Yesterday, Reese turned seven months old! I can't believe how big she is getting! She is perfect to me in every way! Right now she just learned how to clap, and her favorite thing to say ALL THE TIME is "dada!" Despite me constantly repeating "mama" to her, she always replies with "dada." I guess it is only fair since I swear that she is almost an exact clone of Matt. She is also becoming a lot more mobile. She looks to be on the verge of crawling, but I think her little buddha belly always gets in the way! My favorite thing to do is get her to smile or laugh. I've done the most ridiculous things for her just to get a giggle out of her! It's amazing the things you do when you become a mom. Next week we are heading up to Redding to see her Nanny and Grandpa for the Fourth of July. Matt and I are really looking forward to heading up there and seeing all the Jones.' We seriously have the happiest baby ever and I am so grateful for her!

Our big girl...

Looking like she is in trouble! I love her curly hair!

Eating butternut squash!