Thursday, October 16, 2014

Monday, April 15, 2013

Disneyland Oct 2012

 So, this is our last year of having Disneyland passes and we were so happy when we got to go with Grandma Kathy and Aunt Sheri and McKenna.  We got to go for McKenna's birthday and it was a blast!!

 Gavin loves his Grandma.  She was a trooper.  It was 2 long days of walking and lots of rides.  The only one she had a hard time on was Soarin or CA.  That made her a little motion sick.  But, she kept on going.

 All ready for Toy Story!!

 Bear Mountain!  I think I remember getting pretty wet!

 Love my sister!!  She is a wonderful friend and I love when we get to hang out!

 Two peas in a pod!!

 All built with Legos!!

 These girls loved watching and dancing to the parade!

Tower of Terror!!

Halloween 2012

Silly kids all dressed up for trick or treating!  Caleb and Gavin are soldiers and Sabrina is Mulan. 
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General Conference Trip

 So, Jared and I have decided that when each of our kids turn 12 we will take a trip to Utah for General Conference and to tour the church sites.  So, Caleb, Jared and I got on a plane (Caleb's first time) and went to Utah.  It was a really fun trip.  It was fun to have time with just Caleb and to learn more about the history of the church.

 We went down to BYU and toured around and Greg and Jaxon and Makinsey came and hung out with us and toured the campus with us.  It was so fun to see them.

 Here we are on the BYU campus.  I think Caleb thought it was pretty cool.  He didn't realize how big a college campus is.

 Jared and Caleb were able to go to the Priesthood session on Saturday night with Brad, Noah and cousin Jared.  Then on Sunday, the 3 of us were able to go to the Sunday afternoon session.  It was so neat to be in the conference center listening to conference.  I loved how everyone just stopped and stood up to watch the prophet walk in.  21,000 people just dead silent.  What a wonderful spirit!

 Brad and Nikki were nice enough to let us stay with them for a couple of days.  It was great to hang out with them and their cute family.  Sunday night we just hung out and played games.  So fun!!

 On Monday, we toured around to a bunch of the church sites.  We toured the Conference Center, the 2 visitors center, Tabernacle (we listened to an organ performance), the church headquarters and the Joseph Smith Memorial building.  It was a really day and we learned a lot about some church history.  The only bummer was that it rained the whole day we were walking around!

 The Christus

 Tiffany Walker was so awesome to drive up to Salt Lake and meet us for lunch!  It was so great to see her.  They moved to Utah about a month ago and I miss her so much!  It was wonderful to just sit and chat for a little while.  I am happy for them because they have always wanted to get back to Utah, but I am selfish and want them to come back to AZ.

 In front of the Salt Lake temple.

Caleb and Joseph Smith

Sabrina is 7

 Can't believe that my baby is 7 already!!  She is growing so big.  Every year we have a birthday dinner at Grandma and Grandpa's house.  She gets to celebrate with Grandma, Janie, Makinsey and Koralyn.  They all have birthdays within about a week of each other!

 We do friend birthday parties every year that the kids turn an even number.  So, this year was kind of chill.  Sabrina chose to go out to breakfast at the Good Egg, so in the evening we just played games as a family and had cupcakes!
She is getting so big!  She cute her hair short for her birthday.  She loves it short and it looks so cute.  I love my Beenie!!  She is so sweet and sassy!

Cub Scouts

 Gavin is loving cub scouts.  He just recently earned his Wolf badge.  He is doing so well and loves going and learning all the new things at scouts.

 I am so proud of him!!

His den leader dressed up as Nacho Lebre.  It was hilarious!  The kids loved it!

Braces for Gavin - Phase one

 So, as you can see from that awesome smile, Gavin is sadly going to have lots of dental work to do!  So, he gets to have 2 phases of braces and starts even earlier than Caleb did.  Hopefully he won't have any teeth pulled!

 Love this look!!

Here he is with the braces on!!  It was somewhat fun for Gavin since our good friend Brittany Call works at the orthodontist and was able to put his braces on for him.  That made him a lot less nervous!  Hopefully, his teeth turn out as great as Brittany's!

Easter 2013

Happy Easter!!  Look at this cute family!!  I love these people.  I can't believe that they are all getting so big.  This is probably a good time to just recap what is going on with each of the kids.

Caleb - Caleb is almost done with 7th grade at Highland Jr High.  He is loving it there and is doing pretty well.  He plays clarinet in the band and is getting pretty good.  He has grown about 6 inches in the last year.  He is now taller than me which makes him about 5'8".  He wears a size 11 1/2 shoe.  I can just about watch him growing everyday.  His voice is deep and he is just becoming so grown up.  He had to get glasses a few months ago.  Those make him look really grown up.  He has started playing volleyball.  Which I love!!  He really wants to get a scholarship to college for volleyball.  He is a sweet boy with a tender heart.  He wants to do the right thing and he loves scouts, cars, legos and star wars.  He is such a mini Jared, it is almost scary! :)

Gavin - Gavin is almost done with 2nd grade and is a really good student.  He loves school and learning and his teacher.  He loves to read and is very smart.  He thinks outside the box.  He is still taking piano lessons and has really improved this year in it.  He loves to play chess, checkers, and any computer games.  He is a sweet boy that loves to show love.  He loves to learn about the gospel and I often find him reading his scriptures or his Faith in God book figuring out what he needs to do to advance.

Sabrina - Sabrina is almost done with 1st grade.  She loves to talk and is a great storyteller.  She can tell you every detail of what went on in her day.  She loves to learn and play with friends.  She loves riding her bike or scooter and doing dance and tumbling.  Many times a week, she will randomly come up to me and tell me I am the best mother and that she loves me.  Her crooked smile brings a smile to my face and she just loves to be involved in everything.

Jared - Jared is currently working 3 1/2 jobs.  Poor guy.  That really makes me sound like a slave driver.  But, he has his full time job with Bank of America, then teaches part time at Mesa Community College and has a freelance job on the side.  We also kind of started doing photography.  He is still in the bishopric (4 1/2 years) and enjoys it.  He doesn't get to go hiking as often as he would like, but when he does, he loves it.  Caleb is his hiking partner.  He still tries to sing in a choir somewhere and it works about half the year.

I am just trying to run the house and keep up with everyone else!