Over the weekend my little Lincoln turned one and we threw him a small, family birthday party. I'd been planning his first birthday picnic in the park for months, so when storms were forecast for the entire week of his birthday I was so upset. I held out hope until the very last minute, but a big storm rolled in two hours before the party so I cut my losses and set up at home instead. I shouldn't have stressed though, it was still a perfect day. Link and his cousins had an absolute ball!
I went with a blue and yellow picnic theme and kept everything really simple. I focused on easy and (mostly) healthy food so that Lincoln could try out some new foods. On the table above we had fruit, berries, blueberry tarts, icy cold water, traditional lemonade and a lemon bundt cake with a lemon glaze. Later on in the afternoon Sean cooked up a big barbeque for all of us.
Invitations - Custom order from Paper Heart Company
Cake - Great Recipe Here
Blueberry Tarts - Recipe Coming Soon
Paper Bags and Straws - Lark
Drink Dispenser - Wheel and Barrow
Ball Mason Jars - Big W
Wooden Stands - Typo
Everything else I already owned or DIYed (let me know if you want details though and I'll see what I can do!)