Thursday, April 26, 2012

Rainy Days...

It's been so nice here until today. It's been down pouring all morning. Since it was raining there was no walking group, so we decided to go to the Science Center with some friends. Might I add that I am babysitting my friends almost 3 month old baby today too. Look at me, I took two babies out on my own. The only crazy part was trying to get both of them in/out of the car at the same time, being sure I didn't drop anyone, but I managed.:) Ian loved all the little toys that they had for him to play with at the center. We just might make another trip there again someday. 

Friday, April 20, 2012

Moment of the Day...

Ian fell asleep while eating......

Monday, April 16, 2012

Eternal Families...

Yesterday, we got to enjoy stake conference. There were so many great speakers, but one of my favorites was Elder Porter from the seventy. He told us about his family and how beautiful his daughters and wife are. He then told us that "they own his heart." This reminded me of my dad because he has four daughters, and we truly own his heart. I called him after church I told him all about Elder Porter's talk. My dad always tells me how proud he is of me, that I am such a great mom and how great my baby boy, and husband are. My dad always makes me feel so good about myself and I love him so much.
Elder Porter also spoke about the most important job a husband and wife could have. He told us being a mother and father. My dream job my whole life has been to be a mom. I choose that over any high paying job there is in the world. It brings me so much joy to be Ian's mom. I love watching him learn new things, and grow. He just started saying ma ma and it makes me so happy. He of course says it when he is sad, but it makes me feel so happy that he needs me, and loves me. Being a mom is not a easy job. After a hard day I lay Ian down for bed, kiss him goodnight, tell him how much I love him and he waves bye bye. After I lay him down I remember how amazing it is to be a mom. I truly love it!
Being a wife is the most amazing thing because I have the best husband. Elder Porter said, "the two things a person needs to have on their list of what they are looking for in a spouse are: are they a spiritual person and are they your best friend." Matthew is so strong in the gospel and I knew that from the day I met him. One thing that was on my list for what I wanted in a husband was he had to be a return missionary. A mission makes all the difference in a guy's life. They grow so close to our heavenly father in those two years. I hope and pray that my children serve missions just like their amazing dad. Matthew is truly my best friend. I tell him everything, he makes me laugh and makes me the happiest girl alive. I love you Matthew.
I am so thankful for great parents that taught me the gospel and instilled good standards in my life. I am so blessed to have a family of my own now. I love my husband and baby boy more than anything. Eternal families are the best thing ever!
Our cute family at the Vet school open house

Ian loves phones. He has started putting them by his ear and jabbering. Baby does what baby sees. lol

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

11 months

Ian is 11 months old today! We love our Ian to pieces. He seriously makes me laugh every single day. I love being his mom. I love that he has his own little personality already. I can tell his is going to test me for sure. He is such a tease, and likes to be daring. Poor boy has been learning to walk and the results of that is bumps and bruises all over his face. He loves his dad and they are best friends. When Matthew comes home from school he gets so excited when he walks in the door. I love it because I am so excited to see him too. :) One more month and our baby will be a year old. He is growing up so quick. He doesn't seem like a baby to me anymore, he acts so much like a big boy now.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter 2012

Pictures with the Easter bunny at the Stake Primary Easter activity. We took Ian to the mall and got pictures with the bunny there. He actually smiled, and was so excited to sit with the Easter bunny. We should get those pictures back sometime soon.

Ian loved that the Easter bunny brought him bubbles.

Ian loves his daddy. They are best friends!

We enjoyed a yummy Easter dinner of lamb and potatoes with just the three of us.

Ian sporting his new shirt the Easter bunny brought him.

Mom and Ian all dressed for church

Dad and Ian. Ian was so excited about his new tie.

Ian got to try his first chocolate Easter bunny.

I promise he didn't eat the whole thing on his own :)
We are so thankful for this time of year, that we get to celebrate our Savior, and his sacrifice for all of us. We are truly thankful that we can be free from sin, so that someday we can return to heaven to live as an eternal family.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Weekend Happenings

Friday, Ian and I got to go to Hermiston, OR with Matthew. He went to work with Dr. Peter a vet there in town. He got to spend lots of time looking in a microscope and testing bulls. While collecting and processing some bulls he was in and out of a walk in cooler most of the day. He also helped do an equine embryo transfer on a mare. Matthew loved being able to be outside working with cows, and asking Dr. Peter lots of questions. It was a great trip for him. Ian and I explored the town most of the day. We hit up Wal-mart, Payless shoes, and the small strip mall. Ian got his first pair of big boy walking shoes. He looks so big in them. When Matthew was finished we got back on the road and headed to Kennewick to visit Matthew's aunt Karen, and uncle Fen. They had a delicious dinner of tacos all ready for us when we arrived. It was great to visit with them for awhile.
Saturday, we got to watch General Conference. Matthew's aunt Cheryl Esplin is the second counselor in the primary, and we were treated with being able to listen to her speak.  I love listening to President Monson and our other church leaders speak. Their talks seem to always be what I need at the time. We are blessed to have the gospel in our lives. Watching conference reminds me of the peace the gospel brings to my life.
This is the one picture I got on our trip. Driving over the Columbia River.

During Conference Ian enjoyed putting stickers all over his head.

He also read his favorite book "The Foot Book".

Cheryl Esplin.

You can listen to our church leaders in General Conference here.