Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Happy Birthday Matt!

Mr. Matt turned 26! Typical birthday theme from the M&M LeChem household:

The day began with a German pancake breakfast and lots of present opening!

Matt is becoming an avid tool collector as he's been assembling a lot of furniture and hanging shelves lately.

We played some Tennis and catch at the park, and then we topped the afternoon of with Linner at Maccaroni Grill.

Then...We went out to the ball game at Dodger's stadium.

It was my first Major league ball game. With Brett as my brother, I've seen my fair share of little league, but never a major league game.

Of course, Matt had to bring his glove, hoping to catch a home run ball!

The atmosphere was classic. They have a real organist, not a recording, that plays take me out to the ball game. There were the peanuts...and the cracker jacks...and the Dodger Dogs. I rarely eat hot dogs, but on this occasion, in order to complete the experience, I ate my very own Dodger Dog. Plus, it happened to be Farmer John's 80th anniversary, so they were only a dollar!

It was so fun to sit with Matt, and be captivated by how dang fast the pitcher can throw the ball and how by some miracle the batter is able to smack that bullet to the outfield. Pretty amazing.

I must say I did have a few nerves going to this game....everyone kept telling me to be careful. I was afraid of getting beat up. But, I was pleasantly surprised. The fans were very nice and there are a LOT of police :)

And of course...Had to have The Boston if Matt's having a birthday.

We had a few friends over to share Boston cream pie and Ice cream.

(Kick'n back with tummy's full of Boston)

Happy Fun, Yummy, Safe birthday Matt!

The Blur...

So...the last two-three months have been a blur. I admit, I've lost all sense of time. Basically, I've become a professional baby shower consultant, work more than I ever thought I would, and finally started making our house a home with regular trips to Home Depot, Ikea, and First shower...first diaper Cake for my dear friend Nikki.

Second shower for my dear Friend Mary was a Super Boy I party...centered all around football bowl games.

You see, Everyone is pregnant in my life including Bones. It's becoming very trendy these days.

Matt's become obsessed with Pizza making and fresh basil.

He waits patiently by the 500 degree oven as the smoke alarm typically goes off because of the heat. Then, you'll find Matt waving a blanket back and forth in front of the smoke alarm. Quite a site!

Our first basil plant, Cameron, was kidnapped by the gardeners. We are still mourning our loss. We now have another basil plant named Mitchell. We take him out each morning so he can get enough sun light, bought him prime potting soil, and feed him daily. We're hoping he stays longer with us.

My mom came for a visit, essentially to take care of me while Matt went to New York and DC for EIGHT days too long over his spring break. I'm thoroughly convinced you never outgrow your need for your mom. LOTS of shopping ensued...

Late night ice cream run...

Ashtyn aka. JR arrived! You know that pink shower...that was for this little girl. Our first "niece." She's super cuddly and soft. After a long labor for Nik, and two hospital visits, we got to meet her. I love watching my dear friend transition into her new role as a mom. It's truly beautiful.

Matt's still obsessed with teeth. Yes...he took this picture all by himself of his own mouth for something or other.

He studies a lot, but I must say...this semester I have seen him MUCH more than last. Hooray!

And we still find time to frequent the beach. Thank Heaven.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Everyday Comings & Goings

Sometimes what we spend the most time doing becomes ordinary and everyday. However, it's what we do, what we invest ourselves in. It's our comings and goings.

1. Matt and I decided to break in the Tennis rackets...I'm learning (meaning I have almost nailed a few other players on the adjacent court). A little tennis lesson makes for a great date!
2. Matt's in finals mode. I really haven't seen much of him these last few days. He's book bound. However, throughout this semester, he's made some major accomplishments: survived systems class, learned how to drill or "prepare" a tooth, and learned to read X-rays.
3. I'm in transition. I've been working a lot, and feel very productive. I love working at Cedars, but being new is slightly stressful. I'm still trying to figure out my routine, carry a full patient load (I add a patient about every week), stay on top of my charting, and manage my time. I feel like all my patients need something at once. Anyways, I'm doing my best, but being a real nurse is harder than I thought it would be - physically, emotionally, and mentally. However, the patients are definitely worth the work.
4. Phone calls from home keep me going on my days off - I talk to my mom multiple times a day, Tara, Grandma, Dad, Brett, etc.

