Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day

Despite handlebar mustaches, shoes left everywhere and lost keys every week, I can't imagine a better fit for our family than Matt. I know he works and studies hard for our us and we are so grateful.  He is a great dad and husband. Love you!

Also a Happy Father's Day to my dad Roy and Matt's dad Phil. We couldn't do it without you guys!

Friday, June 15, 2012

A New Car!

 We found this car on Craigslist.

 Whitney loves it!

He spends most of he time pushing it around like this though.
It's fun to have some room for Whitney to play outside now. He loves it.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Happy Birthday Whitney Parker!

It was Whitney's birthday on Monday! We had his party on Saturday.

He was pretty excited about his presents. Mostly because they had a lot to do with Lightning McQueen. I debate whether to indulge his little obsession but he likes it and in the end, I think it's fun for him to have a favorite thing.

 This was his reaction to his big present from my parents. It's a toddler razor scooter. It will take him a while to figure out but he likes scooting it around.

 I thought blowing out the candle would be easy because we sing a song about blowing out candles on a cake. But it did not translate. He was scared and then tried to grab the candle, or maybe it was the little balloons.

 This was on his actual birthday. He always does the silliest things when I pull out the camera.

 We went to a place called Kid's Club that has a big play structure thing. His favorite part by far was these foam balls they had to put into guns. You could shoot them high in the air or at targets. We did that for about 30 minutes straight. After we had lunch at Burgerville and split a chocolate shake. He gulped it down quick!

The drive home.

I can't believe Whitney is two!
He is still my sweet baby who loves to share.
He is the best sleeper and will sleep in until 8 and take a 3 hour nap-with his blankie of course!
Knows about 50 words and recognizes 10-12 letters.
Loves fruit snacks, PB&Js, oranges, pizza, noodles and candy(like mom and dad).

 Matt and I talk every day about how lucky we are to be his parents. I can't wait to watch him grow and see the kind of person he will become.

I love you Whitney Parker!