Saturday, April 13, 2024

A Golden Age

Spring has sprung and with all the fresh green and colorful flowers popping up, we had to focus on GOLD around here.  It was Katelee's GOLDEN birthday - 17 on the 17th!!

Katelee wanted make sure we knew what a special birthday this was because it only happens once in all the birthday years you get.  We tried to decorate with gold and make her feel special, because she is one fabulous gal.  

Katelee is a busy bee- she always has some fun social plans going on every night and is starting back up with lacrosse season- making the VARSITY team this year!  We are so excited to watch her play.  She is fun and adventurous and adds a little unique blend to this ginger nation we have going on at this house.  We love her so so much!  She and I went to see MJ at Eccles Theater and had a blast.  She is always a party to be with.  

Katelee has some seriously hard classes this year and is working so hard to stay on top of them.  In particular, she stays after school whenever she can to make sure she is understanding her math classes.  She enrolled in math 1050 and math 1060 so she will get college credit and she has the best teacher ever, Mr Murphy.  He thinks Katelee is the best student ever in return, because he chose her as his one pick of the year to be the student of the month!
Each teacher at the high school gets one turn a year to choose a student who they think should be honored.  He said many years it is hard to pick, but this year it was not a hard decision.  He was so complimentary of Katelee's work ethic and attitude and he said he wished he had a whole classroom of Katelees.  We loved driving by the school seeing her face as the marquis rotated...even if she said she didn't like the picture.  Mr Murphy said that he hopes everyone that drives by thinks the school is full of Katelee McArthurs.  The school would be one amazing place if that were true.  Super proud of this girl!

Our other gal, Miss Brenna is also rocking the gold, but just for one of her dances.  Competition season started beginning of March so she is performing and dancing all week and most of the weekends.  She is right in her element and loving every minute.  

At the end of March, we had our spring break.  It seemed a bit early for spring break, of course we are always happy with a little school reprieve, although later in the year is more ideal.  We decided to hit up our beautiful southern Utah for a couple of days.  

It was pretty chilly the first day.  We went to Deadhorse Point and discovered Brenna did not have hiking shoes for this hiking trip, so after a shoe snafoo and negotiations on who could wear what shoes, we were set for some hikes.  Canyonlands was  a big hit and Arches is always incredibly stunning. 

We decided to sleep in the next day so we wouldn't be hiking in 35 degree weather, once the sun got up it was motivation to be on the trails and keep moving to get some heat in our bones.  It ended up being lovely weather and good times.  

After time with nature, we went for the opposite feel...on to Las Vegas.  Harrison had recently expressed his desire to go places with 'extremes in precipitation' to quote him exactly.  While we didn't get the precipitation, we did have extreme temperature changes.  We walked the strip a little, stopping at Brenna's beloved Sephora and Lids for Harrison. The girls and Dave went to the Las Vegas temple to do baptisms.  Since Harrison is not quite old enough, he and I went to the Meow Wolf Megamart Art exhibit.  

We will need to bring the rest of the fam back one day for a trippy art experience.  We loved finding all the hidden gateways that take you from a funky grocery store exhibit to another dimension...

We found quite the hilarious products in the megamart...

We had a great night on the town going to a fancy Italian family style restaurant and to the Cirque de Soleil 'O' show at the Bellagio.  Those performances are always incredible and slightly disturbing!  Are people supposed to bend like that?!  Of course one of our favorite things to do on a trip is eat...and we put it away at the Wicked Spoon buffet.  Harrison told us he capped out at 10 pancakes.  That was just part of his meal-there was a whole lot of bacon going on at that table, mingled with ice cream and crab legs and all the goods.  

It was nice having a little getaway together.  The kids don't love smooshing in the small car, but we love the prepaid gas situation and they were good sports about it.  We got back from our trip determined to jump in and finish the next couple months of school and activities strong.  We started seeing buds and flowers pushing up and Harrison came in one day after playing outside telling me, in a slightly disgusted tone, that we had beets.  He was relaying this like we had an infestation of these undesirable beets.  I was confused for a minute as he was telling me not to worry, because he pulled out everyone he could see.  It took me a minute to realize these 'beets' were the bulbs of my tulips.  Things don't always look great but with time and care, they become something beautiful, something that brings happiness, something that can be golden.  We salvaged what we could of the discarded bulb/beets and will see how things turn out. Of course, Harry felt bad, but who would have thought an ugly brown ball is the source of a beautiful he knows.  Don't discount the hidden beets-we've got something great about to pop in the right conditions!


