Sunday, October 21, 2012

Our House ... 2012

Okay, so after 6 months of painting, tearing out doors, replacing doors, replacing base molding, recarpeting, more painting, and way more hours than we thought we would put in, our house FINALLY and OFFICIALLY is considered "done... for now".  There is still a lot of work to put into this place, but for now, we are as peachy as we can be with the thought of winter and cooler weather, which means its really time for us to put the saw away, and sit back for the season!  I would also like to announce that after 6 months, we FINALLY have doorknobs as of last week.  The miracle of having doorknobs throughout your house is something you may take for granted.  But don't.  Be SO thankful for doorknobs.  We sure are :)

So here are the before and after pictures of our house... so far ...

Here's our family room - before...
And After...

Next our kitchen.  Its basically the same for now aside from painting.
Before and Afters
Dining Room Before and Afters...

Bob is awesome and he really did a great job in our dining room.  He ventured out there and tried wainscoting on his own.  It looks great!

Front Living Room Before and Afters. 

I don't have a "before" photo for this, but it is one of our favorite changes we made to our house.  When we bought the house there was a large coat closet at the entry of the house.  But we really wanted to open up the space a little more and tear out the closet.  So we had a great friend come and tear it out for us!  And here's our new entry way...

Kids rooms before and afters.  There is still some unfinished projects in there, but you get the idea.

Basement Before and after.  We didn't really change anything but the toys.
That it for interior.  Here is our back yard.  One of the favorite things about our house :)  It came with an awesome playset that the kids absolutely love!
And there is our new home!  We love it and are so grateful to finally be settled :) It is an AMAZING feeling! As more projects arise, I keep up the posting!

Monday, April 4, 2011

April Fools Oreo

Let's go fly a kite...

About a week ago we went out to fly kite's and it was FREEZING! The fact that it like snowed a little that night helped us realize it's wasn't super ideal to fly kite's yet....
But then.... Friday came around and it was GORGEOUS! So we gave the kite flying another try, and the kids had a blast! Super fun!!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Steamboat Springs

Super fun weekend up at Steamboat Springs this weekend! Bob got to hit the slopes snowboardings with some great friends here in Colorado, and we all hit some fun little hills for sledding with the kids! Spent some great time in the hot tub and heated pool, and of coarse just enjoyed eating out and relaxing! Got to love a great relaxing weekend with family and friends!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Florida Vaca

Oh, so much to write about ...
So Bob and I got to have a little getaway to Florida the last week of January. We had been looking forward to this vacation for - I don't know - like 3 months. Just a Wednesday - Sunday thing, with business meetings in between and what not. But we were SO excited to hit up Universal Studios and check out their new Harry Potter addition.
Well the time FINALLY came for us to go to Florida. Bob and I were feeling amazing, we were so excited! We had a great family that we were swapping kids with for the weekend. Really everything was fitting perfectly together - as we had planned...
So we get there Wednesday and just relaxed, enjoyed the night. Thursday we, along with Bobs dental staff, all went to some Dental meetings. Things seemed fine until about 3pm, Bob started getting really pale looking as he hunched over at our table - arms folded over his stomach and what not. Finally, after much debate, he left the class and threw up. Obviously, shortly after that he went back to the hotel room.
Needless to say we had previously planned a super fun night ahead of us - we planned on hitting Downtown Disney with all the staff, taking everyone to dinner, and just having an awesome night walking through Downtown Disney (which is really fun)... instead we spent the night in our hotel room, Bob throwing up every couple hours, and me eating some nasty microwavable dinner and cheetos. SO not the dinner I was planning on (especially mixed with the smell of our throw up hotel room).
So the night before I had called to check in on the kids. Averi had pooped on their floor the first day, and I guess there was a lot of drama. Day 2 I was SUPER nervous to call and hear how they did, but the mom never answered the phone. I left a message, totally planning to get a return phone call - but never got one. Usually I would just keep calling to find out if everything was okay, but really at this point I just thought it would be better not to know ...
Friday Bob was sick 1/2 the day, but got feeling a little better. After meetings that day our staff headed back to Denver. Bob and I stayed and hit Blue Man Group that night, which was amazing! We LOVED it!
Saturday we headed over the Universal Studios. So here's what I have to say about it.... Harry Potter was VERY cool. We really enjoyed walking around, drinking the butter beer, eating at one of the restaurants, watching the wand picking the wizard show, and really just the overall magic of the Harry Potter theme. It was very very cool, and I would definitely say it's worth going to if you're in town. However - don't go there first and then expect to spend the rest of the day around the rest of Universal Studios. If we did it again I think we would have gone to the other places (if at all) and then hit Harry Potter. All in all, everything else was super lame compared to the Harry Potter area. The rest is super outdated and old. But Harry Potter really was quite unreal. Very cool!
At this point I still hadn't heard about how the kids were doing, but clearly got the hint that things weren't spectacular since I hadn't gotten a return phone call...
Sunday was wonderful! We found a park and read out in the warm sun for like 8 hours! It was fabulous and totally relaxing!
Sunday night we flew home (which was actually a whole 'nother story) - totally landed like 3 hours later than I expected and had told the family watching Averi and Truman. So of coarse we show up at their house at like 10pm. Everyone in bed and all ... completely learned our lesson on that one :)
So then we got the spill on our kids. It's amazing how great a day or weekend can be without your kids, and then how quickly it can all be spoiled when you find out they'd been sick all weekend - throwing up at someone else's house. Making someone else clean up poop on their carpet, throw up, and of coarse to top it off - bloody noses :0
So we've had lots of "hey how was Florida" "Did you guys have a blast?" "How was it without your kids?" and really .... I still don't really know how to answer that question...
It was fine
We'll leave it at that!
And I TOTALLY never thought that would be my description of a 5 day vaca to Florida - but there it is!
However, here are some pics nonetheless...