Monday, November 23, 2009

Mom's Memorial

On Sunday I picked Dad up at the airport and he is here for a short visit, since it is Thanksgiving in the States.

Today we had Mom's internment and memorial service. Besides family there were a lot of mom's old friend and some of my friends as well. Aunt Jerri read her eulogy and Dad read the prayer of departure. Then we all stood around and talked for a bit. Afterwards almost everyone came back to my house for food and more talk. My sorority sister Jen made all the delicious food, Alisa came and helped get the place ready.

I also applied for a new job today. I am a bit nervous about this one, not like when I applied for the one in March. I dont' know why this one seems more nerve racking then the last one but it does..maybe because I am a bit more qualified for this one. Who knows. The application deadline is the 30th so I know there will be a couple of weeks before I even hear anything. There are several positions in Hamilton and one here...I applied for both, figure I can commute if I have too.

Till next time.

Monday, November 2, 2009

October update

I haven't posted since my mother's passing. I have totally meant to do it but never do..lazy I suppose.

Let's go backwards through October. As if you didn't know, this past weekend was Hallowe'en. I was not ready, didn't pull out any of my seasonal decorations or anything. Dakota and Riley followed the rules this year and didn't spend any money on their costumes. Dakota's was passed on to her from my friend Tracy and Riley just cut up Mark's old clothes. Dalton (with Daddy)spent money...he was a gorilla boy.

Earlier in the day Mark was raking leaves and Dakota joined him.

The weekend before I participated in an online crop with scrap n chat. One of the challenges was to take a picture of yourself in either pink or fall colours.

The first weekend of October I went to a weekend retreat and had a great time. I met an online friend from Kingston. Barb was the best..she was too funny. It was a great weekend and something I totally needed..lots of laughter. I have included some photos of the crop (including Christa, Shannon and Emma as well as Barb and I) and of the layouts I completed that weekend. I finally finished the Disney 2004 album (well I have a couple of titles to do) and started on 2007.

One slideshow is of the online crop and one is the weekend getaway. Enjoy the photos.