Monday, January 28, 2008

Chunky Love*

So today Averi finally got to wear her little summer outfit from Grandma Eagar! Well, we figured today was a good day since she wont fit into it during summer, and the sun was shining today...that's about as close as we can get!!

First of all, we went to the pediatrition a couple days ago, and the girl gained 3 pounds 3 oz. in a month. The doctor was shocked she gained so much. So aparently she's our little chunk of love! And her cheeks are a sure sign that she's getting plenty to eat!

Well today she was being so funny! About 2 days ago she started this fake cry. It's hilarious! And though she's trying to get sympathy from it, it just makes us laugh because of how fake it is! Anyway, I caught her in the act today and had to post some pictures.

Averi's 3 greatest advances these couple weeks ... chunky cheeks, rolls on her legs, and a new-found "cry" that can put a smile on anyone's face!

Okay, my friend sent me these pictures in an email. I thought it was amazing and decided to post it. So this in in Southern Utah (in case it's familiar to anyone). Look at the first picture and you can see where this guy broke through the guardrail, right side where the people are standing on the road (pointing). The pick-up was traveling from right to left when it crashed through the guardrail. It flipped end-over-end, across the culvert outlet, and landed right side up on the left side of the culvert, facing the opposite direction from which he was traveling.

Then look at this picture. Isn't that amazing? You look at the first picture and thing it's pretty cool that happened. Then when you see the second picture it just takes your breath away.

Pretty amazing!!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Finally a schedule!!

So Averi is 2 months now, and she's been such a good little sleeper for us! Well, the last couple of days she's finally started waking up during the day and has been staying awake for longer than she used to. She also has realized that she doesn't really like when we lay her in her crib to go sleep, so she cries. Not so fun for us. :) So we finally decided we should set a schedule for her. (Yes I know, it's about time!) Anyway, it's been so great!
Bob loves reading to Averi before she goes to bed. We also try to sing her little primary songs right before we lay her down. She loves bath time, and probably would stay in the tub all day if I let her! I also just got out her little play mat, and she just loves looking at all the dangling objects. Her favorite is the red bird, but I don't know where that one went. I think Sadie ran off with it and probably hid it.
My favorite is when she wakes up from her naps. It just puts me in the best mood when I go into her room and un-bundle her. She does the most adorable streches and lately has started smiling at me right after her naps!
Bob and I just love Averi to pieces and she brings so much light and happiness into our lives!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Another sunny day!!!

This week has been pretty nice here in Columbus (minus the rainy days)! Though it's absolutely freezing outside, it's so sunny and it just looks so tempting to wear summer clothes! The second you step outside the temptation seems more like a joke than anything, but when you're inside all day, sometimes you just forget all about what it's really like out there!

This song playing is dedicated to all of us that wish the cold winter days were over, and that summer were here!

Today we got Averi all dressed up in her warm winter clothes and went to the park and attempted bumping a volleyball around. After that we played some 'around the world' basketball. It was cold, but we had a ton of fun!!

Here is Averi playing with Bob....he's such a great dad and just loves Averi to pieces!!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

So sad for the Buckeyes :(

Well Ohio State came home last night with a horrible loss at the national championship yet again. Bob and I were pretty bummed about the loss, but we had no idea Averi would be so sad too. She just was screaming after the game, so sad they lost. And Bob and I thought we were Buckeye fans! Averi was aparently pretty upset about it. Well, that or she was just really hungry. But either way, she wasn't happy!

Here's our little princess! She was smiling a little today, but once I grabbed the camera she was done. That's alright...

Wednesday, January 2, 2008


Well I thought I would post a few pictures of Averi from today and yesterday. Averi is now 6 weeks old. She is just getting so old too fast. She's probably close to 8 pounds now, and I just put all her 'premie' and 'just born' outfits away. She's only wearing newborn onesies now, and still can't wear any of her 0-3 months clothes, but she's getting there!

She is just such a joy in our lives and we are so in love with her! She has smiled a few times, and they were gorgeous smiles! She's become so much more alert, and she moves her head around a lot. She does a pretty good job of holding her head up when we lay her on her tummy too. She's just been so fun!!