Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christmas Festivities

I never realized how fun Christmas is with little kids until this year. This is really the first year that Audrey has a pretty good understanding of Christmas. I am amazed at how much she knows and how quickly she learns. If you show her a picture of the Christmas Star and ask her what it means she will say, "Follow the star." If you ask her what you will find when you get to the star she will tell you, "Baby Jesus."

Audrey's favorite Christmas song is "Holly Jolly Christmas," or just Holly Jolly as she refers to it. She also loves "Rudolph," "Jingle Bells," and most other Christmas music, although she has a definite preference for songs with a little pep. She watched the Charlie Brown Christmas special, Rudolph, Prep and Landing, and a couple of other TV specials. She helped bake Chrismas cookies and was good about not bothering the tree. And although she did open a couple of presents early, for the most part she was great. It makes me that much more excited for next year when Truman will be able to participate a little more. Here are some of our Chrismas festivities.

Two years ago our little family went to see the Zoolights. Back then we looked like this...

Audrey was barely six months old and looked like this...

Two days before Christmas this year we took our family to see the Zoolights again. We look like this now.

We busted out our super-duper-deluxe-double-stroller for the first time. It weighs 40 pounds and is humongous, but it fits in our trunk, turns on a dime, fits both of our kids, and has some pretty cool spaceship looking handles to steer with.

Audrey and I got to ride a camel. It was pretty cool. It gave me a new appreciation for anyone who uses camels as transportation. The ride was a bit bumpy. Despite the bored look on her face, Audrey thought it was fun too.

I put this picture in because it's the only one we have of all four of us. Of course I have my eyes closed. If you know me, you know this is a pretty common look for me.

We had a great Christmas Eve. Matt and I are trying to establish some traditions with our kids and I think we found a couple of new ones this year. The day started with Audrey, Truman, and I running some last minute errands in the morning and then going home to bake cookies. Matt got off work early so we had another playmate for the day. We made omelets for dinner and then drove around to see some Christmas lights. When we got home we had Finnish rice porridge (I'm not even going to attempt to spell the real name of it) with sugar, cinnamon, and milk. Then we gathered around the tree for our oldest family tradition (three years now!).
For Audrey's first Christmas we gave her a Christmas picture book--Room For a Little One by Waddell. We decided that each year we would choose a book and give each child a copy of it. They would get to unwrap it on Christmas Eve and we would read the book as a family. Since it's Truman's first Christmas he got the same book Audrey got for her first Christmas. Next year they'll both get the same book, but we wanted each child to get the Waddell book on their very first Christmas. So we opened books and read them together. For good measure we also read the book Audrey got last year, Silent Night by Jeffers. Afterwards Matt read the Christmas story from Luke. Then it was time for bed. We were all excited to see what Santa would bring.

Audrey was a very good girl this year. When she came downstairs she ran straight to her toys. She was so excited about everything. It was so much fun to watch her discover what she had gotten.

Santa was also good to Truman. He got some great toys that he'll soon grown into. Grandpa helped him open a couple of his presents from the family. Our little man slept through most of his first Christmas, but I think it was a good day for him anyway.

This is Matt's favorite present! Ok, I'm just kidding, but I do think that in time he'll appreciate it more. Matt likes to play video games. And about the only time he has to play them is late at night when it's cold. I can't tell you how many times I've seen him sitting on the floor in front of the TV with a blanket wrapped around his shoulders. I know they are kind of cheesy, but I got him a Snuggie so he could stay a little warmer while he plays his games.

We are a BYU family. Here is Matt showing Audrey her new BYU t-shirt. She has gotten one every Christmas. Truman also got three new BYU onesies that he'll be able to wear in a few months. Go Cougars!

Alright Uncle Steve, here are the pictures for you. My brother made our family a turtle stool. Audrey was really excited about it when she opened it. A couple of times on Christmas we asked her what her favorite present was. Each time she told us it was the turtle.

Pretty cool, huh? Thanks Uncle Steve! We love it!

