Showing posts with label sweetpouchswap. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sweetpouchswap. Show all posts

Thursday, December 4

Christmas Sweet Pouch Swap Received

If you sew and swap, you can make friends all over the world...  Came home to a beautiful swap package from a new crafty friend in California. Everything is lovely.  She totally hit the nail on the head by using tree themed fabric (since I am a Tree Hugger). Love the pouch and goodies.   Thank you Barbra!  This was for the 4th round of Sweet Pouch Swap hosted by Ros in Australia #sweetpouchswap 

Sunday, November 16

Sweet Pouch Swap #4

I am so excited to be part of the Sweet Pouch Swap hosted by Roz in Austrialia for the 4th time.  I already got my partner assignment and we've been corresponding and getting to know each other.
This time around my partner is in California so it will be easier to send extra stuff in the package, sending to Europe & Australia is always such a challenge because I always want to include bulky items.  I can't wait to start sewing.  #sweetpouchswap