Saturday, April 26, 2014


We had a fun Easter.  We colored the eggs on Friday night.  They loved it.  I boiled almost 3 dozen eggs and it was not enough.  They wanted more.  My sister-in-law Lisa and her kids came on Friday night to stay.  My niece Hannah had a volleyball tournament in Idaho Falls on Saturday, so it was fun to see them.

Saturday we went and watched Hannah's volleyball games.  When we got home we had our Easter egg hunt and then the kids played outside.  They boys got to fly their kites that they had gotten and they loved it.

Sunday we had church and then we went to my mom and dad's for another Easter egg hunt and a really nice dinner.  Easter was really late this year and it felt like it would never come, but it was a really nice day and weekend spent with family.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Another Busy Month

Time has just flown by this year so far.  March saw another crazy, busy month.

Between school, preschool, and all of the other activities it seems my time is totally consumed.  As I looked back through my pictures, I realized that I have hardly taken any pictures this year.  I need to start snapping more pictures or I won't remember what even went on this year.

We took the kids to the movie "Frozen" on dollar night for Family Home Evening.  That was a hit.  They love that movie and have watched several more times since it has come out.

The other night when I went to check on the boys before I went to bed, this is how I found Aiden.  I seem to always get some pretty funny pictures of them sleeping.  It is usually pretty entertaining.

I register the boys next week for Kindergarten.  YEAH!!!  They had to get the rest of their shots, so yesterday Matt and I took them in.  They were all excited and happy waiting.

Then after 5 shots each this is the expression.  Not so happy.  I especially love Collin's face.

Here are their stats:  Aiden - 44 lbs., 46 inches tall 
                             Brock - 41 lbs., 45 1/2 inches tall
                             Collin - 46 lbs., 46 inches tall

They are very close except for Brock.  He is my little skinny mini.  He will catch up eventually.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Busy times

Where have the first two months gone?  I really need to be better about blogging.  January was a cold month.  We stayed in a whole lot and just tried to stay warm.

The kids were out of school on Valentine's Day, so we went down to Utah and were able to go for the long weekend with Matt't brother Pat and his family to their cabin.  Their cabin is in Wanship, which is right above Park City, so we did a little shopping at the outlets on our way.

We were able to sled, snowmobile, play games, watch movies and just relax.  It was a very fun weekend and my kids keep talking about it.

Aiden and Matt


Kayla and Collin

Collin sporting Morgan's pink helmet

We got home on Monday night from Utah and then we turned around and headed back to Utah Saturday morning.  We went to Provo and stayed at a hotel.  The kids were able to swim and then we took them to a BYU vs. Portland basketball game.  The kids loved it.  It was so fun for them to go and they loved going with cousins.  

Collin, Aiden and Brock

Sunday was our niece Amanda's mission farewell.  She is going to Quarataro, Mexico.  She is a remarkable young woman who will be an awesome missionary.  It was fun to be all together as a family for one last time for 18 months.  

Now I think we are home to stay for awhile.  I am finally caught up on all of the laundry and feel like we are on our regular routine again.  Now if Spring would hurry I would be alot happier.  I am tired of winter and am ready for a change.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

New Year's Day 2014

The girls were so excited to stay up until midnight on New Year's Eve.  They both made it and Matt and I were the two who were struggling to stay awake.  We just watched movies and popped popcorn and had fun.

To finish off our fun Christmas break we took the kids to Fat Cats on New Year's Day.  We bowled, ate Pizza and played two rounds of glow golf.  The kids loved it.  They all kept saying how much they loved to bowl.  The boys have been bowling alot on Wii Sports so they were excited to see how well they could really do.  Their scores weren't quite as high, but they still had fun.

We had a fun break, but I was sure glad to see the girls go back to school.  It is so nice to get back on a schedule and get reorganized after the holidays.  The boys have also returned to preschool, so I am feeling like I am able to get some of my own projects done.  

Here is to a great 2014 full of lots of fun and adventure.


Christmas Eve was a fun filled day at our house.  The kids got in some time out on the snow hill and then we were able to make and decorate our sugar cookies for Santa.  After our dinner the kids each got to open a present which happened to be pajamas.  (Surprise!!!!)  Then it was off to bed.  They all decided to sleep in Paige's room together.

Christmas morning, my parents came over to watch the kids open presents.  The kids all got just what they asked for and more.  They loved it.  We spent the morning opening and assembling toys.  Then the kids got to enjoy the day and all of their loot.  We went to my parents house for a nice dinner and then we all went to bed early.  The kids are all so fun to watch and the boys got excited over the littlest things.  There is no greater joy than seeing your kids so happy.

Aiden's favorite gift was his Rescue City Center

Brock's favorite was his flexible race track

Collin's favorite was hes Triple Track Twister

Kayla loved her Polly Pocket hotel

Paige has been wanting a desk for so long and she finally got it.  Yeah!!!

Ricks Family Christmas Party

The weekend before Christmas was my families Christmas Party.  We started with lunch and then we played the kids favorite game, Christmas BINGO.  Grandma gets huge baskets full of the best prizes and my kids absolutely love it.  Then the kids all decorated gingerbread houses for the girls and gingerbread trains for the boys.  The boys covered every last inch of theirs with candy.  Then we had gifts and a nice dinner.  It was a fun weekend and my kids got super spoiled.

Welcome Home Ryan and Nielson Family Christmas Party

My nephew Ryan (Darren and Bessy's son) was coming home from his 2 year mission to Quatemala the same weekend as our family Christmas Party.  We decided it would be fun to go a day early and be at the airport to welcome him home.  It was a fun experience and it was so fun to see him and how he has changed.

After we left the airport we headed downtown Salt Lake and took the kids on Trax, which the boys were thrilled with.  They thought it was so fun riding a train.  Then we went and saw the lights on Temple Square.  We had a great time and only froze a little.

We had a fun time at the Nielson Family party.  It started with lunch at the church, then the Pinata full of fun surprises, the Nativity production, a visit from Santa and the gift exchange.  It is so fun to see how much all of the kids have grown.  They spent every minute playing with their cousins and they had the best weekend.