Saturday, March 2, 2024

Celebrating Sweeties

We started off the month of Sweethearts with Katelee's Sweethearts dance.  It was the first Saturday of the month, not right next to Valentine's Day but it kicked off the month with some cute snazz right away.

Katelee took her guy Talyn.  

They went up the mountains to tube for their day date.
After the photo shoot they had an interesting experience at the habachi restaurant they had made a reservation at. They tried to split their group and seat them at a table that they couldn't cook.  I mean why would you need a fire and grill when cooking and tossing shrimp?  It got worked out but it was a bit stressful for the gals.  

They are such a beautiful group of girls getting Valentine color schemed up.  It was fun to have a few neighborhood girls in the group together this time.  

After Katelee's Sweeties dance, we moved on to celebrate this Sweetie...

Grant is on his last year of teenage life.  I think that he seems older anyway, it's weird to think of him as a teenager, but technically that title is sticking for another year.   Grant is working hard at home and getting ready for another round of summer sales.  Target (and his friends/girlfriend) are enjoying his company in the meantime.  

It was Superbowl time again!!!  Our uber talented neighbor Taryn decked out her house for the annual Sanchez/McArthur football bash.  We eat way too much, play the grid game to win gift cards and I maybe danced to the Usher halftime show embarrassing my family and most likely making the kids of the host family traumatized for life.  But hey, it was memorable.  Harrison picked the 49ers...but, was not walking out with a win that day.  
This is how he felt about that....

Girlfriend Brenna turned 14! 

She took a couple friends out shopping and to dinner and had her angel food cake (as requested every year).

Brenna is the most driven and disciplined teenage girl on the face of the earth.  She has schedules and goals and does everything in her power to meet those.  We appreciate her organization and how she never complains about her crazy busy schedule.  

She's been babysitting more, which she has enjoyed.  My favorite recent story was when she was babysitting while a dad was working from home.  The kids she was watching wanted to play hide and seek and it was Brenna's turn to seek.  After counting and declaring 'Here I come...'  Brenna went about searching for the kiddos.  When she came to the bathroom door, she tried to open it and it was locked.  She knocked and said, "guys if I am going to find you, you can't lock the door!"  Turns out it was not a hiding child in the locked door- but a dad using the facilities and as soon as the door opened, it was a very embarrassed babysitter.  All are grateful for the locked door now!

Harrison had a vision for his Valentine's box this year and he executed it incredibly.  He wanted a box paying homage to a favorite football player- Nacua.  Nacua played for BYU and now is on the Rams, so Harrison wanted to display both.  He got a cereal box, designed a helmet with both logos.  I was thoroughly impressed. 

The rest of us didn't have valentine boxes, but we still had our love fest candlelight dinner- always a favorite McArthur tradition.  Love is not spoken enough here but we are working on it!

The older three kids have all been able to accompany Dave on a trip for work.  We figured it was Harrison's turn.  Dave had work commitments in Phoenix and we knew that was the perfect place for Harrison to stow away.  

Harry stayed with grandma when his cousins had school, but also spent lots of time with Jack and his sisters and their funny dog Jett. 

It was the kind of work trip Harrison would sign up for anytime.  

We've got snow and sweeties happening this month- a little hot and cold.  It kind of sums of life experiences, a bit of this, a bit of that, fire and ice.  Both can be beneficial, there can be positive in all, happiness and love doesn't come in one pre-designed package.  It is self designed with great effort and can be an unexpected masterpiece, just like Puka Nacua's Valentine box of honor.  


Saturday, February 3, 2024

Starting Off Right

When we started 2023, my motto was 'surgery free for 2023.'  We almost made it- I had a minor woman procedure in December, so hoping we can get through this next one with no surgeries, but our catch phrase will be more like 'Give Me More of 2024.'  Maybe if I think like that, it will be one of our favorite years ever.  Yea, lets go with that.  

