Tuesday, February 26, 2008

When I was young...

I am officially old. I'm married, have a baby, carry a purse (when I'm not carrying a diaper bag), and am now 30. Sad, but true.

But the best thing about getting older is that everyone around you gets older too. I don't know why, but I find that very comforting.

And since I do have the most wonderful husband ever, I had a fantastic birthday. Matt surprised me by taking the day off of work and arranging for our friend Misty to watch Audrey. We had breakfast together and then took the ferry to Seattle where we had lunch at The Cheesecake Factory and then went shopping. Afterwards we stopped at Pike's Place and Matt bought me a bouquet of tulips. When we got home he had birthday cake and ice cream for me. It was so sweet! I guess if I had to turn 30, this was a great way to do it!
The view on the ferry ride home from Seattle.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Little Munch

Here are a few random pictures from the last few weeks.

Audrey often rolls under Macy's bouncy seat. She'll play under there for a long time. She also loves playing with Macy. Audrey thinks she's big when she's around Macy.

Audrey was so tired this day! When she was tiny this was her favorite way to sleep, but now she never puts her head on you like this. She was exhausted and it was so sweet to get to hold her like a teeny baby again.

We had another play date today and Audrey found a red balloon. She kept biting on it and I was afraid she was going to pop it with her two new teeth. But she never did and had a great time chomping on it.

Play Date

A couple of weeks ago the ward had a play date for all of the new moms and babies. Our ward has a lot of babies right now and it was nice to get together and have lunch and let the babies play. Here are a few of the pictures.

Tyler, Audrey, and Lilly--our little Musketeers.

These are only a few of the babies in the ward. Several others were missing.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Silly Goose!

Audrey is now a pro at rolling around. She can pretty much get wherever and whatever she wants these days, and oh, how we miss the days when she sat and stared at things. Here are a few recentish pictures of some of the predicaments she regularly gets herself into.

Audrey loves my make-up case. Whenever I bring it out of the bathroom her eyes get wide and she follows it wherever I take it. She will do anything she can to get into it. Occasionally I'll give her a sample brush and some of my empty containers to play with. She likes them, but she always wants whatever it is that I'm not giving her.

I regularly find Audrey like this after naps. She starts playing and gets underneath her bumpers. Sometimes she gets stuck and then she really yells.

Notice her blanket in the foreground of the picture.

It's all fun and games until Field of Dreams pokes you in the eye!

Munch and her Pop!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

December Catch-up!

Here are some of the highlights from our December.

We took Audrey to the zoo for the first time. She didn't get to see many live animals, but she did get to see some pretty cool lights.

The petting zoo animals were about the only real animals she saw. In typical Audrey fashion, she wasn't impressed. I did think it was cute that our little lamb (she's wearing her pink lamb coat) got to have her picture taken with a real lamb.

Audrey got this super cute dress from her Grammy Holyoak. This was the Sunday before Christmas.

The loot from Santa. (The rocking chair was not from Santa and was not a Christmas present. It's mine from when I was little.)

Drinking out of a cup for the first time!

On New Year's Eve our stake rented the YMCA. They had all kinds of things you could do and swimming was one of the favorites. This was Audrey's first time swimming. Here she is with her friend Tyler.

Audrey FINALLY started rolling over. Here she is playing with Tyler. You can't really tell, but she's not too happy on her tummy.

So she starts to go...

And is so proud of herself when she makes it over! I was so proud too. I immediately emailed her dad the news and he called home because he was so excited. Our girl is getting so big!