Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Autograph book

I completed...sort of...Dakota's autograph book. When we get back I will be adding the photos of Dakota with the characters on the page opposite the autograph. I haven't added any embellishments on the inside either just so it will be easier for the characters to sign.
There are enough pages for 51 autographs. :)

I used chipboard for the covers, white cardstock for the inside. BoBunny Petal Pusher Noteworthy cards, Tinkerbell paper and Disney fonts. The back page has a Tim Holtz flourish and a butterfly cut from PP.

I am still working on our clipboard for autographs..almost done. I just need to embellish it a bit.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Last Scrapper Standing Week 18

I was totally inspired by this reader submission to Scrapbook and Cards Today. Dakota is always asking how many days until we go to Disney. Now each morning Dalton and Dakota will flip the numbers until the day we go. I loved the way this turned out.

Friday, July 23, 2010


If you are a RUSH fan than I don't have to explain the title of this post..if not.. read on.
Chromey is the drum kit Neil Peart purchased for his first tour with Rush in August 1974. He used this kit (with add ons) until 1977. If you want the whole story go to Chromey. I couldn't find the correct link but this will tell you the background of it if you scroll down about half way.

Dakota in front of Chromey..had to convince her to do it. Guys watching thought she was cute.
Mark & Dalton..the real reason we went down to Lakeside Park.
Dalton playing Chromey. Other guys took photos of Dalton playing 'cause they liked his shirt got peart?

A video of Dalton playing Chromey. We paid extra for him to play and get a pair of drumsticks that afterwards had stickers added saying that they were used on Chromey.

Afterwards we took Dakota over to the playground where I took a couple more photos..and then of course a ride on the carousal. (Which proceeds from the $$ paid to Chromey went towards.)

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Kellie Winnell Candy

Check out all the cool stuff she is giving away. If you want to win go here and follow the directions.
You won't believe how much stuff she is giving away!!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Cottage Weekend...again

Another great weekend with friends at their cottage. Thanks Don and Lisa for inviting us. Their nephew and niece were also there..both close in age with the boys. Actually the older kids ages were 13,12,11,&10. The had a great time jumping off the dock..and with my new longer lens I was able to get some great photos.
Dakota and Zoe and happy to just swim and fish all day long. Victoria and Alissa loved being in the water as well. Alissa was a great help with the younger girls.

I was going to scrapbook this evening but now it is almost 10 and my eyes keeping closing and watering up. Tomorrow Scamp goes for a grooming. I will take before and after photos of my guy.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Last Scrapper Week 16

This layout was bugging me..had to get some opinions. LOL This is my layout for week 16.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Scraptures Shutterbug challenge

I have taken more photos for the challenge..well I was taking photos and they meet some of the words for the challenge. :)

#88 Still life...the dogs were worn out by sunday night at the cottage

#30 Reflection...I liked the clouds in the mirror of the truck while driving up to the cottage.
#18 Made of Wood...saw this on my way to work July 5th

# 49 I love.... at Amanda's with her dad
#21 Celebration...Canada Day fireworks
#20 Green...fireworks
#10 Friends...Zoe and Dakota @ the cottage

Another weekend at the cottage this coming lens for my camera...thinking more photos to be taken. I will try to be creative with a bunch of these words...there are so many choices. I will upload some layouts soon as well.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Been feeling the bug

the creative bug lately. I have done a couple of layouts and a card the past couple of days. Would like to have done more but at least some of the layout kits I pre-planned are getting done.

This first one is from the sketchabilities blog week 16(mid may).
This one is from Scrapbook & Cards Magazine Project 12 (March)
I did this card for Scrapbook Nook card swap...button up was the theme for June.

I am thinking of applying for the Bobunny design team (both layouts above used Bobunny paper). Not sure if I am up to it or have the talent but it won't hurt to try. At least I can say I tried. I never think to submit to magazines...maybe I should start with that first. LOL I know that Canadian Scrapbooker deadline for the winter issue is July 15th. I may go for that as well. Who knows what could happen.

Until next time.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Canada Day

We spent Canada day at the Holman cottage...a great 4 day weekend with great friends. The Holman's (of course) Lisa, Don, Zoe, Victoria and Ozzy & the Shannon's, Jodi, James & Jayden.
We had fireworks, fishing, swimming, eating, drinking, reading...all the typical cottage events.

Kuijer kids with the paddle boat.
Dakota with a sparkler.
Attempt at photographing fireworks.
The big stash of fireworks.
Dalton's catch!
Dakota swimming with Uncle James while Zoe looks on.
Don and Kuj playing golf shoes..but they don't actually use shoes.
Dakota & Zoe couldn't get enough of fishing with Mark.
I am not liking blogger right won't let me change the photos around and I don't have the patience to play with it. UGH!!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Monday morning

Home from the cottage..I will share that post tonight..but in the meantime. On my way to work this morning I saw this neat boat in the Welland Canal. I was glad I still had my little P&S camera in my purse. I stopped and took several photos. Here is just one of them.