Sunday, June 3, 2012

Noah Graduates

LaiLauna turns 2

Evelyns baby blessing

On the first Sunday in May we blessed our sweet baby girl. Colby gave a wonderful blessing and we had so many great people that are so dear to us stand in. 
After church we had a bbq at our house and had some friends and family over to partake of a thank you lunch. We just had hot dogs with some different salads and a few other sides nothing to fancy. I had a lot of help when I was first pregnant with Evelyn so we had them over for a thank you lunch.
The beautiful dress Colbys mom made.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Evelyn Elizabeth McGary

Here it is:)

On Sunday after church I was having some contractions and they went on Monday morning as well. So I called my OB and I went in to be looked at. I was having contractions but nothing to bad. It was my blood pressure that they were worried about. So they sent me over to the Hospital to be watched for a few hours and have some labs done. After about 4 hours they let me leave knowing that I was very anemic and that my blood pressure was still about 150 and that I had to take a 24 hour urine test to check for preeclampsia.
The next morning I had to head to the OB to have my blood pressure checked again and it was still in the 150's. So they sent me to the Hospital and watched me for a few hours. Around 3 they came in and said that we would be doing the c-section that night at 9. They had got my test results back from the Lab and I did have preeclampsia after all. So they very worried that I could have a sezure or bleed to death if I went home. So we moved rooms and the wait started.
5 and a half hours passed and they were ready to prep me for the c-section. I was nervouse but very exited to see our baby. I was so scared that things wouldn't go very well for her being 5 weeks early. At 9 they took me in got my spinal and then they started in. At 9:41 pm we had our little girl. She was 5lbs 11oz and 18.5 inches long. The NICU nurses were there for her in case she needed it and she ended needing help to breath. They showed her to me really quick and then she was gone. Colby left with her after just a few min and they finished closing me up.
I ended up back in my room after that and waited for the spinal to wear off which was around 6 hours. At 3 am I was able to go see my baby. They got me up and we wheeled down to the NICU. I was so exited to get to see her longer then 10 seconds. We weren't able to hold her because she had a c-pap to help her breath.
The next morning I got up and was able to go down and see her again. A little while later we got to hold her for the first time. It was so hard to see her laying there for the IV and her c-pap and just look at her. She was so tiny and I could do anything to help her out. She stayed in the NICU till Thursday night till I was asked to be discharged so I could stay with Evelyn up in Pediatrics so we could stay together. It worked out well and I got to have her all to myself the whole night while Colby stayed with the kids at our house.
Friday around 1ish they said that she looked good enough to go home that night. So we started getting things ready to take our sweet new baby girl home with us. They did a few tests and then we were off to our house at 4pm. Colbys mom and dad watched the kids for the weekend and we settled in with Evelyn. They got to come home Sunday afternoon.
Things have been going good. I feel pretty good except for a few things here and there. And it is a lot harder going from 3 to 4 then it was 2 to 3. We are still working on things and the kids have been pretty goon with her. So here's to the start of a new chapter in our lives. No more baby's for this momma. I will miss it but things have just gotten harder with each baby. So now we get to see all 4 of our sweet baby's grow and learn. I am very thankful that I was able to have so many kids and that they are all healthy and strong. I am also very Thankful that I have such a great husband and that we together are so happy. So here's to that new chapter and I can't wait to see what it brings:)

Waiting to come in to the room

Exited to see our baby girl

Evelyn in the NICU with her IV and the c-pap

Tiny baby feet

The first time we got to hold our baby

The kids finally getting to see there new sister.

Exited but not sure at the same time

Eyes open

Getting ready to go home.

First bath at home.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Evelyn Elizabeth McGary

We welcomed Evelyn Elizabeth McGary to this earth and to our family last night at 9:41pm. 5 lbs. 11 oz. and 18 1/2" long. She's in the NICU getting a little boost to her lungs but is doing well and so is mother. Pictures to come later!

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Dec. 31st shoot

What better way to end the year than with the smell of gun powder and lots and lots of guns!

Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas 2011

Well Christmas came and went and now we are getting ready for the new year and the new baby. We had a great Christmas with just us this year. The kids got a lot of great things from my family and Colby's. There big gift was a 14ft trampoline and they have played on it ever since they got it. The other big gift was a hamster. They names him Sonic and he is very cute and very good.
This year has gone very fast and I can not believe that its going to be 2012 and we will be having another baby in just a few months. We are still picking a name and we can't pick one we are both set on. It will be fun to have 2 boys and 2 girls though. I always wanted a sister so I am so glade that LaiLauna will have one. Plus I get to use all the cute clothes we used for LaiLauna again:)
The winter has been mild so far and Colby hopes everyday that it will snow. I on the other had am happy with out. Only because I have to take Noah to and from school twice a week and I hate icy roads.
We hope that everyone had a great Christmas and that you will also have a Happy New Year!


Getting to open one gift Christmas Eve

Coming out in the morning to there gifts.

ooooing over his new boots.

She was done opening gifts.

New things for his car.

Trying on new shoes

The mess

New coat and snow bibs

helping set up the tramp

Don't be jealous that I got to Blenders.

Elijah didn't want to take a picture

Then he was being cute.

Our sweet girl in her Christmas outfit from Gma and Gpa Warn

And this was to cute not to put on here.