Saturday, August 23, 2008


I got tagged by my cousin Brooke. How to play this game. Post these rules on your blog; List 3 joys, 3 fears, 3 goals, 3 current obsessions/collections, 3 random surprising facts about yourself. Tag 5-6 people at the end of your post by leaving their names.
1. My family
2. Knowing I only have to be pregnant for another 7-10 weeks!!!
3. Good health
1. Anything happening to any of my family
2. not being able to keep my kids safe
3. drowning
1. shopping
2. decorating my house
3. keeping my house clean and organized
1. Have my Christmas shopping done before our baby is born
2. Get our fence and deck stained next month...(before the baby is born)
3. Be a nice mom while I'm pregnant!
Random Surprising Facts about myself
1. I have run a marathon (very surprising!!)
2. I really don't like running...except for after I'm done.
3. I could be a grandma by 38 if Alli has a baby at the same age I had her!

I tag Blaine and Heather, Thayne and Amber, Chris and Kim, Tara Lallatin, and Brooke Bevan

Thursday, August 21, 2008


We have had a lot of celebrating to do in Aug. Matt's birthday was on the 9th and Taylor turned the big 4 on the 19th. In the midst of birthdays Matt and I celebrated our 9th anniversary on the 17th. All I can say is time flies when you're having fun!

We celebrated Taylor's birthday three times. The first was with Matt's side of the family when they celebrated all the Aug. birthday's at Uncle Chad and Aunt Kim's house. The picture above is the second time we celebrated Taylor's birthday along with my nephew Josh's birthday which is on the 22nd at my parent's house. (Josh, Taylor, and Nathan lighting the candles)

The final time we celebrated Taylor's home on his birthday. He was so excited! All day he kept saying, "Mom, I can't believe I'm 4!!" Well Taylor...neither can I!

Taylor had a Hot wheel's birthday. He got a Hot Wheels t-shirt, cars, and track. He was one happy kid!
Alli, Taylor, and Caden racing cars

Grandma Wilson came down for Taylor's birthday dinner (Grandpa was out of town) and after dinner we had a water balloon fight. Grandma is quite the water fighter!! It was really fun!

So, I may be good at taking pictures of my kids, but I didn't get one picture of us celebrating Matt's birthday! Sorry Matt~ Happy Birthday anyway!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

What A Summer!

Our summer, though short, was so fun! It was filled with family. I have 4 siblings that live out of state and Matt has 2, so summer is when we get to see everyone. We acutually got to see all of my family this summer and all but one of Matt's brothers. It was busy, but fun. The most recent visit was from Matt's sister Mindy's family from Spokane. The kids loved spending time with their cousins. Between an outbreak of strep throat, throwing up from eating to many gummy bears, and Mindy getting sick at YW's camp and not being able to come to Utah with her family....this should be a memorable trip!! We did have a lot of fun when everyone was feeling good! Here are a few pictures.

Jet Skiing in Jordanelle Chris and KimLunch time
Poor Jordan with strep throat :( Taylor taking a breakThe whole Crew!!
Happy Caden!

This is a trip Mark, April, and I took to Temple Square with all ten kids! Two people actually asked me if the kids were all mine!! It was a crazy but fun day.

April, Lena, and Sara on trax
Taylor and Josh on trax
How we all felt when we got to California Pizza Kitchen at the end of the day. Luckily Matt met us there so we had one more adult to help with dinner and potty breaks!
Alli and Meggan
Me and my ten kids! And one on the way.
The girls
The boys
Brendan, Caden, and Jordan on trax
Emma, Meggan, and Alli on trax

Cute Kids!!
Grandma and Grandpa with all the kids

Thanks Mark and April for a fun week!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

New Blog

My sister Cadie loves making customized banners for blogs (and is very good at it!!! You can custom order banners and buttons on her blog She also knows I love to shop because I'm constantly calling her to tell her about the cute things I find. So she set up this new blog for me to post my shopping finds on...I think it's her way to get me to stop calling her! And I have to admit...I love it! I love blogging and I love combining the two just makes it that much better!
I'm sure most of you out there go shopping a lot more than I do...but for those of you who don't like to shop or don't have the time, you may find things on there to make shopping a little easier. So check it out!