Monday, April 12, 2010

Easter Dresses

The girls opened their Easter dresses from their Oahu grandparents just before Easter Sunday only to be disappointed that they couldn't wear them that week since we were going to be watching General Conference from the comforts of our own living room.

However, this disappointment ended up being a good thing because they had to wait and whole week to wear the dresses and as a result... were thrilled to pose for the camera. Yes, we do realize that we are raising a bunch of "hams"... I'd say it's the Daddy's side :)

Ham #1: Myla called Mommy about TWENTY times throughout the day to say, "Look @ me Mommy! Watch my princess!" and then she'd spin around just like in this photo.

Ham #2: Kailea is VERY good at striking a pose but only when she's in the mood. There's NO telling this girl what to do. She's our little "jumping bean" meaning her energy level is beyond me... Unfortunately, the mouth has the most energy of all.

Ham #3: Teija is... Teija. In other words, only Teija would get all decked out in her Sunday best and then CLIMB A TREE to strike a pose. And for some reason, she's going through this phase of not exactly smiling naturally. See what I mean?

Ham #4: Kayla is growing up so fast. At home she will strike a pose and act or dance for anyone, but in public... she's a little shy. She & Teija's latest thing to do is make up dance routines.

And there you have it!!! Our four "hams" keep us busy and a bit pupule, but what would life be without them?!

Happy Belated Easter EVERYONE!!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Happy Birthday Myla Girl!!!

I know. I know. It's been awhile... Myla's b-day was the 20th of March and since the new baby comes next week, I've made it a goal to blog her b-day post before she's no longer the "baby" in the family. I'm sure we all know how that goes... the oldest has all the baby pictures in the world and the more kids you have, the less photos. Then a new baby comes and too bad, no more attention for you.
So here's to baby Myla before she gets the boot!

Myla's favorites include...

* books. books. books(she beats her older sisters at the "I Spy" books because she has looked at them sooooo many times.
* singing "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" and "Slippery Fish"
* jamming in the car to "Down, Down, Down" by Jay Sean & "Paparazzi" by Lady Gaga
* being pushed as high as one possibly can on a swing... Mommy can't look when someone pushes her to her liking because it's waaayyy tooo high safety wise
* food, food, and more food... anything and everything. She's the only child at age 2 to ask for more salad
* DINNERTIME!!! She's the only one that comes immediately when Mommy calls
* giving wet kisses- in fact, she likes to "suck face" sometimes leaving teeth marks & always leaving saliva on your cheeks
* talking endlessly... Is it bad to wish that she didn't start talking 'til age 3?
* escaping the house to go outside or next door to her cousins... growing can be somewhat of a bad thing (reaching door handles, the water dispenser on the fridge, & the toothpaste)
* taking off her diaper to make #2 anywhere but on the potty

This video was taken at our traditional birthday Sunday dinner on the 21st. Ignore all the pushing and yelling, etc. Bday occasions around here bring 14 kids 10 and under. In other words, chaos... but FUN chaos.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Kula Pumpkin Patch

One of my favorite things about the holidays is that it's a time full of traditions. Our newest tradition is this pumpkin patch. We attempted it last year, but were a little too late. The popular spot was empty by the time we got there. So this year, we got there early... and apparently, everyone else had the same idea.
Nevertheless, it was still great and we even remembered the camera to capture the moments.

Family photo time (whether they liked it or not).

Teija is such a ham that I chose this picture of her many silly-girl shots.

The cousins showed up at one point so we got a group shot of whoever was handy before heading into the patch.

Kayla & Lyti FAKING the struggle to pick up this not-that-heavy pumpkin

Kailea taking a break from the kula dirt (more like powder).

Soana attempting to pick up this pumpkin. I wonder who's heavier?

There were literally pumpkins (and people) EVERYWHERE!!! I don't know that the pumpkins were all that fascinating to Myla... she preferred the Kula dirt.

The Tuitele family final choice...

Myla picked a few little ones to take home and decorate... One for her & one for Kailea (who gave up on the Kula dirt & preferred watching others carve their pumpkins).

"Okay Mom! Let's go!!!"

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


With a house full of girls, we have become big fans of Hannah Montana the movie. If you are familiar with the soundtrack than you know the song "The Climb." Well, this post is very fitting for that song since our little monkey Myla, could care less about walking (which she's not doing yet @ 14 months old) because she is only concerned with climbing. So I've decided to create a post dedicated to our little climber... showcasing her 3 favorite spots.

There are three things in the bathroom that Myla loves: toilets, toilet paper, and toothpaste. Well, I had the bathroom all prepped nothing in her reach, the toilet seat closed and everything set for Mommy to take a shower and Myla to entertain herself in a safe and sanitary way. As far as my shower goes, she did great... not a single interruption. BUT... as all mothers know, when there's silence... things can't be good. I opened the shower curtain and discovered this...

I guess I wasn't as prepared as I thought. So I put her down on the floor and took out the camera to capture "the climb".

How can you get mad at this face?

