Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013

This year for Thanksgiving we stayed in Pullman. The 4th year vet students had to choose if they wanted Thanksgiving, Christmas or New Years off. We chose Christmas, so in just a little less than a month we get to go home to see our families. It was the first time that I had ever not been home for Thanksgiving, but it was still great. We are so thankful to our friends the Kings who had us over for dinner. They prepared a yummy feast. It was also fun to meet Josie's parents and little sister. We had five different pies to choose from. I made apple, pecan, and rhubarb pie. Josie made banana cream and pumpkin. Pretty much all of us had a little piece of all of them. They were all delicious. I was excited my pecan pie turned out. It was the first time I had ever made one. I was the worst at taking pictures today, but I got a couple.
I am so thankful to the Heavenly Father for giving me so many things to be thankful for. My family is my pride and joy. I am so thankful that we are able to be sealed as a family for all time and eternity. I am so thankful for the our church leaders who love and guide us. I am thankful for my Savior who sacrificed his life for all of our sins, so that someday we can be together forever as families. I am so thankful for my children, and how much they teach me. Chloe, I am thankful for her happiness, and sweet smile that makes my day everyday. Ian, I am thankful for my sweet boy. Although he cannot tell me he loves me, he shows it. He works so hard at his therapy, and is the smartest little boy. He is so strong, and teaches us what is really important in life. Matthew, I am so thankful for how hard he works. He has been going to school for so long to provide for our family. He is so smart, and goes far and beyond to become the best he can be. He has such a strong testimony and he helps me become a better person.  I have so much to be thankful for this year.

Science makes us tired..

A couple of my friends and I went to the science center here in town last week. I hadn't been since Ian was about 15 months old. He wasn't that into it then, so we never got a pass. We tried it again and he liked it a lot more this time. Too late for a pass now. He especially liked the lentil box. They had a sign that said no swimming in the lentils. Well I had to fish Ian out of them a few times. Chloe even enjoyed it. It took about two minutes in the car on the way home before Ian was out like a rock. Science makes him tired, how about you?? :)

1st black eye..

Last Friday night we had just put the kids down for bed, and laid down ourselves. Matthew had his national boards the next morning, and wanted a really good nights sleep. Well about 10 minutes after putting Ian to sleep, we heard a huge bang, and crying. He either ran into the corner of the wall or dress with his eye. It instantly swelled up and was bruised. We were lucky he didn't split it open, and ended the night at the er. Now Ian at 2 1/2 got his very first black eye. Tough little guy!

8 months..

Chloe is 8 months old today. Our sweet little girl is growing up too fast. We sure love her sweet little smile, and love how happy she is. Chloe loves, loves loves her big brother. Now that she can crawl all over the place, she follows him all over the apartment. She can pull herself up to her feet, and has had her fair share of falling as well. She loves to eat. Some of her favorites are yogurt, crackers, yogurt bites, baby puffs, sweet potatoes and applesauce. She finally loves taking baths. We started putting her in her bumbo in there, and she loves it now. She also loves when Ian takes a bath with her. They are such best friends. She weighs about 17 pounds, and is wearing 6-9 month clothes. She has two teeth on the bottom and he top front tooth just broke through. She isn't sleeping as well anymore. She wakes up about twice a night most nights. We have had some rough ones though when she wakes up about 5 times. I hope she goes back to her 1 time a night again, but we may be past that. We love you Chloe girl and are so blessed to have you in our family. Love you sweet girly.

The cold is here..

The other day it looked really nice outside, so I took Ian out to run out some energy. Matthew was home, so Chloe and him stayed inside. Ian loved it! We seriously have not been out to the playground at our apartment complex since September. The only thing was the sun was deceiving.It was actually really cold out. We, or should I say I lasted about 15-20 minutes before talking Ian into going inside. I am so not ready for this coldness.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Phone pictures

We're so glad when Daddy comes home...

Matthew is finally back home with us for the next few weeks. He has been on vacation this week, but has been studying. He takes the boards on Saturday morning in Spokane. It is so crazy to think that he is that close to being a vet. It has flown by so fast. He really enjoyed being in Indiana, and Canada, but is happy to be home for awhile as well. When we went to Wyoming at the end of September he did lots of traveling around to different vets in Montana/ Powell, WY checking out jobs. We sure did miss him for the last 2 months of not seeing him much. Thank goodness for Skype, and phone calls. I am so proud of Matthew for how hard he works to achieve his dream, and my dream for him to be a vet. Only like 5 1/2 more months left until we can call him Dr. Matthew Asay. Can't wait !
This was from that 12 hours we were able to have him home for before leaving for Canada. Ian was so excited to see him. He missed him rough housing with him, and throwing him in the air. Chloe missed her Daddy too, she would just smile at him. I missed him like crazy. Man I don't know how single Moms do this. 

Super Ian, our Hero...

Ian has been wearing this cape around the house for the last week. When he got his for his birthday from the Hansen boys he wasn't too interested in it. But he sorta loves it now. He is seriously so stinkin cute :)

Oh Canada!

Matthew had the opportunity to go to Alberta Canada on a beef feedlot externship for a week. Him and Phil drove up there on Saturday the 9th after Matthew had been home for a total of 12 hours. Matthew really enjoyed his time, and enjoyed meeting all the different vets from Canada there. Here are some pictures from his trip. He was able to do a bloat surgery, which he had never done before.

Processing cows

Auction ring. One day all the students got fake money to go bid on some cows at the auction. They were challenged to see who could get the best herd of cows. 

Bloat surgery