This little man turned 6 months old on the 18th
He has been such a joy to our family. I am so grateful for his happy little personality.
-He is so easy to get a smile from him and he will smile at anyone really.
-He loves, loves, loves bath time. I get soaked from all his splashing that he does. You can just see the excitement on his face when he's in the water.
-He has the biggest head out of all my kids.
-He wears mostly 9 months clothes but he'll fit into some 12 month
-not sure of his weight, I take him to his doctor on Wednesday
-He loves most baby food that I have offered him. He is still nursing and takes formula.
-He has only rolled from back to tummy once. He wants to do it all the time he just doesn't have it quite down yet.
-His sleeping at night is still very random. Some nights he'll wake up twice, other nights it seems like he'll be up every hour.
-His naps are becoming more predictable. He usually takes a quick snooze in the morning. Then another nap after lunch and then one more around 4. He is ready for bed by 730-8:00 at night.
-He loves to chew on his fingers.
- If he's not wearing socks he loves to play with his toes.
-He is still so stuffy in his nose.
-He loves to watch the other kids play.
-He likes helping Chad mow the lawn.
Our family has been so blessed by this little guy. He has been such an awesome baby. I couldn't have asked for a better caboose.