Katelee started off the give me more of 2024 life with lots of snowboarding.  She has already put her Brighton pass to great use.  One of the days she was boarding, she looked over and recognized a famous face.  She turned to her friend to ask if it was Benson Boone and when her friend confirmed, they decided to say hello.  
She told me she knew for sure it was him because she could hear his music on his phone.  I told her that I thought he was weird he was listening to his own music!  haha Turns out he was creating a post for his upcoming song-which has since turned out to be the biggest hit ever.   Soooo...not so weird after all.  The funny thing is Katelee sent this pic to me and Brenna saying "look who I just saw!"  I initially thought it was an extended family member or friend and I side texted Brenna asking if I should know him.  Brenna had immediately freaked out saying NO WAY!   I know who Benson Boone is, I just was unfamiliar with his face.  I am almost up with the times...almost.  

Katelee and her friends have since seen Mr Boone in a little impromptu concert release where he jumped on social media saying he was going to sing his new songs at a location and whoever could get there would enter for free.  Hundreds of fans (girls) rushed to his locale and Katelee sent me the funniest videos from inside the venue- gals screaming the songs and then people outside the windows just pressing on the glass trying to get a glimpse.  So so funny.  

2024 is a Book of Mormon year for our church and we were super pumped for it in primary.  I am one of the music leaders-which I love.  It is so fun and I get to be with Harrison.  Last time I was music leader, I was released when Harrison was going to be a little sunbeam so at least I get to do his last year with him.  

We haven't had too much snow in December-like hardly any.  January picked up the pace quite a bit.  We really didn't have too thick of snow- we took care of all the removal with shovels and didn't need our snowblower.  Not sure Harrison could create such stirring sports logos with a snowblower, so it worked out.  I guess there was one GIANT snowstorm, but Dave and I missed it.  

I was accompanying him on a work trip to Cancun.  So, while my family was stranded at various activities due to a blizzard, we were in a slightly different climate.  
I was drinking a pina colada and getting pics of poor Shannon trying to get to Harrison at his basketball practice.  It took them hours to get home, so we were so grateful everyone was safe in the snow squall!  It sounded like treacherous driving conditions for sure.  Shannon handled it with great calm.  We had actually been driving recently and I had to tell Dave he was driving dangerously.  He kinda of chuckled and Harrison sternly rebuked him.  Harrison said, "It is not funny to be dangerous- it's like oh lets play with a knife for fun."  So maybe it was best Harrison was in hands he thought were more cautious.  Truthfully, Dave is super cautious in snow and rain, just to be clear.  It is the normal sunny weather we aren't so sure about.  When Harrison and I were talking about weather/tropics, he brought up the Bermuda triangle, naturally.  The kid is on to something.  He is sure the lost city of Atlantis is underneath because, as he explained, 'what better way to guard your ancient kingdom than to surround t by a triangle of stormy weather.'   We have yet to brave the Bermuda triangle, but maybe these storm experiences are preparing Harrison for something like that someday.  

Brenna got to perform at the high school for a basketball half time.  There was a dance company clinic so she learned a hip hop routine and performed it.  Slay queen! She's got some rizz! See- my slang is almost up with the times.  

Give us more 2024!  We have most of the year to praying it is a good one!  It will inevitably give us more-more time together, more memories, more lessons, more insights, more hardships, more tears, more laughter.  So, let's just hope whatever it gives MAKES us into something more.  Maybe we will amend the phrase to 'make us into more in 2024'


Friday, January 5, 2024

Rockin Around the Christmas Tree

There was a lot of dancing going on these holiday months.  November kicked off with Katelee's Girls Pref dance.  She took her buddy Jojo.  

Their group did superheroes/villans as the theme.  Katelee and Jojo hands down were 

the coolest Fro-zones you ever did see.  But really, how cool are their pictures?  

Harrison was asked to be a player in a tournament with some boys he played with last year.  They did great and won, hence the mini trophies here.  He is going to join these kids on their team at the beginning of the year, so it was a good kick start.  Before each game we have to guess if we are the home team or visitor and wear the jersey on one side or the other.  We usually guess wrong and have to flip it when we get to there.  

