Friday, September 19, 2008

Trouble Monkey

Here are a few random pictures from the past couple of months. They are in no particular order.

Last year when my parents came up when Audrey was born, they discovered that there are blackberry bushes near the house. There are blackberry bushes everywhere here, they're like weeds, but we had no idea there were accessible bushes close to us. My parents picked lots of blackberries for us last year, but this year I took Audrey. She loves blackberries! It's kind of hard to see in the picture, but she had a cute little blackberry juice beard when we got home.

My two cuties!

We bought Audrey this cute little outfit before she was born. She finally loves hats now and loves to wear them. And yes, she is chewing on her sandal.

A few weeks ago a bunch of us went to the county fair. There were 5 moms, 5 strollers, and 7 kids. We were a daunting sight walking down the road. One man even called us the stroller gang. The kids had fun seeing all the animals.

You had to feel bad for this poor mama! I think there were 12 or 13 babies. Audrey could have watched those little piglets all day.

My little trouble monkey has climbed into the fireplace a few times. It's hard to tell, but she was filthy! And of course, she grabbed everything near the sink that she could get her hands on.

Audrey has turned into a climber. She climbs on everything, often to my dismay. She will also stand on anything that will make her taller, as you can see by the pictures above and below.

She's never met a full laundry basket she didn't like. Those are towels waiting to go into the wash.

After weeks of Audrey stealing Macy's pink chair and dragging it all over the house, Matt and I finally gave in and got her her own. It's got Tinkerbell on it, and though I vowed never to buy my daughter princess stuff (or Dora or Elmo or other characters) until she was old enough to want it (I don't want to encourage the princess thing. If she comes to it on her own, fine. But I don't want to push it on her. I don't want a little girl that I purposely turned into a princess monster.), I gave in just so Macy could sit in her own chair every once in awhile.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Rise and Shout!

Last Saturday BYU came to Washington to play UW. Matt and I and a bunch of friends went to Seattle for the game. It was a great game and was exciting until the very end. BYU prevailed so it was worth the 8 hour day.

Matt and I left Audrey with a sitter so it was kind of like we were in college again. It really made both of us miss our days at BYU. I realized that I graduated from college over 7 years ago. I don't know how that is possible. Somehow, despite my best efforts, I keep getting older. One of these days we're going to make it back to Provo for Homecoming, and hopefully it's before we take Audrey to college. Yes, even though she wasn't with us at the game, she was sporting her BYU t-shirt in support of her future school. Go Cougars!

UW had a male twirler. Matt said he's sad he missed out on this opportunity by not attending UW. Look closely, the twirler is the guy to the left of the band all by himself.

Welcome Penny!

This is a little late, but better late than never. Matt and I have a new little niece. This makes 16 nieces for us (counting both sides of the family, of course). Jill had her baby last week and we are all so happy for them. Penny is a cutie, as you can see below. Welcome to the family!

I hate this picture, but it's the only one I have with Matt in it.

I think Jill looks disgustingly good, especially since she had a baby that morning. Maybe next time I'll have to try and motivate myself to fix my hair and put on some make-up. (Assuming there is a next time.)

Stripper Baby

Recently, Matt and I put Audrey down for a nap. She should have been tired. She usually goes right to sleep. But for some reason she had other ideas. After 45 minutes of listening to her talk and play we went in to get her and found this...

When we put her down she was fully clothed. When we went to get her she was missing her shirt and one of her socks. This was a new trick. If you look closely at the second picture, you can see the contents of her crib and wardrobe on the floor.