Mystery Adventure in My Mouth

Mystery Adventures...A Greg LeCheminant family tradition, or another name for a surprise vacation to a surprise destination. Matt grew up on Mystery adventures. Disney Land and Phantom of the Opera were among the attractions. Matt's and my honeymoon was a mystery adventure of sorts. Anyways, Greg (Matt's dad) spent the week with us at our place while on business in LA. We decided to instigate a little mystery into his vacation...A mystery in his mouth! Greg loves seafood. Matt's mother does not. Thus, we decided to whip up a little seafood surprise.

We made Salmon. It turned out quite lovely.

We enjoyed spending dinner together each night. Greg treated us to dinner at Paco's Tacos (first time I ever had a margarita at a restaurant in the U.S.) and Little Hong Kong Cafe. It was such a treat to get out on the town, and an even greater treat not to have to cook. Now...the Mystery was not over. Greg surprised Matthew with his hand made Christmas present: A beautiful redwood guitar wrack!

Matt loves it, and I love that his guitars will now be put away - not lying on my floor in "the guitar's bedroom" :)

One Year Older & Wiser too...

Yes...I had a birthday. Everyone shout hooray! I did decide to turn 23, not 22B this year. I was considering 22b, but then everyone at work keeps telling me how I look 14, so I decided to make the move.

I'm 23 years old. After a great pre-birthday party at home, March 2nd arrived. I had the day off work, but nothing eventful planned. However, my friend Mary went grocery shopping with me (I bought extra strawberries as a birthday gift to myself), and Mary surprised me with a birthday lunch along with a "kiss me it's my birthday" badge. Totally made my day. Matt arrived home, I got to open my birthday cards, and Matt sent me on a birthday treasure hunt.

I followed the rhyming clues to find my birthday treasures - compression socks (yes...I really don't want varicose veins), tennis rackets for both Matt and me, and a coupon for a new wallet!

Now, the partying continued. You'd think I turned 50 or something. Not so. We had my favorite cabbage salad with the Hagge's on Saturday. I even got the "you are special today" plate. And then, to top it off, Nikki made some of her divine cake and invited over a few friends. It was a great excuse to celebrate.

Last, but not least, my birthday did have a theme this year....ALL Mykel, ALL the time! Yes. I am that vain. If you're my family member, you may recall receiving a notification of my upcoming birthday and theme. Well, it worked. Stacy called me on my birthday eve, just to tell me she'd spent the day making an ice sculpture of me - I'm sure it looked amazing. My mother gave me real time updates of my birth story that lasted ALL day long. Text messages, birthday cards, calls, and songs...Man...Sure felt the love! Thanks for the birthday wishes!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Collaborative Cooking :)

Collaborative Cooking: Something that involves two cooks working together to make something delicious. - M&N (Not Webster you'll notice...We invented the collaborative, so we get to define is what we make it!)

Nik and I are collaborative cooks. We cook dinner together at least once a week. We've been doing this pretty much every since we moved out here, and I have learned to make some amazing dishes while enjoying some amazing company. Homemade noodles, chocolate cake, pizza sauce, Red Robin chicken burgers, chocolate covered strawberries, apple pie, and countless things courtesy of I love collaborative cooking!

The boys especially like it when we make desserts :) Yum!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A Workin' Woman

Call me Rosie the Riveter, I've joined the ranks as a work'n woman of the world! After two weeks of classroom time and a couple of exams, I'm now caring for patients. I have unit, a schedule, aa badge, day shift, and a great preceptor. I'm overwhelmed, but learning a lot. I salute all nurses out there who can balance a five patient work load. I'm definitely being stretched and pushed, but it's coming. Plus, I'm not getting lost as much. And...I love what I'm doing. I have missed caring for patients so much. So...All in's going good. I've got a long ways to go, but I'll get there eventually. Hooray for being a nurse!