Thursday, February 24, 2011

Collaborative Cooking :)

Collaborative Cooking: Something that involves two cooks working together to make something delicious. - M&N (Not Webster you'll notice...We invented the collaborative, so we get to define is what we make it!)

Nik and I are collaborative cooks. We cook dinner together at least once a week. We've been doing this pretty much every since we moved out here, and I have learned to make some amazing dishes while enjoying some amazing company. Homemade noodles, chocolate cake, pizza sauce, Red Robin chicken burgers, chocolate covered strawberries, apple pie, and countless things courtesy of I love collaborative cooking!

The boys especially like it when we make desserts :) Yum!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A Workin' Woman

Call me Rosie the Riveter, I've joined the ranks as a work'n woman of the world! After two weeks of classroom time and a couple of exams, I'm now caring for patients. I have unit, a schedule, aa badge, day shift, and a great preceptor. I'm overwhelmed, but learning a lot. I salute all nurses out there who can balance a five patient work load. I'm definitely being stretched and pushed, but it's coming. Plus, I'm not getting lost as much. And...I love what I'm doing. I have missed caring for patients so much. So...All in's going good. I've got a long ways to go, but I'll get there eventually. Hooray for being a nurse!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Happy Love Day!

Matt and I left the left the city! We got dressed up and escaped the buildings, traffic, and headed for the Valley. We found our destination...Applebees. Yes, we were coming for the ribs. We enjoyed a delicious messy dinner, and drove home through Topanga Canyon (yes...just like on Boy Meets World). It was green and beautiful. We drove by the coast and enjoyed a beautiful sunset. Oh the days of Romance! Happy Valentines!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

My Last Hurrah!

So I made a sort of last minute decision to fly home to Salt Lake for my last week before starting my new job. Matt drove me down to long beach bright and early for morning flight. This was really my first time traveling all by group, no fam, no husband...but I did it! I made it home for some quality family time. I went shopping with my mom, met up with my sister in laws for Kneader's french toast, met up with a couple of old roommates at lunch time, went to the temple with my mom, shot hoops with Brett, and just enjoyed home.

And...had to fit in a couple of ski days of go to gotta ski. It was a good day. I kept up with my fam...that in itself is an accomplishment! We went through the tunnel to mineral basin at Snowbird - totally felt like I was in Disney Land!

(The Ant Heads)

And another trip to Alta...It's about time Tara's boyfriend Sean learned to ski. We're Balles...we like to ski together.

And had to have a dinner at Grandma Balle's...One of the things I miss about home the most! We played games and visited. It was a taste of heaven!