Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Mays' Blessing

We blessed Mays at my parent's home on July 29. All 3 of my brother's were here and since Mays is named after Geoff we thought it was appropriate to do it while he was here. We are blessed to have such wonderful families and so much support! Mays is so lucky to have Ryan as his dad. He gave him the most beautiful blessing!

So sad we didn't get a picture with my brothers or my parents :(


We have had cousins in town nonstop this summer and my boys have been in heaven! We are so lucky to have such amazing families and such fun cousins! My mom takes all the pictures so we have don't have any with our McGiven cousins but they were here too and we love them just the same :)

Thompson Family Reunion

4th of July parade

Gavin, Laney, and Olivia come to visit

Sound of Music with Grandma and Grandpa

City Creek

Hot tubbing

My parents have been talking about getting a hot tub forever! They finally pulled the trigger and did it and we are loving it! It gets used almost every night and my kids think it is heaven on earth! 

Summer hiking

My kids have been hiking fools this summer. They have been on 5 hikes this summer and last week hiked to the Y! I was impressed! Luckily Joeen is usually along with her camera so we have some proof!

Slip 'n Slide Fun

My cousin Anna gave my mom a huge sign that we turned into a slip 'n slide. It is so much fun and we appreciate my parents sacrificing their lawn so the grandkids can have fun! We have pulled it out multiple times and my kids get crazier every time!

I appreciate Chad sacrificing his body for my kids as well!

Even this crazy lady went on it!

Hopefully the grass will recover this winter!

Luke and Summer

These 2 have a love/hate relationship! For the most part they do really well until they want the same thing...usually the Ipad...and then the fighting begins! When they are getting along they are the best of friends and I love watching them play!

I hope they will always be close and LOVE each other!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Newborn Pictures

Last year I won a photo session on facebook with Heather Telford! I was so excited when I got the gift card saying I could use it between March and July of 2012. I was thrilled because I knew that is when our baby would be coming! I love the way these pictures turned out (besides the fact that I was 5 days postpartum and look a little chubby :))

Now which ones to blow up?!?