Thursday, November 29, 2007

For Grandma...

After I unexpectedly had to have surgery in August my mom came up to help with the house and baby. While she was here she bought Audrey the cutest little pink lamb coat, but never got to see her wear it. When we went to visit them in November I brought it along thinking that she would be able to wear it. However, it was hot so it stayed in the suitcase the whole time. My mom's been asking for pictures of her in it; I had a little pink coat when I was little too. So here they are mom! Our cute little lamby baby!

There have been several days this winter we've been without heat. This was one of those days. Luckily, Audrey's coat kept her nice and toasty!

All tuckered out!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Munch at 3 months

When Muncherson was 3 months old and we had these pictures taken I did not have this blog. I thought I sent everyone a link to the pictures, but a lot of you have told me you never got to see them. So I decided to post a few of her 3 months pictures. She's 5 months now, which is hard to believe, but she looks super cute and I didn't think anyone would mind seeing some older pics.

This is the blessing dress my mom made for her. It's absolutely gorgeous!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Oh, how we miss it.

Houston that is. Our first home. The place we learned how to be married and rely on each other. Where Matt finally started to understand why I love Texas so much, and started to love it himself too. We miss the Rodeo. The amazing shopping. The fantastic arts district. Living within minutes of Reliant Stadium, the Toyota Center, and Minute Maid. More restaurants than we could ever try. Our cute Waterford Square apartment. Mission Burritos across the street from our cute apartment. The museum district. PJH South. Balmy winters. Blue Bell ice cream. Mexican food. Oh, the Mexican food.

But more than any of this, we miss our friends. We always have the best friends. Last weekend when we went home our friends Allie, Jeremy, and Jace Bills all came up from Houston to visit us. We met the Bills about a year after we moved to Houston when they first got to the city. Matt and Jeremy played basketball together and became golf buddies. Allie and I took a cake decorating class and made sugar cookies. We had Super Bowl parties together and Easter dinner. We got along so well.

We were so excited to get to see them again and were so grateful they were willing to drive up from Houston. It had been a year and a half since we last saw them, although Allie and I maintain a fairly steady relationship on the phone. When we moved Allie was barely pregnant and I was nowhere near ready for kids. Now they have an adorable little boy and we have Audrey.

We met for breakfast and it was like we'd never been apart. Afterwards we went shopping at the mall and both got some cute things for the babies. Too quickly it was time for us to part again. So we're back to missing them. But the best part about having good friends is that no matter how long you are separated, you will see them again, and you can pick up right where you left off.

Jace was so cute with Audrey. Allie thought for sure he was going to yank that bow off her head. But he reached up, and very sweetly patted her head. It was priceless!

The babies were so cute together. I don't think they quite knew what to make of each other. But they humored us so we could get some pictures.

"I think I'll hold this cute boy's hand."

I look terrible in this one and the babies were sick of pictures and not cooperating. Also, it was humid and my hair looks like something out of a bad 70's T.V. show.

So Allie, Jeremy, Jace, and all of our friends in Houston, WE MISS YOU! Eat some fajitas from Pappasito's, get some lemon cake from the Dessert Gallery, and buy a book at Half Price Books in Rice Village and think of us. We're thinking of all of you!

Allie and me at a Rocket's game.

Jeremy and Matt at the same Rocket's game. They got to go on the floor afterwards and shoot a free throw. They both missed.

The basketball team--year one, 2005.

New Year's Eve 2005. Dinner with the Billses and Fitzgibbons. All three couples now have babies.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

So many people to love!

More pictures from our Texas trip!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The stars at night, are big and bright...

Clap, Clap, Clap, Clap
Deep in the heart of Texas!

Audrey FINALLY got to go on her first trip to Texas! She may have been born in Washington, but I know she's really a Texas girl at heart just like her Mama! It was so exciting to visit all of the family and Munchie was a doll the entire time. She loved the attention and having so many people to hold her and love her. The long weekend flew by, but it was a great trip and we're looking forward to the next one. Hopefully sometime soon!

With Grandma and Grandpa. We were so excited to see them!

Audrey with a few of her 22 cousins on my side of the family. From back left: James, Josh, Jennifer, Megan, Stacey, Anna, Samuel, and Ryan.

Grandma and Grandpa with some of the grandkids and great grandkids.

Audrey with the boys. First cousins once removed Jacob, Ethan, and Dylan.

With cousin Megan.

Jacob saw Sweeterson's little feet and couldn't resist a taste!

Munchie with her Aunt Kelly and Uncle Charles and cousins Michael (who will soon be in Seattle serving a mission!), Samuel, and Anna. MIA are Rebecca and Nathan.

Samuel and Anna were so excited to get to hold her. Too cute!

With cousins Lesley, Eric, and first cousin once removed Chloe.

With Uncle Steve and Aunt Debbie

Stephanie and I grew together and lived across the street. I'm so glad she was able to meet Audrey. Happy 30th birthday Stephanie!

Stephanie's mom, sister, and niece also stopped by to see Munch. Here is her mom and niece with Audrey.

Monday, November 5, 2007

It's Good to Have Friends

Tonight we were invited to dinner at the Snyder's along with the Kims. It was the first time we've had all of the babies together in awhile and they definitely kept us on our toes. They are getting so big and are adorable! They are approximately 5 months, 4 1/2 months, and 4 months old in these two pictures.

This is the end of the photo shoot and they're pretty tired. Audrey's shirt is drenched in drool, Lilly is looking at us like we're nuts, and Tyler is sucking his thumb and looks ready for bed.
But they're still super cute!

For a little background info, Nadine, Misty, and I were all pregnant at the same time and due within three weeks of each other. In January all of our husbands were called into the Young Men's Presidency and our friendships were subsequently forged over Sunday dinners, church basketball games, late, late nights of Guitar Hero II, nausea, indigestion, swelling, leg cramps, and many, many trips to the bathroom. All three babies were born in June; Lilly at the beginning, Audrey in the middle, and Tyler at the end.

Here are the babies after Audrey's blessing. They are about 9, 7, and 5 weeks old.

This picture is after Tyler's blessing. They are 5, 3, and 1 week old.

Here we are the night before Nadine (in the middle) went in to have Lilly.

Easter Sunday in April. L to R--Misty, Phil, Diana, Matt, Nadine, Brant, and Eli