Saturday, November 29, 2008

Here's the one of Malinda! Post cont.!

Read the below post if your confused at why Malinda is staring at you right now!

Old Talent that I'm going to try to bring back.

So for Christmas this year my family decided to do homemade gifts using our talents. Well number one, I don't really have that much time these days to make the gifts and number two I only have one talent. Or atleast I used to have one talent. This year I had my sister Jaime's family for Christmas and my one talent used to be photography. It's been SOOO long since I have done any picture taking though. I use old school film even folks! I realized today that I really miss it and I know they are rusty but I need to get back at it. Here are just a few pics that I took today. There are more but these are some of my favorites. Oh....Malinda asked me to take some for her mom for Christmas too so one is posted of her as well. She looks beautiful to me in it! I'm gonna get back at this folks and start using my talent again so that next time I post some pictures they are even better!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Kids are brilliant!

So this weekend I got to go and have a REALLY quick slumber party with a couple of my nephews. I slept on an air mattress for one night in a room with Kacey's boys. In the morning my two older boys came and snuggled with me on the bed and we started chatting. Here's just one of the AMAZING conversations that we had.

Camden - "Aunt Meghan have you seen the movie Kung Fu Panda"
Me - "Ya bubba it's hilarious huh"
Cam - "Ya. Mas and I love it."
Me - "Cam, why though is he a panda bear and his dad is a duck?"
Cam - "Aunt Meg, people are all different."
Me - "Dugga, that is the best answer anyone could have given!"

Kids are so brilliant! They totally get it. It wasn't I don't know, it was Aunt Meghan look around the world. People are all different. Good job Kacey and Chris. Cam understands more in life then we do!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Man life can throw you punches but I guess it is to help us grow and learn who we are as individuals. In my life I have never really had a problem with making friends or with being one that people enjoy being with or getting along with. I don't mean to sound conceited but this has truly been my one talent I thought the big guy gave me. For a while now I have been feeling for the first time that I just can't seem to mesh with the people in my ward. Everyone around me says that it is the most amazing ward and I am trying, or I have tried. The people and are just aren't meshing. It seems as though I go but no one in the ward really knows who I am. I have tried to even go to a relief society retreat which is VERY out of my comfort zone. I attended classes by myself and I honestly thought that I met some women there. I lost my calling tonight which I totally understand why. They need someone in there that can click with the rest of the presidency and especially the president. The children are so important and whatever is best for them I am all for. Unity in a presidency makes all the difference so I have known this is coming. I guess what all of this is coming down to is the old question of, when in life to you become a different person without even realizing you've gotten there? I realize that I have become someone different that people can't necessarily relate to anymore. It's a tough realization but one that I am really going to try and figure out how to become me again and find that spark that I used to have. I want to be able to have my one talent again. It was something that I cherished and at times like this miss very much.