Thursday, January 14, 2010

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Movie Night

We've been wanting to have a movie night with the Munch before all of the moving madness begins. We know that once we start working on the house it will be awhile before we are settled and have time to sit and watch a movie together. We finally had time to have amovie night tonight. We watched Up, which is a wonderful little movie. It was different than I expected it to be. In the beginning it was really kind of bumming me out, but it turned out to be really sweet. Audrey really liked it too but her favorite part was probably the popcorn and peanut M&M's she got to enjoy. When the movie ended and we turned on the lights we found a slightly more colorful Munch.

Monday, January 11, 2010

And Now...

It's official.

So Close!

We just had the final walk through with our builder. We are so close to closing! Right now it's just a matter of a few phone calls and the house will officially be ours! We had an inspection last Friday and there were a few minor things that came up, but everything should pretty much be taken care of by tomorrow and then we can start painting.

Here is a picture of our house on 1/6/10. They had just started the landscaping.

Last Friday they pulled everyone off the other jobs in the neighborhood to get our house finished. They didn't have much to do, but the push was so we could close today. This is what our finished house looks like as of 1/8/10. We think it's cute and are very pleased.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Princess Party

Our library hosted a special princess party last week. I waited until the day before to tell Audrey about it and when she found out she could wear her Snow White dress she got really excited. I never expected what we found when we drove into the library parking lot. It was packed! There was easily twice as many people as were in attendance at the library Halloween trick-or-treat. They staff said they were expecting about 60 people, not the 225+ that showed up. But they were great and had a lot of fun activities for the kids. Other than running out of paper plates everything seemed to go off without a hitch!
Several of Audrey's little friends from church were there so all the girls got to play together. They were excited to see Princess Tiana.

A huge portion of the library staff dressed up for the occasion. There were princesses, kings, and evil queens. Here are the girls getting their pictures taken with Belle and Cinderella.

Once again, Audrey made the local paper. Although, we aren't sure if she actually made it in print or just online. The above picture is from the paper online.

Here the kids are checking out the Christmas tree and giant snowflakes hanging from the ceiling. So sweet!

Despite her bored look, Audrey really did have a fun time making jewelry. Check out her crown.

She got to color and paint a beautiful glass slipper!

Of course, her favorite part of the day was the snack. She got a piece of cake and all the goodies she could eat. All the little girls left a little sweeter than when they arrived.

One of the games was Musical Magic Carpets (like Musical Chairs). Considering that Audrey is only two and has no Musical Chair playing experience, I was quite impressed that she came in second place to this much older child. Audrey was very disappointed that she didn't get a toy fish that was one of the prizes.

All in all it was a great day. It was a party fit for a princess.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

New Toy

Matt got me a new toy for Christmas--a camera! I am very excited about it. For some time now we've been talking about getting a really good digital camera but I never expected to get one for Christmas this year. I'm having a great time playing with it. If only I had a more willing and cooperative subject...
In addition to loving dressing up as Snow White, Audrey also really loves puzzles. For Christmas Matt got her some harder puzzles. One is a 24 piece and the other is a 100 piece. I was amazed when I saw her put the 24 piece puzzle together like it was nothing. She needs a little help with the 100 piece puzzle, but it won't be long and she'll be doing that one on her own. She must take after her great grandma in Missouri. Whenever we went to visit my grandma there was always a big jigsaw puzzle on a table in the basement. She'd work on it while she did the laundry or whenever she had a little time.

Truman has started smiling at people now. I finally managed to capture one of them. So cute!

Yesterday I put Audrey down for her nap. She's been fighting the nap lately and it is killing me. I could hear that she wasn't asleep so I went in and found this.

At least she loves to read.

Here is our little T-Rex in the cradle my dad made for me. Because of his acid reflux he doesn't get to sleep in it often.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Two Months!

Little T is two months old! These past two months have truly flown by and it is with no small amount of distress that I realize how quickly my babies are growing. Truman had his shots today and was a champ! By the time the nurse got the band-aids on his legs he had quit crying. I have the best kids for shots! It certainly does make it easier on me.

Here are Truman's two month statistics. Pardon the cliche, but he is growing like a little weed. I'm not sure how since he seems to spit-up 90% of what he eats all over me. But somehow he continues to thrive.
  • Height: 23 3/4 inches--75th percentile
  • Weight: 13 pounds 7 ounces--90th percentile
  • Head: 40.8 cm--75th percentile

We got this Finnish hat (see the flags?) in the mail today from Matt's older sister. She, her husband, and Matt all served missions in Finland. Matt brought it home from his mission for his little nephews. C sent it to us since her boys are big now. I think it's so cute! Thanks C!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Princess Audrey and King Truman

Dear Grandma and Grandpa,

Thank you for the beautiful Snow White dress and glass slippers and crown you got me for Christmas. I love them! This is how I spend all day everyday (except when I'm eating and sleeping). I miss you and hope we get to come to Texas soon to see you!


This is truly how Audrey spends her days. It is the first thing she wants to do when she wakes up in the morning and the last thing we have to put away before bed. She loves playing dress up. She has informed us that she is a princess and Pops is her prince. Truman is the king and Mama is either a queen or a princess--it depends on her mood.

King Truman

Audrey's other love is playing with Grammy. Grammy has the admirable quality of being able to channel her inner child at any time of the day or night. This is especially nice for little girls with busy Mamas.

Little Man is getting so big and is so strong! Audrey calls him Little Buddy or Little Felly and says he is cute. We agree!