Quick story: A few weeks ago I heard Myla gently playing the piano. Impressed that she wasn't pounding on it, I praised her and applauded her skills leaving her feeling sooo confident... Moments later, the school kids came home and Lyti asked if she could go play the piano with Myla. "Uh... I think one pianist is enough for now," I said. To which she replied, "Well then can I get her down?" I looked up and found the monkey STILL playing gently, but not with her fingers anymore... her toes!!! She smiled proudly at her accomplishment completely clueless as to why Mommy was racing up the stairs after her. At that moment, I didn't think to take out the camera, I was more concerned for her safety so I rescued her immediately. BUT... I did manage to get her to reinact it a little.

Of course, when I tried to get her to do it today for the photos, she only got this far and smiled proudly as if her mother made the whole thing up... This angel face would NEVER do such a naughty thing!!

Myla's third favorite spot to climb is the living room recliner. Of course, I couldn't get the "proper" method to her madness (which is up the side of the chair by standing on the recliner handle & then over the arm rest), but none the less... she does this DAILY and EVERY SINGLE TIME, I fear that she'll topple over onto the hard ground and I will lose all hope for the "Mother of the Year" award. Ha.Ha.

Pausing for a photo opp. for Mom and obviously overjoyed that Mom hasn't stopped her from her climb.

Did anyone notice the reason for this climb? If you click on the next photo you may see the tiny fishy stickers on the glass door that she attempts to grab before anyone gets her down. Also, take note of the many finger/hand prints on the door. Proof that I didn't make this up. Yes, the prints are ALL hers since she does it over and over again. Notice that she hasn't quite reached the top one yet? She has a thing for the blue one and Mommy usually grabs her before she can come to a full stand on top of the chair to reach the top one.

So there she is... our little climber. And as the song goes, "there's always gonna be another mountain," we'll just have to wait and see where her next adventures take her to. Only time will tell.

Monday, April 13, 2009


Okay... My husband will be disappointed that I didn't touch-up the photos, but if I try to take the time to do that... then the post will not happen. Time is of the essence.

We just wanted to thank Grandma & Grandpa Tuitele for the Easter dresses. I think it's pretty obvious that the girls LOVED them by the individual poses that look as though they mean only one thing "I'm beautiful". Girls. Girls. Girls.

Our Easter was somewhat rainy, so we had to bring the egg hunt indoors. Unfortunately, the camera only got used on the little kids. The big kids were hunting next door @ Elias & Birlindas house. THIRTY eggs each. They LOVED it!!! I know what you're thinking... Yikes, that's a lot of candy. Not really. We told them that the Easter bunny got tired of filling eggs so he made candy bags instead and once you found all thirty, you could trade in for the candy. That way everybody's happy:)

Soana stops for a pose while Kailea takes the opportunity to steal a few from her :)

Kalena's expression says it best... "Now this is my kind of party!!!"

Can you tell that Kamalei LOVES candy?!

Kailea showing off her success.

Even the babies get in on the action. Myla & Kamalei discovered how to open & eat.

Everyone counting their eggs.

Hope your Easter was as crazy as ours, full of fun & gratitude: for family, good times, & especially our Savior.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Happy Birthday Sarai

Sorry this is late... We remembered on your actual birthday, but didn't have the time to coordinate.

For your birthday we decided to dance to our FAVORITE song in hopes that you will dance along. Kailea listens to this song EVERY SINGLE DAY and prefers to wear flaring skirts so she can spin around to the music. She was a little camera shy, so her voice isn't nearly as loud as it usually is. Hope you like it! We love you Sarai and hope you had a happy and fun 4th birthday.

Friday, December 5, 2008


Thanksgiving Weekend was extra special this year since we had some "visitors." The DC Tuiteles joined us for a fun-filled weekend @ the Wailea Marriott (thanks Monica), the Maui Ocean Center, the beach, and much more... It was great to see the cousins having a good time together while the parents caught up on what's been happening in DC vs. Maui. Here's a few pictures of our adventures together...The obvious photographers are the two mommies not in any of the photos :)


Tuitele girls sure know how to strike a pose!

Miss Mylas idea of fun

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Kaehu showing Uncle Clarke his skillz

Hmmm.... an unusually striking resemblance

"All in the Ohana"... I guess "posing" runs in the family :)

The "Twins"... Daddy-look-alikes

Saying goodbye to the hotel fishpond


The only three willing to pose with the dolphins

Myla checking out the jellyfish... (Great pic Aunty Channy!)

Fish & Kids everywhere!!! Too bad only ONE species keeps quiet :)

As you can see, we surrounded ourselves with good company, great fun, and LOTS of noise! Thank you DC Tuiteles for coming to visit... We miss you already. Please come again!!! Anyone else? You're invited too!

In case you were wondering, Sinalei was in fact with us though she isn't in any photos. The truth is... Unfortunately, GOOD children tend to go unnoticed... spending most of the time cruising in a stroller just outside the photo frame. Oops!