So our first 7 months of marriage have definitely been exciting but also challenging. We've gone through a lot together in this short amount of time. Sometimes I look back and can't believe everything that happened: Matthew's hospitalization and surgery, subsequent ER visits, him getting better, us both going to school, getting a new niece and enjoying our other niece, summer school, having to pay for school and the hospital, camping, trying to make sure Bailey (our dog) doesn't jump over the fence and get to the weird neighbors! I just feel like this really has been the busiest, most difficult time in my life. We are very happy, there is just always something waiting to throw us off our plan! But these have all been rich
experiences and, dare I say, blessings. I have really seen and felt the Lord in my life. When life throws us for a loop, He is always there. Looking back on everything, I really just feel like the Lord is helping us learn and that if we just follow His plan, nothing else will matter.

We are blessed because our problems are not with each other. We are blessed because we have family and friends close to us. We are blessed because we have our puppies. We are blessed because we love each other. We are blessed because we have the opportunity to be with each other for eternity and because we are together, we'll make it through everything. I am so grateful!