Monday, May 10, 2010
Disney Land is the best!
Posted by Jessica McCann at 7:56 PM 6 comments
Monday, April 5, 2010
General Conference

Posted by Jessica McCann at 12:41 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 29, 2010
He has arrived (only 10 months ago)!

Posted by Jessica McCann at 8:52 AM 6 comments
Monday, February 9, 2009
It's a Boy!
I know I have disappeared from the blogging world for a while. I will just blame this little guy! I was really sick for a few months, and then I was really tired (I still am), so I had to get a daily nap in. Anyway, we are expecting a little boy! We are so excited! Dash is going to have a "baby brodder." Kylie cried when she found out, because she wanted a sister. But I am sure she will love being his little mother when he gets here. The only problem now is coming up with a name! I have a hard time with boys names. Any suggestions?
Posted by Jessica McCann at 2:52 PM 22 comments
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Where Have We Been All Summer?
Marc's Diet
We had a weight loss competition in Marc's family to get ready for Lake Powell. This is how Marc started off his diet- a big chocolate milk shake. He didn't win, but he still lost weight!
Marc and I celebrated our 6 year anniversary while we were in Lake Powell. It was a lot of fun! We even had fireworks to celebrate.
This is our first ripe tomato! It was my first ever attempt at growing a garden. All we had were tomatoes on our balcony, but the kids loved to water them. They tried eating the tomatoes, but they didn't like them.
Kylie started preschool! She has wanted to go for over a year, because her friends went to school. This is a picture of her after her first day. She loves her teacher Miss Ann!
Posted by Jessica McCann at 2:30 PM 20 comments
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Stadium of Fire
Kylie was so excited to see Mylie Cyrus perform at the Stadium of Fire. When we told her we were going she yelled in excitement. We watch the Disney show Hannah Montana all of the time, and we listen to her music almost every time we are in the car. Even Dash loves her. He calls her Han Tanna.
Kylie said, "Hannah Montana is going to sing and give us toys." Hannah didn't give her any toys, but when we got there Grandma Jackie had a Hannah bag with some treats inside. Kylie screamed again, because she was so excited.
Kylie begged for popcorn, so we finally gave in. She enjoyed eating her popcorn and watching the fireworks. The whole show was amazing! It reminded me of how grateful I am to live in America. We are so blessed!
Posted by Jessica McCann at 3:13 PM 8 comments
Monday, June 2, 2008
Chef's Table
For Andrea's birthday present we took her to Chef's Table. She is leaving on a mission to Nauvoo in the fall, so we decided we would do something extra special. It is her favorite restaurant. She took Marc and I there when each of us graduated. It was so much fun to dress up and go out for a nice dinner. The atmosphere was great with a beautiful view of BYU and the Provo temple, and the food was amazing. Everything we ordered was delicious. The Tuscan tomato soup is my favorite. I wish I could eat like that everyday!
Posted by Jessica McCann at 2:16 PM 6 comments