Friday, October 31, 2008

The Tire Swing

Yesterday we met Kyle and Tiffany at the Discovery Park. It is a really fun place for the kids to play and a really easy place to lose track of your children. Ashlyn and Kyle spent a little bit of time spinning and swinging on the tire swing. These pictures aren't the greatest (it was hard to get a good shot), but I still think they're cute. 

I would love to have a tire swing in our backyard, but I don't think we have a place to put it. They're so fun!

On Wednesday Ashlyn tripped on her pants (they were a little too bit) and fell on her face. So, her nose is all scratched up and she has a good sized goose egg on her forehead. 

Friday, October 24, 2008

The Fall Social

Tonight was our ward fall social. Ashlyn was very excited to wear her chicken costume and she also wanted to wear Carter's pumpkin costume (I don't think it would've fit). Ashlyn played Bingo, Go Fish, Beanbag toss and did some dancing too. She loved getting candy and would not let me hold it for her! Carter slept in his dad's arms for the majority of the night. We sure had a fun time with our neighbors!

Here are some cute shots of the kids before the social.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

More Pics that Mom Took

Grandma Buttle came over for a visit and Carter was very content in her lap.

Ashlyn loves her hooded towel.

Ashlyn loves her Uncle Bryon. 

Say "cheese."

Carter was not very happy about his first bath.

The longer the bath went on, the less happy he got. 

He was fine when it was over though.

We had Ashlyn try on her Halloween costume for us. 

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Grandma is Gone!

Grandma Cheney left this evening to fly back to Georgia and we are sure going to miss her around here! Among many other things, Grandma did a great job of taking pictures during her visit, so I'm going to share a few:

My two precious angels. 

Carter doesn't always enjoy being held as much as Ashlyn enjoys holding him. 

Saturday night I went to a baby shower (it was so nice to get out) with Carter and my mom took our picture before we left. 

My two favorite boys.

The sweet big sister.