Audrey and Macy spent the day in Audrey's new princess dresses. This is the best picture I could get of three active girls. Merry Christmas to all!!!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Truman at 10 Days

When Truman was 10 days old my friend Allicia came over and took pictures of him. She did an amazing job and I am so happy with how they turned out. She also made his beautiful birth announcement. Here are some of the pictures she took.

Christmas Pictures

We had Christmas pictures taken of the kids a few weeks ago. Matt and I were both dreading it but were pleasantly surprised. Audrey was completely cooperative and Truman was sleepy. I'm sure our next experience will be different, but we were grateful this one was so easy. I am pretty pleased with how well the pictures turned out. Audrey is two and a half in these pictures and Truman is one month old.

School Days

Back in October Audrey had her first school pictures taken. We were the first ones there and she wasn't quite sure what to think. But eventually she cooperated and these two pictures are the result. The photographer didn't capture the beautiful smile that we see everyday, but the pictures still turned out pretty cute, if a little unconventionally so.

I have faith that one day Audrey will smile for cameras.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Monday, December 21, 2009

Other Events

I don't know why it's so hard for me to keep up with this blasted blog. I really do have good intentions. And just so you all know, I write witty, poignant, funny, heartfelt, and timely blog my head. They just rarely (if ever) make it to the computer. What makes it to the Internet is usually a hurried, poorly thought out travel log that I would blast on word choice, organization, and sentence fluency (and probably the other three traits) if it were turned in by one of my students. But alas, my time is short and one of my reasons for doing this blog is to assuage my guilt about not doing any other type of journaling/scrapbooking. So here is the latest entry in a blog that I swear to myself will one day be witty, poignant, funny, heartfelt, and timely.

Our house is moving along and we are anxious to have it finished. This top picture was taken on 12/9.

This picture was taken on 12-19. Today they are putting up the gutters. As far as we can tell all that needs to be done is the driveway and sidewalk, yard, mirrors in the bathrooms, and racks in the closets. Hopefully soon!

Truman is getting bigger and bigger every day! I almost can't believe he's the same baby. His little face is getting so round and even his skinny legs are starting to get chubby. He is a sweet little felly (as Audrey likes to call him--actually, she says the L's like a W) and we love him tons!

What a handsome little man.

On the 12th Matt took Audrey to her very first movie. They went and saw The Princess and the Frog. Matt said she did pretty well until the last 30 minutes or so when she got pretty wiggly. I'm proud of my big girl. And I'm kind of glad she couldn't quite make it through an entire movie.

Our little China girl. Matt and I bought this outfit in Chinatown in San Francisco when we had only been married a year. I saved it all this time. I think it was worth it though.

Audrey and her preschool class during their Christmas party. Those kids are all so cute and the teachers are amazing!

During the storytime Audrey pulled a chair next to the teacher and sat down like she belonged there. It cracked me up!

Audrey got lots of little treats and gifts to bring home.

Audrey is such a good big sister. It's hard for me to see my little baby as the oldest child now, but she has taken right to the role. She loves to help with Truman and will try to entertain him and make him happy whenever he is upset. If he wimpers or cries she immediately informs me that he's hungry or wants his pacifier. She will insist that he is taken care of. She sings him songs, talks to him, pats him, and gives him his pacifier. I am so happy Truman has such a wonderful big sister! And I am so happy I have such a big helper!

Here is our little family on Christmas Sunday. Matt busted out his Finnish sweater that he wears every Christmas. Audrey wasn't a big fan of it and wanted him to take it off, but Matt told her she had better get used to it.

This is a picture from Macy's birthday. Macy got a bunch of dress up clothes and the girls had a great time trying them on.

Sunday was Kiff, Jill, Macy, and Penny's last day here. They are now officially moved into their new house. I think Audrey is a little sad and misses everyone. She has a pretty good understanding of what's going on and she knows that we'll be moving soon too, but she still keeps talking about everyone. I know she'll especially miss Macy. These girls have loved and terrorized one another for the past two years. They are good little friends and I hope they always will be. At least they haven't moved far. So long little friend. We can't wait to see you soon!