My little baby turned 18 months on the 4th. I can't believe it! This was his first official day of nursery. So cute. We had his doctor's appointment about a week ago. Unfortunately I didn't get the exact stats but he stayed around the 40-50 percentile for height and weight. Of course his head was still off the charts.
This picture was from our ward party. He did pretty good on Santa's lap.
This is Whitney's favorite thing lately. While I'm cooking or cleaning in the kitchen, he pulls out all the pots, pans and bowls and climbs into the cupboard.
He even shuts the door.
He knows a few words but he still has a hard time getting the ending syllable. For example:
baa for ball
bubu for bubble
daa for dad
His best words are no and door.
He main food source is carbs. He loves
cheese quesadillas
mac n cheese
and usual raisins, bananas, peaches, apples and fruit like that.
Whitney Parker still has a very sweet personality. He loves to share with everyone and give hugs and kisses. Sometimes I think he needs to get a little tougher but in the end I'm grateful for my sweet baby just the way he is.