Sunday, March 13, 2011

Feeling Better

Just an update on Whitney Parker. We finally figured out he had pneumonia! So sad but he is feeling much better now! He is acting like himself again, playing, eating and not wanting to cuddle or be held. He still has a few days left of antibiotics but once he is done with that he will be as good as new!

Friday, March 4, 2011

9 Months!

I like to post old pictures. Here he is, about a month old. One of the funniest pictures of him ever! 
This is him today, sleeping. Our camera had a "sleeping faces" setting so I wanted to try it out. We had our nine month appointment today. Here are the statistics:
Weight: 19lbs 9oz. 35 percentile Everyone thinks he is so big but it's just those cheeks!
Head Circumference: 18.9 in. 98 percentile
Height: 27.6 in. 27 percentile however this is lower than his 6 month appointment. The doctor thinks the 6 month number was wrong but who knows. With wiggly babies it's hard to get an accurate number.

Coincidently, Whitney woke up not feeling well this morning. He's had a cough for about a week but it was worse this morning. Our doctor was concerned and took a couple swabs. Luckily it wasn't the flu. She thinks it might be bronchitis, so he's taking antibiotics. It's so sad! He has never been this sick. When he's awake he is either coughing, crying or just sitting there spacing off. He doesn't want to play and will barely smile! He will even let me cuddle with him, which anyone who knows Whitney knows he does not like to do.

Not a very happy 9 months today but hopefully today was the worst of it. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Not Yet...

Whitney is not crawling yet but he desperately wants to move. Here is what happens...

Happy baby until he sees something out of reach...
Gets up to get it
He's up on his feet and hands, tilted like this every time
Reaches for what he wants... (the camera)
Can't get it so he goes back down. Lately though he will reach so far he falls on his stomach and then gets mad. One day he will be able to do and go wherever he wants and I will miss these days, but right now I feel bad for him! He works so hard only to get so frustrated. 

Meanwhile, it has been a snow storm here in Pullman!

Matt was cleaning off the car here.
The apartment complex managed to clear a little path. I hate the snow! I can't wait until it's gone.

Also, we got a new camera! 
D3100 25472
Here is is. This is the picture from the website. All the pictures in this blog were taken with the new camera. We are still learning how to use it so the pictures aren't as good as they could be. We also have to start learning how to edit and all that. This camera is turning into a lot of work but it will be worth it.