Harrison has a few particulars when it comes to what he wears- no hard pants, that's the number one.  Jeans- completely unacceptable.  He is mostly found in athletic wear or sweat style.  I did ask him to chnage his shirt the other day, just because of the temperature.  He responded with, "oh, you're right.  I should change my shirt for my health." 
Thanksgiving this year was our no travel local year with the Petrick side.  I took zero pictures of us, but this lego diagram pretty much sums up who was there and who sat where.  Ha!  

This festive month was kicked off with yet another high school dance.
Katelee and her friend Izzy went to another school's Winter Ball.  Katelee is really enjoying the dance dates and I am loving she is living up her high school experience! 

 We continued into the holiday season with the regular festivities plus a few fun extra ones.  Harrison and I went to a nativity display.  It was super cool.  There were the most unique nativities you could imagine and we got to do a little scavenger hunt to find certain ones.  

We made our delightfully delicious gluten free sugar cookies and decorated them with culinary style.  

Brenna had quite the spread with her Trump, Jesus and David McArthur cookies.  See if you can spy each one.  

Our elf Kringle is getting in his later years.  He doesn't move as much but he still made an appearance in the house before Christmas.  The most startling elf I saw this season was this giant one in Hobby Lobby.  Watching him trying to get through the front door brought me great joy.  

There was pretty much zero snow before Christmas, and it was quite warm, as you can tell from this photo of Katelee with her stellar table she made!!  
She took a woods class at school and told me they were making a desk.  She asked if we needed one and I was like I have no idea where we would put her homemade desk, so she decided to design one to gift to Grandma and Shannon.  She brought it home and I was so impressed, I changed my mind and told her I needed it, not them!  
But, too late- it was their gift.  We brought it to the Christmas Eve extravaganza where did the christmas story scripture read and white elephant gift exchange.   
The traditions continued with the kids sleeping together in the basement and waking up to a crackling screen fire for gifts Christmas morning.  

Thoughtful presents were exchanged, 

silly gag gifts were given, 
and we enjoyed our time together playing games and lounging around.  During the month and through the school break, we drove around and saw lights a few times, but always had to come into our neighborhood on a certain road to park in front of the house that had a radio station synced to their flashing holiday lights.  These lights were no joke.  I am fairly certain they could be seen from space.  We live a couple streets over and still worried about an epileptic episode.  They were so fun to watch!  Dave, every time we drove by would comment about how glad he was that it wasn't our immediate neighbors' house!  Haha!  Harrison and I were completely addicted to it, however.  We would pull up, roll down the window and become completely transfixed.  I told him it was mesmerizing, looked back at the cute litte face not blinking and replied, "mesmerizing indeed."  It was that moment I knew we'd had enough.  

Another super fun addition to Christmas 2023 was an escape room!!  We had this whole escape room set up at work and I brought it home for our family, cousins, neighbors to take turns solving.  
It was a big hit.  Some friends solved it within a half hour, another family was here for over 2 hours late into the night but refusing hints.  Our Grinch lair was full of tricks and riddles.  My favorite part was when our little fam was working to escape.  One puzzle had to do with solving names of candies.  The clue was Happy Farmer and Katelee kept playing with the words, trying different things and she started saying Ranch...Rancher...Happy Rancher and Dave goes, "Yes!  Corn Nuts!!"  We all started laughing and he explained they are ranch flavored.  It took a minute, but the fam settled in on the Jolly Rancher answer shortly after.

The piano biz is down to two students, so we just let Harrison and Lilly show their skills between Christmas and New Years at a little intimate recital in our front room.  

The fingers were flying it was fabulous.  

New Years Eve was spent eating lots of delish delights and playing games with these two.  Dave was stricken ill, so he couldn't ring in the new year, but we played around 10 games and did our annual face masks and talked about what we hope is to come in 2024 while highlighting some of our 2023 hits.  

If I have learned anything over the past 5-6 years or is to expect the unexpected.  Make the plans, have some goals and know it isn't all going to go as planned, and that is ok. So no matter what this next year brings, I know we will have highs and lows, ebbs and flows in 2024 and we are there for it!