sandstone hood ornament
Noah and Selleck with their staff that they shared for their "Kingdom".
Kings of the Kingdom! They climbed on these rocks at our camp spot, ALL WEEKEND!!!
Love the guy at bat and Harley was tired of being the bat boy :).
Eating lunch at Lake Mead. The kids were troopers for a ride that was, "Just another bend and we will be there.....3 hours later....." and I would do it again and again and again!
Sweet Little Bono loving the muddy reeds on his hot belly.
Mater.....I found a type of Disneyland!
Gates to a family cemetery. As I reviewed the photo I was reminded of "pearly gates" and thought of special friends who have recently lost loved ones to heaven. Can't you imagine God saying, "Come on over and give me a hug! I've been wanting to catch up with you in person!"
This rattler was nearly run over by Sean and Noah on the 4 wheeler...EEK!
The quilt retreat is spectacular! Especially enjoyable after 6 hours of 4 wheeling down to Lake Mead. The quilt needs binding and then ready for a new home! The baby quilt is 50% completion...where did the weekend go?
Can you believe the layers.....Has potential for a quilt.....
"Window in the sandstone at our camp spot.
This is why we camp!
I absolutely love the fire threads that Sean caught by keeping the shutter open longer. Noah was surprised with a classical guitar and he and Rick had a fabulous time strummin' around the campfire amidst gooey smores!
And to all of you that wonder if camping is for you.........