you're still with me at the end of this lengthy post about nothing, I am vowing not to even consider having a third child until Audrey can independently take care of herself in the car. Again, to all of you with twins and other children, I don't know how you do it.

*I have to put a disclaimer on this post.  Matt pointed out to me that he helped strap the kids in after swimming lessons and helped get them out when we got home.  So I personally only had to strap them in and out 30 to 32ish times.  I'm lucky to have a husband who doesn't complain about being on car seat and diaper duty anytime he is home.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Swimming Lessons

Audrey started swimming lessons this month. She has been so excited about them for months now. So far she is doing a fantastic job. I was a little worried that she wouldn't want to get her face wet but she surprised me by doing exactly what her teacher asked.

Patiently waiting for her first class to start.

Her little class.

Blowing bubbles and kicking.

In line waiting to jump in!

Not quite ready to jump. This is the one hang up she has. She tries really hard but always ends up bending down and grabbing her teacher's hands before she jumps. We're working on it!


A few weeks ago, not long after we got back from Texas, the kids and I were driving in the car. Audrey initiated the following conversation:

A: Mom, where is shampoo?
Me: (a little confused) Shampoo? Like for you hair?
A: (louder and more insistent) No. Sham-poooo!
Me: Oh, you mean Shamu the whale? (Last summer we took a trip to Sea World.)
A: Yes, Shampoo the whale.
Me: Shamu lives at Sea World in San Diego. That's in California.
A: (pause) Oh. California is Macy's Texas.
Me: (smiling) Yes, Munch, California is Macy's Texas.

I am often amazed at the connections Audrey is now capable of making. We have never once told Audrey that California is Macy's Texas. But she knows that Macy has grandparents in California and was able to put it together on her own. It's so rewarding and so much fun to see how much this little girl has learned in three short years. I know all parents experience this wonder with their children, but it is truly miraculous to experience it firsthand.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Some Randomness

Truman's First Finger Food

Truman yells during dinner. Always. At the beginning of July, out of desperation, I finally decided he was old enough for some sweet potato puffs. At first he didn't know what to do with them so I put one in his mouth. It took a little while, but he's finally gotten the hang of things and now he loves his puffs and, more recently, Cheerios.

Dinner is so much more pleasant.
Tyler's Birthday Party
Tyler turned three. All of the June babies are three now and are cute and big. He had a pirate party and Audrey was so excited to attend. Sadly, Lilly couldn't be there so I don't have a picture of the three of them.

In fact, this is the only picture I have of just Audrey and Tyler. We'll have to get all of them together and get some shots of them. I love looking over the old pictures of them when they were babies. It's hard to believe it's already been three years!

Truman had his first altercation with Dallin at the birthday party. Truman was sitting on the floor next to me and Dallin was across the room. During the prayer Dallin scooted over to Truman, grabbed his head, and proceeded to bite him. By the time I knew what was happening Trumey had become a chew toy. He just sat and cried. Dallin is fast!

Despite the fact that Dallin unsuccessfully went after Truman's head a second time, I think these two cute boys will be great friends.
Truman's Crib
One day Truman woke up from his nap and Audrey ran in his room to see him. She usually stands on the glider and talks to him. When I went in a little later I was surprised to see this face looking out of the crib.

Audrey climbed in to play with T and thought it was great. She does is all the time now and thinks it's so funny.
Sleepy T
Truman has started sleeping like this a lot of the time instead of in an L shape. It's still really cute. He really gets his little bum up in the air.

Candy Thief

Every night Matt and I go check on the kids before we go to bed. We look at how cute Truman is and turn on his nightlight. In Audrey's room we cover her up, turn off her lamp, and removed any books or toys that have made their way into her bed. A few nights ago I was very surprised to find this sight. Little Munch snuck downstairs and got the M&M's from the counter and had a little snack in bed.
Audrey was supposed to be helping me clean her room, but when I looked in on her I found this.
Dance Clothes
When Audrey was supposed to be napping I heard some noises coming from her room found her dressed like this. She was dancing. In the fall she is starting dance class and is very excited about it. We tried on her clothes a few days earlier and she evidently really wanted to wear them again.

She looks so big!

Here she is demonstrating how ballerinas dance.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Independence Day

Since so much family was in town for Missy's wedding we had a Holyoak family 4th of July.
I volunteered to make the dessert since I knew the family had their hands full with the wedding. I made more cake pops!

I admit that I'm kind of addicted to making these now. They are so much fun and I knew the kids would love them.

For the grown-ups I made red, white, and blue pies--strawberry rhubarb, buttermilk, and blueberry.

After church we went to Matt's parents' house and enjoyed some Bocce ball with the cousins, or "my new friends," as Audrey referred to them.

We also enjoyed some delicious food. Little Jake was still a little wary of me.

The younger kids played in the sandbox. Grammy bought one just like ours!

And then the fireworks started. Audrey was less than impressed last year after she touched a burned out but still hot sparkler. This year she did much better even though she looks terrified.

Watching the fun.

Uncle Todd with Paige.

And with Brigg.

Round two of cake pops.

Cutie cousins.

Uncle Kiff and Macy.

Audrey is a few months older than her cousin but they are the same size and so cute! He's a good sport to tolerate this girl--and her mom, obnoxiously snapping pictures.

It was a great Independence Day. It was fun to have so many people to celebrate with and reminded me a little of my family's holiday celebrations. Happy Birthday USA!